What does she expect to accomplish? Handing the country over to a fucking satanic criminal? Stupid fucking bitch.


Shes always had investments in the very things she protests

The really telling part of this scam is that recounting Wisconsin doesnt change anything in the election.

It was always there, did you not hear it?

>Implying she is not using the 7+ million dollars to set up a network of jewish liberals in the Green party


user learns that environmentalism is an international rort funded by the taxpayer.

Literally nothing. The amount of states Shillary has to """win""" makes it impossible for her to get enough electors. Even if Shillary gets Wisconsin (she won't), she won't have enough.

Does anyone really think that this recount is going to change anything?

She's just jewing everyone like bernie did. There's a disclaimer on the site that even says there's no guarantee the money will go to recount measures.

Green Party just landed it's funding for 2020 from salty liberals :-) we should all be proud of mommy jilly

Traitor? It's (((Jil Stein)))


are we ever wrong?

>What does she expect to accomplish?
The Happenng of course.

She's trying to either prove Hillary funneled votes from her in swing states (there's alot of valid speculations regarding this)

And it might get her coveted 5% which means the Greens become a significant party player, which would absolutely destroy democrats to my delight.

Or she's just stealing shekels from butt-blasted liberals, which is as equally hilarious.
The ties to soros are just ridiculous speculations, Michigan has been recounted due to closeness and it will not flip under any circumstances, therefor it is impossible that Hillary could potentially win from a recount. This crypto-kike should be getting your applause.

go on user, tell me more

>Sloughed off more votes that could've gone to Shillary than any alleged fraud could
>An actual fraud investigation would show the machines voting Hillary "by mistake"
>No way will this happen
Yeah, it's just a cash grab that goes into the (((Green's))) pockets.

It's the green party, she's just a cog in the machine.

You're asking why a woman with the last name Stein is trying to gather donations for something. She even said that if recounts weren't going through, there was no refunds.

Her supporters were good goyim

I don't think she's trying to help Hillary. There's definitely some sort of weird self serving motive. Even if he lost Wisconsin(he won't), he would need to lose Michigan and Pennsylvania as well. Pesnnsylvania he had a clear 1 million vote lead, whereas Michigan is arguably close enough to contest. Even if he lost Michigan and Wisconsin he still wins with Pennsylvania.

The Democratic party is her biggest rival, she's likely doing this to fuck with them somehow.

Likely one of the reasons this guy provided.

The only thing that's going to be accomplished here is a bunch of lawyers are going to get richer.

This election will not be overturned.

this is for the green party. she wants federal funding

There's nothing more democratic than ensuring the votes are correct.

What's wrong, honey? Afraid Trump cheated?

What's that, several precincts already "revising" their vote totals before the recount even happens, and removing hundreds of Trump votes?

Fucking wrecked, son.