These cunts look like they've got t-shirts and sweatshirts on what kind of temperatures are considered "freezing" in north dakota?
>Literally a super soaker.
Reminder that liberals are doing this because of a greedy tribe wanted to hold out
>literally out in t-shirts and thin hoodies
>temp ranging from 50-40 every day lately in North Dakota
Technically it was "Mother nature's" fault for being so cold outside. If God cared he would've kept the temperatures neutral, but he foresaw the events.
Maybe we should sell them some blankets
Is there any live streams
Why wont you let us contaminate your water supply so nestle co™ can sell you your own water back to you at many times the price?
>obstruct commerce
>get killed
liberals are doing this because warren buffet is going to lose ~$2 billion a year.
its paid opposition reinforced by useful idiots.
it wouldnt have happened if it was still the keystone pipe line. white people can refuse a stupid pipe line fucking up traffic but god forbid some jews and injuns do it
6 dead red guys and a jew thats about to be in amputee pron all so some wealthy white guys didnt miss tee time at a golf course thats shit in another state months ago
Are you kidding me? They're fighting over that tiny piece of land? They just happen to bury their dead at the tippy end of their huge reservation? Fuck off. Honestly at first I sympathized but after seeing they had a chance to block it legally but didn't show to meetings and now this bullshit. Those idiots deserve what they get
To be honest, using freezing water can be very dangerous and life-threatening on people with weak resistance to cold, especially during winter. It's like spraying freezing water on an old woman. I'm surprised there hasn't been any hospitalized person. The police should be sued.
Ok faggot listerine asian
looks like they could have just gone around the other way with the pipe unless that's up a mountain or some shit.
Try comparing apples to rubber tires. There was no demonstration against Keystone. It was killed by presidential fiat.
>concertina wire
>body armor
The militarization of police must be stopped
Wow so cool OP, because water cannons really worked keeping civil rights protesters in check huh?
The water isn't frozen dummy. Also, maybe someone should actually freeze to death at the hands of the weather police before suing for not being the police.
Assuming that river is upstream of the reservation, you really think people arent a little pissed off they'll be drinking petrol water? I guarantee that pipeline will leak exactly right at the river.
In freezing temps it does.
>muh small government
>muh resistance
>muh personal freedom
>also we'll allow the government to exercise unreasonable violence against protesters
Sometimes I don't get you, Sup Forums
I wrote freezing, not frozen, dummy.
its not the only pipeline
Yeah, I know. They aren't freezing the water dummy.
Should had froze those praire niggers desu.
they're pissed because that pipe is going to leak oil into their entire water table. Note they don't propose putting the pipe upstream of Bismark, to avoid contaminating the water of a city.
The water freezes them, dummy.
There's oil pipes all over the fucking place and the water is just fine. Do you think this is the first pipe to ever be laid down or something?
It's only bad if the Gov't uses white people's land. I.E Bundy Ranch. A bunch of timber niggers? Nah fuck em.
How. It's 40 fucking degrees Fahrenheit in North dakota?
Sup Forums isn't one person
>how can you run a blood stream inches away from my stomach, god? It's going to leak! Internal bleeding!
you fuckers are dumb for real
its a fucking pipe you idiot not some kind of revolutionary and unproven technology
we as activists must stand up to this injustice and against racist police everywhere we can. From the round table to the dinner table at thanksgiving stand up and call anyone attending Thanksgiving dinner a racist nazi and point to each person telling them about how their responsible for the holocaust of the indians.
#CopBlock, give no cop safe quarter, shut them all down from all community activities by targeting their children!
Pipes are pretty revolutionary man.
Especially when it comes to corrosion control.
pipelines burst, and leak 10's of thousands of gallons of oil into rivers. It's not that uncommon.
It happened just a few weeks ago in Pennsylvania.
Spare us your platitudes, native, your lectures on the evils of
colonization and cultural appropriation. Spare us your pity and petty
anger, your stories of woe and white guilt.
You talk about your
great culture, your harmony with nature, your way of life. Yet where
has it gotten you? Where are your feats of engineering, your voyages of
discovery? Where are your scientific advances, your technological
wonders, your insight into the nature of Creation?
Even at our
basest, when we dressed as you do, hunted as you do, lived as you do, we
did more then merely survive. We built wonders. We forged epics. We
established monuments in God's name. We carved our names in stone and
secured our place in history. You did not.
We came to America in
search of land, resources and religious freedom. Whether you had
welcomed us (as you did) or driven us off, the result would have been
the same. And in a thousand years you would have not have changed from
your contact with the white man. We would return once again more
advanced and enlightened, to still find you living in your huts, hunting
with bows and spears, communing with your "Great spirit"; a sad parody
of civilization, lacking that special spark to become something more.
you refused to advance, to adapt, to improve, you yourselves doomed
your "culture" to a painful death. To blame us for your demise is as
useful as blaming the sea for washing away a sandcastle.
You had
the run of this land for thousands of years, and because you wasted that
time, this land has been taken from you. And above your graves we push
forward, ever improving, ever expanding, constantly reaching for a
higher plain of existence.
It IS uncommon ya dingus. In fact, you only hear about ones that do.
Just watering my hippies.
fuck off cop lover, some day we wont need laws to take people like you out who support of system of intolerant racism because your a nazi. Watch out because we are coming. #CopBlock Freedom through Revolution.
Why do retards say this? Of course it isn't one person, which is why it's called Sup Forums not /kevin/.
They needed to "chill" anyways
I said it's uncommon, I just said it's not THAT uncommon, It's not a once a decade thing or even a once a year thing, but it's not a daily thing either. It's happened... about 30 times this year. It's common enough to warrant being worried over leaks ruining your water table.
If we have to go in "this time we're keeping the Casinos "!
Sounds like the protesters needed to chill out.
>freezing temperatures
You're right this is inhumane, they should shoot them with boiling water to compensate
>millions of pipelines supplying the natural gas heating your house RIGHT NOW
>that's ok cuz we dont think about it =)
>one more oil pipeline
>muh water safety! muh pipe leaks! Muh much safer oil transported by truck and train! They never derail or crash!
Lol. You're a fucking dumbass. Stay in France you stupid pussy bitch.
Is this another word redefined by SJWs?
Freezing is somewhat cool temperature without priviledge.
Coming. Yeah, in some bath house in San Francisco.
Injun faggots. This time we're keeping the Casinos!
Such a small minded observation, a pox on society I dare say!
Here's a (you), nigger.
As usual, always follow the money.
But it is THAT uncommon, you know, being uncommon and all. And it hasn't happen 30 times this year.
>not having fuel oil appliances so that you can have giant tanks of diesel
The water is binary neutral!
Shut your corn hole or no more Fire Water!
Is there video?
Just add salt in the water it lowers the freezing point and it allows the canons to work in cold weather.
Actually they changed the original path because the Bismark mayor complained
Not him but I'm curious how many happened because of poor pipe inspection or construction accidents.
Matter of fact, barely 5 happened this year if I recall correctly.
That would damage property and actually be an enviromental hazard.
Sure thing, (((ACLU)))
Whitey left holding back the native peoples, again. These fuckers literally want the natives to still live in a fucking tee pee.
>Wearing thin clothes
This oil company has had 200 oil leaks in the past 6 years
The pipeline goes right below the drinking water of indigenous people
>People are siding with this corporation over these native Americans.
Is your picture the joke that you're too stupid to know what freezing water is?
OH NOES! A few leaks letting oil return where it came from. From the ground. What a catastrophe!
Fucking chugs never happy with anything
Buffalo have been shitting and pissing all over that land for a few thousand years, but all of a sudden, a few drops of crude oil that came from the earth is going to somehow contaminate and kill off the entire tribe?
You better be pretending to be retarded, faggot.
>established a free speech zone
top kek
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
it came from the ground like 400 miles away
The silence and inaction of Obama...
And natives come from asia. Are you suggesting we send them back? You racist piece of shit.
Don't Fucking laugh Motherfucker! These are war crimes against humanities and in violation of multiple Geneva Conventions!
Rhwy should immwsiRWLY be charged in the UNC criminal world courts!
>be native
>white people invade us and start killing us. Claim North America as their country
> as white people "evolve", they pollute the land and kill all the wildlife
>get depressed so start drinking
I'm gonna blow your puny mind, but did you know there's also such a thing as boiling water, and it's not just steam?
feces and urine biodegrade. Crude oil does not and is toxic.
>few drops
10's of thousands of gallons is not a few drops.
>enviromental hazard
Fucking vegans.
Use tear gas or tazers instead, be creative...
We tried to fight against big government for years while these idiots emboldened it. They deserve everything that happens to them.
Why? It's not stopping criminals now.
Can you elaborate, user? Why's he going to lose money?
Is the stream up or down relative to the rez? I don't blame the injuns if it's down. 99% of rich foax are cunts.
Source:work at a stock management fund
These people are privileged beyond recognition and most of them think it's owed to them. Probably the mentality that got them there but it sure as hell is disgusting.
Protip: there are pipelines running through literally hundreds of rivers and bodies of water in your country. Turns out, rivers are fucking everywhere
On one hand I can kinda see where these guys are coming from
But on the other hand they are pussy liberal fucks and I love to see them getting BTFO
So I'll just sit back and enjoy
Stop shilling you propaganda article Pipeexaminer.
>6 dead red guys
Basically the only way oil gets around is by train. guess who owns the tracks and you'll find a pair of conspiring hands at the end.
I'm going to protest the government building roads near buildings and sidewalks. A car could swerve off the road and kill somebody!