Power out downtown get those periscopes out motherfuckers and protect Assange some shit be goin down rn.
Britpedes Assemble
Who what why when
It's 00:30 right now so I'm gonna go to bed, but I still wanna know what's going on.
(And yes I'm aware of the general rumours that he may be kill.)
Reddit is going nuts rn power apparently out in London. Ecuadorian embassy didn't backup power last time so Assange may be at risk.
>rn power apparently out in London
>888 get
Its happening
yah it's legit
So on a scale from zero to fucked, how fucked is this?
I don't fuvking know cuz no goddam britpedes will put up any periscope feeds. Where the feeds at boys???
Oh yeh heard of that.
How exactly is Assange at risk though? Oh no he's going to be in the dark or he's going to have to use a torch or something.
Yes it might be easier to kill him right now but if they wanted to kill him, they'd have done so long ago - probably on the same day his """"internet was cut"""". Either way, they wouldn't cut the power in half of london just for that.
Opportunistic attacks are out of the question if you ask me: you either want him dead, in which case see above and he's already long dead, or you don't, in which case he's fine.
Apparently 2,300 properties in central london. It looks to be back on already: ukpowernetworks.co.uk
Fucked. Hipsters can't charge their macs in coffee bars and the stoners can't get a Greggs pastie.
Are you in there bro - is it still down?
I'm over quite a bit westward and have had no problems whatsoever, so I'm replying on news and shit.
Can someone get a periscope feed of the embassy?
HOW HARD CAN IT BE FOR ONE OF YOU TINY BIT UNSTABLE BRITS TO GO DOWN THERE AND STREAM SOME SHIT! Maybe climb up and break in the balcony, we'll pay any fine by crowdsourceing it.
Because it's half past one am here maybe
The only ones still awake are no-life virgins like me. Everyone else is either asleep or getting drunk on Friday night.
And no-life virgins sitting on their PCs at night aren't exactly known for being prone to random late-night excursions. You'd need a britbong that's near the area, willing to go out, online right now, and browsing Sup Forums - AND for him to see this thread, among the shitton of trump memes, communist raiding shills, etc.
Don't get your hopes up. (And no, I'm not going on a one hour there, one hour back journey in the middle of the night to stream what will probably be fucking nothing. I can guarantee you there's nothing to actually see there right now - if they really cut the power to take out assange, they would have taken the necessary precautions against random periscope streamers, plus it'd be already over by now.)
I would go but I dont live in London
I'm nearish the area and despite not being out right now i'm not a no life virgin, but i am a NEET so i'm broke
If someone can pay me £15, £5 for travel there and back (i'm near but London is a big place) and £10 for the data so i can live stream it
Not joking here, gibmedats
I try to avoid London at all costs
How'd I go about sending it?
And would you be willing to get arrested?
Cause I don't wanna see the outside, I want someone to force the embassy and Assange into the morning news cycle.
I'd be willing to get arrested if that's all you think would happen if i tried to run in with a camera (phone) on me, i have no previous convictions
If you sent it over paypal i could leave now but i wouldn't be able to start streaming till i have p for data
What's your PayPal? I'll ask some Pedes on Reddit to see Of they'll crowdsource some cash for you.
You wouldn't get close, and streaming it won't really be necesary if you manage to make enough noice for the news to pick it up.
I don't know how much you have going for you in life, cause you could get some bullshit charge and be suckered.
And honestly, thinking over it. One person wouldn't be enough unless you ran around with molotvs and had a huge sign on your back asking for Assange.
I'm betting there's surveilance on the embassy, either from a car or house nearby or just using the cctv. So you would be singled out quick.
hes already gone. has been since Oct 16th. Dont be thick. You fucking brits always fuck everything up
Just call the fucking embassy with a threat and tell the media too so there on it. Don't get caught doing that though. How hard can it be? Or just think of a tricky way to do it since what you seem to be doing is going up against tricky people.
>Going out at night in New Londonistan
Are you daft? They'll get ficki'd.
What??? Start a new happening thread???
everything is converging
too much coincidences
this recount sucks too
[email protected], i have no previous convictions and anything on my record was wiped when i turned 18, willing to film myself trying to get in but not gonna do some meme tier shit like charge at the door naked screaming gas the kikes race war now, if this gets done quick i will leave now but like i said i will need money to get data to stream
Get comfy lads if this pulls through you'll be seeing my mug on stream soon (also hopefully morning news)
Lol why would I be ctr. Why would it be fishy I want to see if the man who saved the western world is still alive?
What's the big issue? What's changed? There's not been any evidence he's in there for over a month.
Some Lebanese news agency claiming they'll have a live interview with him later today at midday.
Do not do anything violent. Do not resist any attempts to restrain you. If there's guns you freeze.
Look around for stakeout vehicles or apartments. Do not mention pizzagate.
Call the media like BBC first like just before you do it and exaggerate that a man with a gun is breaking into the embassy and it's got something to do with Julian Assange
If soros can fun espionage shit so can we hahah. Lol there's another Reddit lad who wants to join you hahah
He's literally giving a live interview in 6 hours, you nigs jumping to conspiracy theories too quick. Nothing to see here.
Lol Ausfag wanna get this bong get shot
No, don't do this. Seriously, no treaths. NO violence. Property destruction or defacement at most!
There's significant bumps in eventual penalty or ticket if you involve anything lethal or treaths of so.
Thanks for the advice, pretty much ready to leave now just gonna wait till i can get data and maybe take some requests (if i get a chance to get behind tv cameras or something)
Lol just for this post I might drop u some doe hahah. If only the American dollar wasn't 2:1 straight shite compared to the euro Ithis yank would drop u some doe
What's the time in The UK hahah u might catch The surveillance spies on their napping schedule haha
you guys are stupid those interviews are 99.9% pre taped and have been held for weeks.
it's 2:20, i'm actually pretty hyped to do this now just don't wanna leave without being able to stream, whats some good streaming apps for iphone?
>get some drones at the embassy and record everything...use them to distract the police.
Not saying it'll be for real, saying it could be related.
Word is that power was only out for a couple of hours. If anything happened it's over now anyway.
Just gotta wait til 10am GMT, see what the winds of shit waft into the kitchen...
Periscope that shit nigga lol hahah. Actually fuck periscope record it on your phone cuz periscope is run by shills they'll delete and cut your feed out. you get any view of Assange take it post it adapt on pol and Reddit and we'll run with it to spread the savior of the western world is alive and well. If you get fuckked well you'll bring hella suspicion to everything and most likely the public will demand assanges proof of live. Haha good luck m8.
Ustream is nice. Also, if you're fast. You can record and find some mc'd to upload in if you're unable to stream.
Unless he references current events, which is very possible. If he, let's say, talked about the Trump election, would you be convinced?
Good luck but be careful.
Ain't nothing but Lambo-kebabs to help if you getting v&.
i hate to break it to you but i don't think i'll be getting anywhere near old aspiesange without getting a few bullets in my back, i'm still about and ready if anyone did wanna do this
Yeah but if he knew trump was going to win because of his leaks that's not enough proof. You never know he may have known Jeff sessions would become AT. He needs to tell me something like Jill stein demanding a recount who knows that may have been part of the plan as well. Faaaaack idk man
Lol, so what would he have to do for this meme to die?
Lol u might be getting some funds soon haha just posted anonbeef boy on Reddit haha they are freaking the fuck out over there about Assange :0
desu i'm half tempted to go without anyone paying just i'm not sure how i could get back and i wouldn't be able to stream it, any ideas Norlad?
what the actual fuck how long has this board filtered t b h into fucking desu
good stuff, let em know i'm still about and willing to take requests (just nothing that will get me banged up in HMP Elmley or shot by police)
M8 what are u willing to do and for what price haha??
>no treaths. NO violence.
no treaths. NO violence.
You fags are never going to get anything done. Delete this thread it's literally nothing.
Fucking relax bro he's not bringing a gun wtf. He's going in with an iPhone hahah
I don't want any money i'm not gonna do it for that i'm in it for the memes chance to warn the world about Sam Hyde and his plot to take out Assange
Only reason i was asking for anything in the first place is just money to get back and so i can buy data to stream my antics
In it for the memes and the chance****
Haha respect m8 I honestly jsut wanted to the meme war to restart with your legendary video if you caught something spicy on tape hahahah
Yoooo someone on Reddit said power is back up in London?? True??
>Either way, they wouldn't cut the power in half of london just for that.
They wouldn't force a DNS attack across most of the civilized world to stop an insurance file either.
Check spam
Yes, I belive it's been 11 hours since it went out. But it didn't take that long to return I think, a couple hours at most.
God just shut up "rn haha"? The way you type is annoying as fuck. Go meme on Sup Forums or Reddit or whatever.
Lol hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaha
i replied
Typing fast onmonile somethines it adds shit. Sorry bruh
I'm using a phone dude not on my laptop. U don't like the thread gtfo faggot. Ur trolling is annoying af. Fucking shill. Should I call u by ur real name "rn haha" George soros. Fucking twat.
Okay lads NorwayBro seems to be pulling through so get comfy i will be posting a streaming link the moment i can, you goons can keep me entertained on my bus trip
lol did Norway bro hook u up with some funds britpede?
No, I'm unable to send money instantly. It would take a few days. Looking for a solution.
Anyone have that site with wifi passwords from all over?
Yoooooo anyone use venmo instant money transfer 100% free!!!!! Download the app on the App Store. You could also do snap cash with snapchat straight to the bank account hah
Or Bitcoin as well.
Dude I'm not gonna lie I'm nervous AF for u man. I'd honestly wait until that interview today Assange might say something that will prove he's alive. Bro if you got a nice ass job this is definitely not worth it. Faaaack. And to think I thought there would be hella britpede shown there periscoping this shit goes to show how scared most Brits are to even go down that street.
Fuck are all u guys still there???
Yes, but things have halted due to funds. If you can spare 10 pounds, send a mail to britbong. It's posted further up.
How the fuck does the uk not have wifi downtown???
Does he have to live stream it?? Can't he just record and post or nawww
How would someone give ten pounds?
Britpede has anyone dropped u any PayPal funds?? Norway bro says ur a little dry for some green haha
They probably will now that the new law is in place. Yes an upload would work but it's not as engaging for him or us, could make him loose momentum and just walk around.
And if you contact ([email protected]) him there are several way you can transfer money or buy a redeemable code for data.
Don't die on me
I'm here bro haha I think this thread may be shadow banned hah. Yo id have to run to the bank real quick cuz most of my doe is in cash cuz I dont trust American banks after 08 crash m.
You might be right. I'm abandoning this idea for now. If britbong follows trough it would be awesome.
I'm gonna load up some money into a paypal account so I can use it in future soros larping events. I'd suggest you maybe do the same if you're willing. I don't see any need to run to the bank unless you're in contact with the teapot.
Last bump before bed