In case you're wondering why all the subhumans decided to spam communist threads


>If we can take over Sup Forums
>(Lol this is so funny for some reason)

we must welcome them so they embrace the red pill, like it or not its unavoidable once these intellectual lightweights come face to face with the truth outside their safe space.

their communists their not smart, their so dumb they believe in an outmoded ideology, these brain dead types are literally a step away from accepting puritanism as a legit way of life.


Sup Forums will convert any leftist who doesn't leave immediately. I was pretty left when I came here too.

Sup Forums is a hurt box, it breaks you down until you have to start thinking things through from scratch.

My advice to any fellow millennial is to always read more Sup Forums you'll be surprised at what you may find.

I think the biggest problem is that cucks think everyone here takes this Argentinan mini-figure collecting forum seriously. I'm not saying "Sup Forums is satire", but rather that people are here to play with ideas, not to idly virtue signal.

They will assimilate

does organizing raids violate Reddit's TOS like it does here? Should report their subreddit and SHUT IT DOWN.

>Sup Forums is a hurt box, it breaks you down until you have to start thinking things through from scratch.

Also known as, 'the path of the Jester' in oriental enlightenment. If the leftists could understand this shit they wouldn't be atheists.

>reporting a leftist subreddit
>expecting it to do anything

Reddit CEO is a literal honest-to-god communist, neither he nor any of the cuck mods will lift a finger.

I've been here for over ten years, I didn't colonise the site, we changed together.

Do you have the original?

I'm local, but I joined by internationale brothers in this glorious revolution.

wtf, i love planned economies and breadlines now, comrade!

Sup Forums should encourage more commies from reddit to come here. They will get redpilled hard after continuous exposure.

why do commies encourage massimmigration that hurts the working class? Aren't they a little bit concerned when they see the working class is moving to the right?

UKIP stole a shitton of voters from Labour Party, while Rustbelt voted for trump.

Look at the grand life the working class has had in the Soviet Union. Look at the grand life the working class is having right now in Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba etc.

Do you think a single communist gives half a shit about the working class?

Damn these people are pathetic
>n word
>muh Sup Forums used to be leftist meme
>trying to swarm and "outargue"
piss in an ocean of piss
If anything they will just make us more natsoc

Just spam all their threads with redpills and don't respond to their arguments


I knew they were forcing a bandwagon fallacy. Flunking commie propaganda.

>Colonize Sup Forums
Honestly for what fucking purpose?

Communism is the ideology of the rich pretending to know what it's like to be poor.

Capitalism may be rougher living than NatSoc but at least if you have the determination you can build your way up to a better living or at least be able to afford a break. Communism is starvation and slave work.

I like Capitalism better than communism. Even though capitalism when unregulated turns into ancap communism

Well they don't seem to be doing a good job.

Thousands of threads would be needed on all boards to make and effect.

They can't out meme 207,446 people

So that every place on the internet is the same, obviously. How new are you to this whole globalist thing?

A response is necessary in order to change people's views. Just dropping "muh sandnigger maymays" is not going to convince anyone other than those useful idiots who are not able to express their ideology in a higher form than memes in the first place.

>cool to be leftist

can't handle this cringe

>promote your political ideology to all the world's masses by shitposting on a Burmese image board full of recluses with niche interests
Just let this sink in for a moment.

commie shill

>They are going only to one place

They saw the power Sup Forums had in the 2016 election. They think that they can tap into it, despite the fact that they are so retarded that they are commies.

>why do commies encourage massimmigration that hurts the working class?
Capitalists encourage that. Ending capitalism and imperialism will decrease migrations

Anyway the working class have no country so who cares

Once they realize equality is a myth they'll bend the knee.

reddit communists are taking over boys!

>"while repelling raids from Sup Forums"
That'd be a first

>Sup Forums will convert any leftist who doesn't leave immediately.
yes, because we convinced CTR to stop doing their job right?

Identity politics has completely decimated any sort of populist potential the left had. It's one giant circular firing squad among competing identities, hating on everyone including their own selves. There's no fraternization or "brotherhood", which isn't possible among self-haters. What normal person would want to be a part of that?

I fucking loathe "communists." These are 15-year-old sophomores in high school who took AP European history and think they know communism is the optimal economic system.

CTR isn't a thing, they're merely shitposters from leddit

Better dead than red

It definitely was during the election. Now it's merely shitposters.


But really, this is EXACTLY how you grow NatSoc movements throughout the west.

>t. Commie shill

We got the White house, Congress, and the Supreme Court and they are worried about Sup Forums. Hahahahahahahaahah

Raiding Sup Forums is like trying to burn the firefighters' HQ.

Kek, let them try.


I puked.

reminds of this one

>Anyway the working class have no country so who cares
Commie delusion

Do what you fuckers did to me.

I was never blue pulled, but was definitely on the left. Two weeks on this board, and I was past the center.

It's a classic example of how leftists are great at setting priorities.

I seriously hope Sup Forums is not dumb enough to fall for any argument in favor of communism

You're new here am I right.

This. So we get stronger in the end.

Why does Sup Forums mind its own business but these people can't tolerate opposing viewpoints to the point of this image?

alright buddy, I'm your rich rulers care so much about you

>pol is good at redpilling
MAGAfag plebbitors have ruined redpill threads and the effectiveness of Sup Forums because of their cancerous memery and their blatant disregard for board culture, if you seriously think Sup Forums is able to effectively redpill a leftard now as we did back in 2014 you clearly have no perspective. Le epic rebbit maymays like frogposting and Kek disregard every thing old Sup Forums stood for and instead Sup Forums now backstabs actual white nationalists like RBS for PJW and Cucknovich, non-whites have been flooding this board and sympathy for niggers kikes and non-whites in general has dramatically increased, nigger hate and kike hate threads always have cucks who talk about "D&C" and that only shills post nigger hate. Sup Forums is being raped to death and dying slowly, so naturally the leftists will invade us, weak feeble cucked newfags don't have the strength and will never have the strength to combat this, or any invasion to this board.