
>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

The alt-right is nothing more than fascism + white identity politics and must be rejected in a democratic society.

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf

/po/ isn't alt-right you autistic /leftypol/ browsing faggot

I don't have to prove anything to you, you fucking Patrick.

on another note

>lol fucking socialists, why are you bothering with an ideology that has failed every time, just fucking die you commies

>btw fascism is the redpilled ideology and we should have it in all western countries

>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

That is a basic definition, but it is leaving out the syndicalism and the idea that democracy is outdated. Key ideas in a fascist regime.

Did I ever say Sup Forums was 100% representative of the alt-right?

Nope. There's just plenty of them here. This thread should prove so nicely.

You're pretty much right. The "alt-right" is a bunch of nazis that won't admit it.

And they should admit it. Because Hitler was right.

the alt right doesnt exist

fascism isn't right wing, fascism is just authoritarianism with both leftist and rightist economics

Jesus you'd think someone would have had to read the doctrines before fabricating this propaganda of a "definition"

>The alt-right is nothing more than fascism + white identity politics
Nice observation, you fucking retard. That take a lot of thought? If you haven't given up on "democratic society" yet you deserve to be fucking gassed.

don't get me started

The alt-right is just a meme.

You people and the media are all just faggots.

>caring about identity politics
This is how you can identify a redditor

Are you implying that the "socialism" part of "National Socialism" comes from Marxian socialism?

My fucking sides.

If, on the complete off chance, that's not what you were implying you better learn how to greentext.

Protip: Alt-right doesn't exist.

What doctrines?

for starters how fascism actually works

Tell 'em, Italy.

Fascism as more democratic than democracy. Mussolini refered himself as a national syndicalist.
Syndicates vote for representatives. Those representatives vote for the nation's leaders. No more political parties. All parts of the nation is represented.

Yes, but what specifically? As in, what literature?

Seems like a society that represents the will of the people instead of the will of an authoritarian government will best suit the interests of those in the society.

You say democracy has failed, but what about democracy has failed? Its core value of making the state representative of the population through the population holding equal power within the state is irrefutably good. The problems democracy currently faces across the world is with external forces harming its ability to adequately represent a population.

No I'm saying that what you commies do on /leftypol/ (which I can assume is raiding us right now) with the whole generalizing anyone who browses Sup Forums as alt-right (which is literally a term TRS came up with not Sup Forums) is cringy and reddit-tier. If you want a real debate or discussion I'd recommend you go visit 8/pol/ or /liberty/, 4/pol/ is literally just shitposting and having fun. You guys constantly try to replicate this on /leftypol/ but it just ends up in unfunny forced memes like porky. I'm fine with commies like Zizek and so on but you guys are genuinely insufferable.

He didn't tell me anything, though. Do you have any recommendations?

>Sup Forums is all about white supremacy, hitler pictures and swastikas
>it's literally in your logo for god's sake
>some fag with a hitler youth hairdo gets on tv parroting all of your worldviews, with zero censorship
>"c...controlled opposition! this guy doesn't represent us!"

What's wrong with facism?

Let's start with "The doctrine of Fascism" By Benit-OG


Life must be good in your faggy little bubble. I wish I could be this bluepilled again, I really do. Anyway fuck off back to /leftypol/, nobody here is going to agree with you and you're not converting anybody. The "Alt-Right" never existed.

what he said

It's just the redditfags, not the real Sup Forumsacks.

No, you paranoid low-t white male, I am not raiding you from /leftypol/.
I browse Sup Forums and I couldn't be farther from the alt-right, not making that generalization.
Regardless, even if you don't identify as alt-right, Sup Forums still generally supports fascism and white nationalism (that the alt-right stands for).

Just answer my arguments and quit whining.

Nobody actually thinks Richard Spencer is controlled opposition. He's based as fuck.

>There's just plenty of them here.

if you browse Sup Forums and still think being "alt-right" means anything then you are truly lost

>keeps bringing up the "alt-right" meme
>claims to know what Sup Forums is about

>doesn't have the balls to use the swastika

Tell me when he grows a pair.

>The alt-right are nazis that won't admit it.
>A decent chunk of the alt-right admits they are nazis
>lol gise luk at those idjuts obviously controlled opposition am I not right fampiebro
I love when people talk out of their ass without doing even the most basic of research on the subject.
>Also specific ideas need to be rejected in a DEMOCRATIC society
Yeah no neck yourself.

Fascism is good.
You're an idiot.

It seems like it was ghostwritten by someone else, but I'll definitely be sure to read it. Anything else?

Thank you. Anything else?

No shit, moron. He replied to me.

It's almost like we've made a point of outjewing the jew this cycle

absolutely fucking nothing

>publicly using the swastika
fuck off LARPer

>heh I called you a facist I bet that makes you upset!
Where do you think you are dot jay peg

>No shit, moron. He replied to me.
it's 2:24 am, give me a break

>Anything else?

Afraid I can't recommend you anything more on fascism, as I'm a Nazi, not a fascist. Best of luck, though.

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf

jrbooksonline.com/pdf_books/imperium103.pdf (start with the first chapter)

national socialism=/=fascism

get it right

alt right is just a normies interpretation of Sup Forums, and Sup Forums is just fascism with double the aspergers

>The "Alt-Right" never existed

Sorry dude, your lack of response means nothing.
If those who believe in fascism + white identity politics and identify with the modern right-wing exist, then the alt-right exists.
That's all the alt-right is. It's 1+1 = 2.

>le current year meme

All efforts to rebrand or de-label right-wing white nationalism have invariably failed, as will all future attempts. The only choice we have with regards to public image is to appear as proud nazis, or cowardly, secret nazis. Given that choice, undesirable as it is, it's better to be seen as proud nazis.

Semantics, nonargument.

Get back to the point addressed in my post.

And what do you recommend on National Socialism?

>inb4 Mein Kampf

Spare me the ramblings.



take this test lads

call it fascism call it national socialism, I don't care

what matters is that it's right.

How do you call a nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization that is NOT authoritarian?



...old america i guess?

*fallacy fallacy
*appeal to the stone
*et al

kek. If you're not into autobiographies and manifestos, that does narrow it down - I'd reccomend Hitler's second book (Entitled "Second book") and "the myth of the 20th century".

>>an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
This definition is wrong though

What's ironic is how the Nazis were far more permissive than the modern western world at least towards their own people.

And removing jews was just a common sense idea that even the left supported in the 19th century.

Ah the good old days


post fascist music instead of entertaining this bait


2/10 made me reply. Take my (You) and leave this place.

"Alt-right" are just autistic fucking wanna-be fascists who hold to none of the actual truths.

Niggas gotta go full fascist



kek at that image

Let me follow your train of thought
>The alt-right "doesn't exist"
>Richard Spencer parades on tv with your views at an alt-right conference and claims to be alt-right
>and yet Richard Spencer is based, not controlled opposition (represents Sup Forums)??
So what the fuck? Does the alt-right exist or not dude? Make up your mind.

>the myth of the 20th century
The summary seems nice. I'll add it to my list.


But I thought fascism couldn't work in a free market economy. How the hell can you have fascism without socialism?

Too true. Sieg heil!

ask the alt-right
oh wait

>Communists act like they killed less people than Hitler

>Richard Spencer
>your views


he's pro EU, pro LGBT and even pro diversity to the point he invites asian crack whores to his "meetings"

>focused around nationalism, traditionalism, homogeneity and capitalism.

Seems pretty right-wing to me.

Nazis killed the only ethnic group that ever mattered, goy

He stands with Sup Forums on a vast majority of issues.

Those issues are also completely exclusive from his views on white nationalism.


it's a mix of the two, kind of like this

>pro EU
absolutely disgusting

That compass is far left of the alt-right I criticize in this post, but okay

this should help out

i'm talking about fascism, not the fag-right

It's called a LIBERTY STATE. The USA is a Libertarian Nationalist state, that's what a patriot is.

We're not fascists or nazis or racists or uneducated republicans. We are patriots. Being pro USA is called being patriotic, a completely guilt free nationalism for every citizen to partake in. This is what makes a nation state a cultural force. It allows the voting demographic to stay positive and united.

That soviet union flag was perfect.

So conceptually, why is fascism better than democracy? Wouldn't a society of people do better if the peoples' interests were represented by themselves in the government instead of a single unit without any accountability to the population?

>Falling for the democracy is good meme

Liberals and Alt right are the same thing, in that they are not conservatives.

because democracy allows the dumbfuck majority to have a say in what goes on in the state, if america was a democracy now hillary fucking clinton would have been the president.
a fascist republic is superior to a social democracy


Haha.. nope. There are plenty of left-wing fascists.


Take the test and see for yourself.

he's one of those libcucktarians that thinks all authority and collectivism is inherently left wing

There's no use reasoning with him


Spencer is on record supporting Kalergi's race mixing plan for Europe and and supports European/Asian race mixing


He's far closer to Dugin than he is to Sup Forums, but since he has failed to get any Dugin like movement going in the US (or Europe for that matter) he's forced to at least pretend to not hate nationalism

but even then when he gets loaded he can't help himself from promoting globalism and making an ass out of himself (at the NPI conference he was clearly tipsy)

Conceptually buddy, please read. Hillary and Trump even being on the ballot shows the inept nature of democracy in America, but not conceptually.

If you want to use that video you provided, it doesn't make sense for the actions of a government that oversees a society to represent anything less than the majority of that society.

Anything less would be nepotism, playing favorites for a group that isn't representative of the society. "United we stand" is understood in democratic terms; the majority is necessary for unity.

A small group of people, or a SINGLE individual in dictatorships, shouldn't have power in a just society. That power should be spread throughout the population to make it representative of the people.

There is no such thing as "the will of the people".

Democracy hasn't failed because of outside forces, but because inside forces correctly view it as a game designed to enable authoritarians.

fascism doesn't remove power from the people, on the contrary

Bold, blanket statements. Can you explain why a fascist regime would be more representative of the people than a democratic government?

>A small group of people, or a SINGLE individual in dictatorships, shouldn't have power in a just society.

You're starting to sound a lot like a fascist m8

better leave Sup Forums while you have the chance

because contraty to democracy it doesn't give you the illusion of choice, it doesn't tell you that "you matter", fascism tells you that you matter for real, that you are working for the country and for your people, without you, the common man, there would be no government.
to democracy you're just a cog in the machine, they play nice with you to get your vote and then abandon you until the next election.

>fascism is bad

fascist governments exist to represent and benefit the good of the ethnic group (people)

That's why they are against both communism (Marxism/jewish politics) and finance capitalism (jewish banking).

I'm 53% fascist but I have the fashy haircut, and the test didn't ask about that.

>He stands with Sup Forums on a vast majority of issues.

It's time to stop bruh

What guarantees its sustainability? What system of checks and balances does it have in order to prevent the government from becoming tyrannical?