Science finally supports that we are all born as blank slates and gender is merely a construct

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>The Plaid Zebra


Link to the actual research paper?

men have a higher brain mass and different body chemistry

gender is biological

That's not even true. Gender is formed in the womb, and it's fully possible for someone to have a female brain in and male body and vice versa, but it's an actual disorder and not a trendy thing to pick up because you wanted to be special.

brainwashing works

>Imagine you're a woman
>Can't reproduce
>Genes die out
>Natural selection
It really made my brain process thoughts

>gender is a construct
>that's why trannies have mental defects and 'are born in the wrong gender'

Transgenderism is a mental disorder.

Gender isn't just a social construct when your body makes hormones specific to each sex and said hormones guide which way your (((gender Identity))) is formed

>The Plaid Zebra

the fvck is this? sage

o rly?

Female brain on the left, Male brain on the right.

let, (((plaid zebra))) let me use positive thinking to make babby in my body then. then create all inclusive power lifting competitions which will then never, ever, have a woman win.

Damn you beat me to it by seconds.

Just so you all know, this is the consensus opinion of the Gender Sciences community. Trans/nonbinary denialism is hate speech.

Is this why women can't into logic easily? Their emotional side and logical side are so closely connected?

>Fake news

D-delete this !


>one pop scientist with an agenda measured one metric, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!


so what you are trying to say is that being a faggot or a tranny is merely a choice?

Gender may be a construct, but genitals are concrete.

TIS WAS 2013



>Science finally supports
Translated: Finally one single study from disreputable source do not conclude the contrary to that *insert claim*

all creatures are born as a blank slate. species is a social construct perpetuated by the fascist mother nature. DNA is purely a matter of placebo

there was an experiment somewhere between 60's and 80's where psychologist convinced parents of male twins to rise one of them as a girl
boy suffered serious mental problems and ewentually killed himself

could anyone provide sauce?

really makes my neurons fire off causing an electrical or chemical signal to pass through my synapses to another neuron, forming a network of dancing lights in the matrix of my logic centers.

This. Just shows that homosexuality is a choice, and that society is morally responsible for educating men to be men, and women to be women.

male brain= 4Ghz quad core processor with even distribution of tasks and proper cooling

female brain=2 Ghz single core processor that that becomes bottlenecked when flooded with too much information, also thermal throttling once per month

>from disreputable source
it's the zebra for fuck's sake! It must be valid. Like that one documentary on Jew Tube about homosexuality in the animal kingdom.

>all born as blank slates
>gender is a social constrict

the original article mentions none of that

exactly what I was thinking. These bitches are running linear threads.

Isn't the cornerstone of gender dysphoria (and therefore all trannydom) the evidence of brain scans being different between cis males and females, and trans showing scans alike to their opposite gender? This blows that foundation out the water.

> Chromosomes don't exist
> Penises and vaginas don't exist
> ((( The Plaid Zebra )))

Try again Shlomo.

Who paid for those scientists to spend all that time researching this topic?

Science isn't free.

>I was born gay

If current knowledge about the brain and that image are accurate, that's a decent guess.

What ? This is ridiculous

Im an masters studying in neuroscience studying anxiety and genetics and I can tell you its utter BS.

Gender influences the chemical balance between serotonin and dopamine and that by itself is enough to change EVERYTHING.

Of course you are gonna have guys whose chemical brain makeup is more similar to the female pattern and vice versa, and some weird exceptions that dont fit the model.

But in general, the SUM of inate behavioral tendencies pushed by genetics with the historical existance with a dick or vagina, should in someway work out to form a healthy individual who takes pleasure off of reproducing.

But our degenerate society obsessed with waiting for the right time is stressing our predicting capacities to its limit leaving everyone anxious and a lot of cucks choosing the easy way out (to be passive, allowing serotonine to take over inhibiting your dopamine releases and killing a lot of your drive, making you docile and complacent)

This happens at CRITICAL years of youth, when dopaminergic networks should be excited to their limits, instead we teach our brains how to inhibit them.

Its no wonder that his generation of screw ups is gonna use the little dopamine they have left into rationalizing how not to spend more dopamine. And voalá, we have this philosophical clusterfuck where people want to prove that gender is a social construct, when all social constructs are invariably subjected to biology.

I don't know how it ever became understood that anyone who has gender dysphoria (or anything alike to that) isn't mentally- or physically-ill.

If you don't identify as the sex your body matches, you are mentally ill.
If you body doesn't match a proper gender, you are physically ill (and probably mentally ill as well, since the chemicals in your body are directly and measurably responsible for your mental state).

These people need help, understanding and accepting that they need help is essential to giving them a healthy and successful life where they can achieve happiness. Popular media was originally working towards acceptance of their state (while they seek help), but at some point it ran out of control and was mutated into a campaign not for acceptance of their condition but for acceptance of them as normal, healthy humans. This needs to stop. It is no different than advertising tobacco on television or even something absurd like "Letting (deity) decide what's best and not seeking medical help because that would be going against His will."


Gender roles are a social construct, gender is not.

post the rest pls.

Exacly leaf, its a mental health problem.

Its not like we need to lock faggots for their own good, but we need to do like russia and outlaw faggot propaganda, that way only the really unfortunate ones will be victim of this disease.

That's a very dishonest article

Which is why this is a disorder. This trait wouldnt survive with a sexually reproducing species. Its a mental illness, and the only reason it isnt treated as such is because of lobbyists.

I can confirm this data with a personal experience.

My girlfriend who is decently intelligent and redpilled voted for the first time, and despite only really educating herself on Trump, she was tricked into voting for 3 or 4 candidates she had no clue about before she realized you could leave it blank.

She said she voted for the ones that sounded white... but this scares me, as I said earlier, this was supposed to be one of the intelligent ones.

Not according to the "experts"

>species is a social construct
Intelligence is just a metric biased against non-humans. What psychosocial behavior is desirable is completely relative.

Women just have 17% less of a blank slate

lol who has time to read that goyim?

pick one brah

What a joke. We are not blank slates because a set of innate ideas are necessary to have experience in the first place, such as time and space. Kant shut down that Lockean nonsense centuries ago. Not to mention, the reality of genetics turns the blank slate hypothesis into a joke. Yes, gender is a social construct, but all that really does is reinforce the truth that what really matters is sex.

They're not scientific, but okay.



the niggers of the 2 genders

Without men they are corrupting a good system, without men telling them what to do, they are lost.

>Men without women
we need an influx of refugees, simply we cannot survive without other people breeding....

And it's tied into the receptors in the brain for estrogen and testosterone.
Fucking transtrender faggots fucking up actual medical research.

Thanks burger.

>Im an masters studying in neuroscience studying anxiety and genetics and I can tell you its utter BS.

Yeah I was studying down that path myself (before deciding to drop out and become a full time loser) and gender, as you say plays a tremendous role in cognitive development.

To deny this is to deny that the sky is blue.

A sad state of affairs


Okay, so trannies aren't born with the "wrong brain in the wrong body" and since brains aren't "gendered" that means it is a mental illness as the only way to determine gender/sex is by biology?

Really makes you think huh.

Top kek

>he has never heard of David Reimer


Its not a choice though you fucking spic

For fucks sake, this is retarded.

Grace hopper would like to have a word with you.

She created the first compiler. If it weren't for compilers, most people would be too retarded to create all of the software you currently enjoy, possibly even this board.

No, there is no science that supports this concept, the only science there is on the subject is being born with brains on more female or male hormones then others, which has nothing to do with orientation or gender identity.

>this lie again
lmao. and niggers invented peanut butter


And a man could have never done it if she had not, of course. We all know that. Uh huh.

>this faggot right here


>we all choose our own gender
>therefore trannies need to buck the fuck up and join the rest of society

Pretty based article, desu

Its a disorder and it can be Fixed

I'm with you user, girls can be just as intelligent, consistently proven that they can be. Simply less incentive for the majority to invest their life in academia (for most of history, they were unable to even if they wanted too)


Of course a man could have done it. That's not the point.

Since no one noticed this:
>In the present work we have used stereological and correlative light and electron microscopy to show that men have a significantly higher synaptic density than women in all cortical layers of the temporal neocortex.

> science
Yeah, no shit.

I'm not even saying that as many women on average could be as intelligent and all these retards sperg out.

I'm just saying that the rare few human beings that can be worth a shit, could be men or women.

That entire orange line is probably just one thought bouncing back and forth 100 times

Heterosexual relationships seem just as much a disorder, just normalised Stockholm Syndrome.

Top fucking kek

>tfw 2 dum 2 B man

Sup Forums is rarely intellectual, just emotional reactionaries who are offended as easily as social justice warriors.

gender regards reproductive organs, not the state of ones brain.


Thanks for the (you)'s m8s

>everyone is dumb, except for me

what a coincidence, I see you are enlightened intellectuals too

What's the point?
Exceptions make the rule?

t. womun

Article directly underneath

>research shows chocolate is just as addictive and harmful as cocaine

seems like a credible source of news

Passive aggressive much you little cunt. Lol

oh, somebody isn't successful....


You realize science is a process in which a theory is tested through criticism against other theories to prove it's own validity, yes?

You can't just say "this is how it is" and disregard all other information.

Gender isn't a social construct because it is a physical attribute you are born with. It is your body's sex. You can have a different mental identity but your gender will always be the same, unless you reinforce certain hormones with medication. In this instance, you would be fighting against nature. If you were to stop using the hormonal treatment, your body would revert back, to the best of it's ability.

Your gender is not the same as your sexual identity or preferences. I really wish SJWs would understand what science is before citing it as proof to their narrative, while simultaneously disregarding additional information.


Good one beans

Simple pop sci

Look for any small result that might support your theory and use it to create a bogus headline inconsistent with the study.

The study is small and proves nothing. It also was only looking at a very small portion of the total brain and on a very simple variable of size.

It's equivalent to citing a study that males and females have the same size eyeballs and therefore are equal. It intentionally comes to a stupid conclusion that was not a focus of the study.