Interracial Couple at My Thanksgiving

Anons, I need your help, I have a hot cousin who is bringing her new dindu boyfriend to our family get together....


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Treat them well.

show him Sup Forums. then tell him you are a "spider person".

My digits say your cousin will be impregnated by the dindu and become a single mother.

Not the answer I was looking for... Kys

thanksgiving was yesterday

Having your cousin fuck a nigger must make you really uncomfortable. Hopefully she's old and washed out. That way you feel better about it.

Fuck her in front of the nigger so he knows who's boss

Just go and make fun of her every chance you get, especially in front of her parents. The shame will be amazing.

I wish one of my family members would show up with a nigger. I would always tease my grandma when I was real little and tell her one day I was going to bring a cute nigger girl back to Christmas, and she would get mad. I'd say, what if I loved her grandma? You would still get presents for our kids, right? She'd get so pissed.

Kill them.

OP here, She's 17

Wait till he goes to the bathroom, follow him, and say this to him:

Be a nice person. Don't be an austic aggressive neckbeard

play this after dinner

rape her.

then him.

Fine, whatever, have your family take her side and ostracize you for being a racist.

En Ingles you fucking spic

BTFO Shill! CTR misses you faggot

cuk her

Go back to /hc

Wow. That's real rough man. You should have red pilled her while you could. You can try now but odds are she's brainwashed. I don't know where you live but maybe you could scare him off?

Fuck off retard, no white family wants their daughter with a nigger. Most of them are too much of a cuck to interfere, but the shame is still there. Imagine how fucking ashamed the parents are having her bring that monkey to a family gathering.

The key is to draw a bunch of attention to it and make them feel like shit for being fucking cucks. Spend the whole dinner talking about rap, ask him if he plays sports, make a reference to needing to smoke some weed and imply he will be able to get you the hook up. When he goes to the bathroom wink at your cousin and crack a joke about the size of his dick.

Like how? I was thinking about wearing my MAGA hat, good start?


Dont acknowledge either of them.

Wear a Trump button.

If it triggers the nigger, it will increase the chances of tension and fights, leading to better chances of a breakup down the line.

If the nigger likes Trump, it will be fucking hilarious.

BTW , this is all going down in Michigan , a suburb of Detroit so who knows... If the nigger likes Trump should I give him a pass?

OP again, I should also mention her dad is a major Christ Cuck... I think that's what led to this disaster, thoughts?

Nah, he's still a nignog.
He might be an Uncle Tom but never forget that his primary intention is to fuck your white cousin.

Maybe, but since he's black and thus inferior he has to let you fuck your cousin whenever you want

Talk to every all other family members and just ignore them.

he may end up being the coolest person you ever meet. but equally, he may be a waste of space. find out first.

Both of you make the Deutschland proud.

Just kill everyone

Fucking shocked you're the only person who pointed this out.

If he comes near you, wince and runaway screaming "Don't hurt me, I dindu nothin!"

Out of state faggots had to delay it to Saturday

Rape her, KEK wills it.

>tfw only race mixers in my family are male and they are distantly related anyway
>all siblings and cousins are with whites

this man is right.
If the parents had done the job right this wouldn't have happened.

If they accept this and are fine with it. be cool and do as this op says. Show how degenerate this negro really is. use cunning and guile. DOnt be passive agreessive

remember to shake his hands liek this

I wouldn't know how to start from that point honestly. Take him innawoods and give him the Dick Cheney treatment, idk.

drop the n bomb

better yet still fist bump. and get some watermelon in for desert.

>Dating a nigger who acts civilized
Why not date a white dude? I'm 99% sure the whole point of dating a black person is because of their ghetto culture

I mean the reason most people hate niggers is because the average nigger is subhuman. Key word average: outliers do exist. Just as you have wiggers and other degenerate whites, occasionally it's possible to find a cultured, proper black that's only nigger by colour.

They are definitely very rare, I'll give you that. I've only ever met one in my life. Supporting Trump is a good start, but it's not a magic ticket: give him a temporary pass and keep an eye, or two, on him to find out more.

All great wizard material

>Anons, I need your help, I have a hot cousin who is bringing her new dindu boyfriend to our family get together....
Don't show up. Just segregate yourself from anything that will involve him. He'll be gone in a month anyway.

show her a picture of a mother and a daughter and say 'it's lovely how her daughter looks the same as her mother, it's so cute'
also tell her you read an article stating that IQ is mostly determined by genetics
also tell her you read an article stating that 85% of children in african-american community are raised by single parents, be sure to mention how horrible it is and how those kids deserve better

you fucking cuck. thats the wrong answer a good nigger is a dead nigger.

>I'm 99% sure the whole point of dating a black person is because of their ghetto culture


think about a certain stereotype that is perpetuated about black men.. and on this very website too

Text her this kind of shit and then after you post all the info to her phone follow up with "NIGGER LOVER NIGGER LOVER NIGGER LOVER"

stab him in the throat. Make him unwelcome as possible to the family. Threaten him with violence. If he still doesn't know his place and back off make good on your threats.

Cuck alert

>What is a bell curve

that's just ridiculously transparent and passive aggressive. All that will do is draw her closer to him as she thinks everyone is against him.

fuck off back to london pole

Even if they are an outlier, we should not approve of racemixing full stop. If you had any idea on how race works you'd agree with me, you stupid british cunt.

I would ridicule and belittle the nigger, or just not let her into the house at all.

>what is a flatline?

whip out your dick at the dinner table in front of your cousin and go "IM THE BIG MAN !!! IM THE BIG MAN !!! ME, ME, MEEEE!!! ALL FOR ME!!!" Than stand on the table and thrust your dick in your cousins face

Alright that is a fair point.

well seeing as he's a dindu he'll end up going full ape sooner or later.

mudshark's remorse is real and inevitable.

Now there's an idea!

I can place Whites only sign above the door, place a Colored sign over the dog house.

Sounds more like something you'd seek out in a fuck buddy. Partners have to have something appealing about them emotionally and I think that aspect is covered by what I mentioned.

prep him

never letting it happen in the first palce is the only right answer. not inviting may or may work, but letting him become the object of ridicule merely galvanises her with him. it will be her agasint her fmaily beacuse love conquers all and all that shit.

competley wrong play. so him up for what he is.

Typical leaf shitpost

If your a fagot there is nothing you can do. If you are a man offer to take him hunting as a male bonding thing or some shit. Then scare the shit out of him till he's running for the hills. Tell him you will kill him. If he ignores you beat the shit out of him. If he still ignores you again. Kill him or hire the local gang to kill him.

Wear your MAGA hat to dinner.

thanks giving is over. what the fuck is wrong with your family

also your cousin is only a 3/10 you have shit taste

Can it Fatso burger, you just hate me because i accurately depict the truth of how you all really feel

No fuck off. Its not just about IQ its about more than that. Its about race honor and tradition. Also just because the darkie is a smarty doesn't mean his child will be.

Okay how about this:

1. How are your grades in Mathematics and Chemistry, Mr. Dindu?

2. What does your father do for a living, Mr. Dindu?

3. Whereabouts do you live Mr. Dindu? *insert answer* OH, that's a pretty bad area.

4. What are your career goals, Mr. Dindu?

5. Have you ever shot a gun before Mr. Dindu?

Really though, your aunty and uncle fucked up by sending their daughter to be educated by pavement apes. Doubly so for letting her date one.

If it was my daughter I would completely cut her out of my life if I had proof she was a race mixing degenerate.

Jesus, is shitposting a mandatory course for Canuck citizenship? Suck Tredeaus little dick bitch


Way to break that redneck stereotype.

Hang yourself Aussie, since you faggots gave away your guns.

>2. What does your father do for a living, Mr. Dindu?

Australians never cease to amaze me

Call him a dumb nigger and tell your cousin she's a dumb whore whose kids will look like dried dog shit. It'll go over well and your family will think you're a hero.

Yeah I hadn't thought of his children. That's what posting at 1am does.

My point still stands for black friendship, but since this is a relationship none of what I said applies, my mistake.

>What does your father do for a living, Mr. Dindu

Never change australia

You must keep your shit as cold as you can. Don't stare at the nigger like you would look on starving chimpanzee in chinese zoo. Don't blink too much when estabilishing the eye contact - that applies for your cousin aswell, remember if she is brave enough to capitalize the slut fantasy about having a BBC in her innocent white pussy, she must have touched herself whilst thinking about you fucking her - at least once.
In conversation, you cant ask if there is any fried chicken left.
>"gee, sandy, its a real shame that we don't have X(put the name of meal here) on the table. Y'all would love that."
>sandy looks a bit confused
>"you mean me and tyrone?"
>"Yes. It best taste with those green, fruits."
They wont even give a shit that you have meant avocados, not watermelons. You have no fucking idea if they are plotting to fuck you up at court for racist insults in order to drain your wallet. You don't know if Tyrone doesn't need a dick surgery or brain implant after a gun wound.
You must practice fork throwing to make sure to take nigger out in case he will start raving afterwards hearing that "he aint president no more" with southern accent.
And for fuck sake, find an ebony bimbo and bring her aswell. Tell cousin that she wont be making out of herself a big time player, point out that bring the nigger to the family table is for the pussies and suggest that she is probably missing a real man.
Fuck her brain out in toilet, tape it and post here

But I own several guns, cousin fucker

Re-organize the Thanksgiving so that its a pool party. I guarantee you he wont show up

Will it be a heated pool, and will there be 11, 9 and almost-7 year old children for some further entertainment?

you must be related to jimmy savile

I mean, Savile could easily have been part of the same pedo ring as Podesta, or at least have ties to the overarching network. It's not like it's a new thing, or an american-only thing.

Leave some money around as bait. Get a web cam to record it.

Go out of your way to not speak to her, and make it very clear to her that you want nothing to do with her. She will get the hint.

Write nigger in toothpaste on the bathroom mirror

Leave/don't go. You know what happened when my old uncle married a spic money grabbing black widow, the family didn't show up anymore. His place used to be the hub of family get togethers.

Must be nice having wifi in the cuckshed.

>Abraham Lincoln wants to send the niggers back to Africa
>South starts a war for their elite to hang on to their free labor because "southern pride"
>South loses and proceeds to chimp out and blame everything on the north even though Lincoln gave them every opportunity to surrender
>South is so fucking mad they kill Lincoln, handing over reconstruction to the Republicans
>Republicans want free votes so they let the niggers stay because they have absolutely no foresight
>Niggers now live in America and almost every civil problem we have can be traced back to them
>Southerners still pride themselves on being somehow in the right in the war
>They still pretend to be the true anti-nigger party in the US
>Even though almost all niggers are in the south
>And all coalburners
God damn I hate the south. If you're from the south, fuck you.

top kek

AND before anyone throws accusations of Lincoln being a railroad jew, I don't fucking care. Knowing what we know now, how the fuck can you stand by the assassination of Lincoln? Deporting niggers back to Africa would've improved the quality of life by such a huge margin, half the race baiting threads you see on Sup Forums wouldn't even fucking exist.

Give thanks for George Zimmerman.

Act like a total wigger the nigger will reveal his true colours if your cousin doesnt wake up after seeing that she isnt worth it

the fuck....this is really bad advice

Sup Forums itself probably would not even exist

>Deporting niggers back to Africa would've improved the quality of life by such a huge margin, half the race baiting threads you see on Sup Forums wouldn't even fucking exist.

That shit wasn't going to happen you dumbfuck asshole. Lincoln fucked up bad by letting the slaves go free. Accept it.

Befriend the guy, then later ask him if you could watch him pump your milky white cousin's tight, European pussy with his massive, African rod, longer and thicker than any measly white cock. When he fires his frothy white seed into her waiting orifice, ask if you could lap up the remaining excess which spills out from those reddened lips, sore and worn from taking such a ferocious pounding.

Your cousin is literally never going back to tiny white dick. There's no reason to even bother trying to even make a fool of yourself. You might as well enjoy the ride while it happens and get off.

Express your disgust vocally, and storm out.

Alternatively shoot your cousin and her pet monkey.