Why did Obama spend $65000 on pizza and dogs?


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King Nigger is a Pedophile.

RE: Get ready for "Chicago Hot Dog Friday"

If we get the same "waitresses," I'm all for it!!!

Aaric S. Eisenstein

Same reason they all do it.

why does politics attract degenerate pedophiles??

power corrupts
absolute power corrupts absoblahblah

He's our president. We all need some leisure time, from time to time.

Now, the real question is, when will Drumpf release his tax records?

if power corrupts, wouldn't normal people be fucking models and hot chicks?

I mean, is there a more ultimate expression of dominance and power than fucking a little girl with umpunity?

I fail to see it.
I think it'd be a much more show of power to fuck a bunch of attractive adult females who are past puberty.

standard level rich people can already do that though

Must have been some really good 'za

The left always falsely accuses the right of doing what the left is in fact doing.

>$65000 on pizza
It was the good shit
>now watch this thread get buried underneath 40 shit/shill-post threads

- - - Reminder - - -

If you find a name and you believe it might be related you can search the White House visit logs for date and time and reason of visit.


Remember the James O'Keefe videos and the goons working for the DNC/Clinton campaign visited the White House many times.

apparently that's his niece, daughter of

Pedo and incest... most degenerate president ever!!!!!!!!

did i miss something why would that have anything to do with pedophilia i thought we would discuss how that is a waste of tax money

kek, for a girl it must suck when your fathers niece is like a billion times more kawaii than you are

>Chicago Style


Suberting my opposition young like the jews do, or pulling a pinochet /stalin and having unnusual cruel deaths to my opposition sound both much more interesting than fucking little girls

yeah it is really strange that all these politicians got powerful just so they could fuck little kids.

i mean wtf?