ITT: Post coal burners
Other urls found in this thread:
ill take photos of coal burners and we can build a registry of the traitors to the tribe.
wew lads, everyone knows she's a virgin
(lesbos don't count)
nice tits tho
Your beloved infowhore
Lee Ann Rackaoo
Fuck off Shart in Mart's
Mumm is a pure slavic demigodess
>this delusion
She burns coal?
post proof or this is bait
Webm related kiwi bro
>(1.12 MB, 2560x1440)
Unichan detected
I was crushed too ameribro
Meh, he looks like a pretty decent guy. Probably redpilled.
is that a trap?
ty m8
have this rare pepe
that's a jew burner
no wait sheckel burner
reddit please leave
a nigger is a nigger
is this old? isnt she with armordude?
New Taylor will never be as beautiful as young Taylor.
Shit no way
Post proof or b8
Old but still a coal burner
>mummy no darkie
Pretty much all white women, not even kidding. White women only go back to white guys when they need a beta provider to buy them things. 99% of white girls have fucked non-white men, they just won't tell you.
>Richard Mentor Johnson was the ninth Vice President of the United States.
>His interracial relationship with Julia Chinn, an octoroon slave (one-eighth African, seven-eighths European), was widely criticized.
>Johnson openly treated Chinn as his common law wife. They were prohibited from marrying because she was a slave.
>After his wife's death, Johnson began an intimate relationship with another family slave.
>When she left him for another man, Johnson had her picked up and sold at auction. Afterward he began a similar relationship with her sister, also a slave.
Thoughts, Sup Forums? Does he qualify as a coal burner?
damn... when she went for coal, she went all in
Lauren and June aren't even white though?
Does it matter? Once you go black we never take you back.
this is why i exclusively date asians
He's a cuck
She's turning full bimbo
In case you didn't know
What does she burn now?
The true redpill
Checked. Praise kek.
Man your country sucks
Didn't she say she was basically a virgin til she met AS
Claims to be asexual throughout all teenage years.
Here, enjoy Michelle Rhee.
>he thinks asian women don't date black men
If they are willing to date outside their race at all you know it to be true, they will date black or white men. Accept it.
Also who cares.
That first bitch isn't even white, she looks like some mestizo cunt. A couple of the others are questionable as well.
They both ugly as fuck.
underated post
that means she was surrounded by white cucks and she hated it
Sure in your country.
>Jewish conglomerates made niggers popular
>Glamourised hood rap culture for the shekels
>Cucked the white man so there are no strong fathers and family units to protect the women from this influence
>Mutilate the white mans penis so its unaesthetic and incapable of giving pleasure to women
>This also psychological scars the white man since birth leading to betas
>The niggers have intact penises as part of the jewish plan
How did America ever trick anyone into thinking they were not a joke?
I bet leeann loves a good truth bomb if you know what I mean
It's too late burger. It was always too late.
>he thinks asians fuck blacks on the same level as whites
in ur dreams
>Eternal burger posting
The hero Sup Forums needs
These. Sad!
>you will never pee in her asshole
Why live?
is that boxxy?
Who cares? I've dated educated black women and they're pretty chill.
you should at least crop the pic so the red dot ain't noticeable
No, Boxxy turned into a fat, whiny SJW.
You need to elevate your social circle. Maybe you live around a lot of nogs so it's tougher, but no white women I know dates a negro.
Boxxy was always disgusting. I never understood what Sup Forums saw in her.
Its been awhile since iv been on gag but from what i remember this stupid bitch is legit and posted a lot of attention whoring pics and details on Sup Forums and on gag. I think her twitch steam was Whirlpool if anyone can find her.
monkey see monkey do
she was hot for that one heavy makeup video in the sparsely lit room
Ehhh. I guess the hot emo chick thing was in around that time but I never really liked her.
Is there a special word for mouths like hers? They always turn me on.
How amazing is it that shoe0nhead, some average chick who still lives with her parents, can have greater impact on society than 1,000 SJW academics, because she puts forth concise genuine arguments?
This is asymmetrical infowarfare.
>occupation: Arts
explains a lot
funny guy, but a total culture-cuck, and in a few months going to start raising a halfbreed
>tfw you're still into the emo chick thing as a 30 year old in 2016
Is there any hope for me lads?
You take that back you son of a bitch
it was just Boxxxy spamming those threads dummy
just like Spencer threads on Sup Forums