Hey whitey

Hey whitey
We are coming.

>Ottoman communism
Keked my dude

Islamic Communism you mean?
we are going to destroy you, Allah and History are on our side.

>tfw you will never be a Turk
>tfw you will never Constantinople and rape qt Byzantine boipussy
>tfw I was given once chance at life and I was born as a spic
>tfw I will never be able to slay kuffir in the name of Mehemet
>tfw I will never have a harem full of qt blonde Byzantine slave girls

Why even live.

We are prepared.

Bruh Communism stomps out Islam like it's fucking nothing.

Insallah yoldas!
Islami komunizm ruya degil gercek! Allahin nurunu sondurmeye calissalarda basarisiz olacaklar!

Yes. Prepare your wives for us.

im pretty sure most arabs dont like t*rks

>checks flag

İnşallah kardeşim inşallah.
Londra'dan İstanbul'a, İstanbul'dan Mekke'ye, Mekke'den Medine'ye her yerde Allah'ın kanunu, Marx'ın kanunu geçecek
Kafirler kaybedecek, İslam ve Komünizm kazanacak

>Allah and History are on our side.
hahahahaha were gonna slaughter you turkroaches

(((Cohen))), (((Levinsohn)))
Enjoy more lies from (((Them)))

you cannot stop islamic communism.

Arab socialism is pretty much dead.

Elhamdulillah. Agzindan bal damliyor yoldas.
Marx'in izniyle burada Nigelci ne kadar kuffar varsa kesecegiz biiznillah

Just as long as you abolish Islam like a true Communist.

Küffar kaçacak delik arayacak o kadar
Nigel'ci piçleri de ıslah edeceğiz.


Wait, this is very redpilled.

Silly shitskins, you will never defeat a white man and superior religion which id christianity

You are all hopeless pedophiles and lowest tier of human race ;^)

Islamic communism is quite literally an oxymoron, there have never been two ideologies more at odds with each other.

Roaches should stick to killing the cancer that is Kurdish communism.

Fucking cockroaches

Did your retards lose your other 10 threads?

MODS - please do something about this shit.

>islamic gommunism

After you destroy us, all you are left with is yourself, which is the state you are in now.

Tito would be ashamed of you

>blonde Byzantine slave girls
This is a contradiction

more proof here

The superior German will hold off the Bolsheviks, and save the world from Marxism.

keep it up reddit commie larpers, we got all day
