Is Dawkins Red Pilled?


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clock boy woke many up to pc culture i thank him...he was also the final straw for many lefties who wound up here




he's based, though not necessarily redpilled.


he doesn't attribute every minor thing wrong with his life as a white man to the jews


Only sometimes. Ultimately hollow men like Atheists have no vision for the future.



Atheist scum

we are all africans, stop the bigotry

No. He's just a fedora tipping atheist who was against both Trump and Brexit. Same with Sam Harris.

Surely the Christians have our best interests in mind, Satan

Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?

After the feminazis tried to frame in a elevator, with that Athiest+ bullshit.
He got pretty redpilled

You posted it yourself. Catholic Church has been infiltrated, but the Catholic Church is a living body and when a disease infect a living thing, it creates anti-bodies to deal with it. The Church will mend Her ways.

All the professors and science types were bought. They wanted that EU research money.

He's based in that he's usually correct in what he says and he's not afraid to say it even if it's unpopular.

On the other hand, I would say his evaluation of society is a bit soft. He's an individualist, and isn't willing to apply darwinian ideas to the structure of society.

He's willing to ignore the effects of obviously dysgenic/destructive social policies in favor of what he views is the morally superior outlook of giving people the benefit of the doubt.

the right will never be taken seriously if it worships the imaginary

Does throw papal infallibility out the door though

Lil Wayne/Lil Wayne/George Washington Carver

oy vey, those atheists were suppose to attack christianity and western civilization, they're not allowed to do this, this is to much, it's another holocaust.

Doesn't explain why he was pro-Hillary.

I dare say it


I am giving you a (you)

Once again the Protestant shows his inability to understand Papal Infallibility. Do you still believe in propaganda invented by Otto von Bismark and the German Liberal Nationalists? The Pope has said nothing during his reign which is infallible. The last time Papal Infallibility was evoked was to bar women from the priesthood.

He's not American, why would he want someone in office that thinks of America before other countries?

He created memes.

Not even joking. Look that shit up nigga.

Hes ourguy.

All college types were.

Damn I wish right wing politics got back to its secular, natsoc roots

Discovered them. Or at least named them in modern discourse.

nah I ain't orange, I just never gave a shit enough and neither did my parents

ProHillary because the majority of Brits, for better or worse, are more socialists than Americans.

I'm sure if you sent him verifiable data that stated memes were the reason for trumps presidency and that everyone is sick and tired of progressivism and liberalism, he'd be shocked, appalled, and ashamed. when it comes to Islam and sjws he's bang on, but when it comes to anything else political, he's a hack like Sam Harris

Because Trump is bigger than America. He's part of a western-wide anti-globalist revolution.

You are a simple minded child who simply believes what he is told. You are the biggest danger to the white race and western civilization.

I truly pray that learning to think for yourself becomes your first redpill.

>We are all Africans shirt
He's far from redpilled

He's definitely right on some things like organized religion though

Well, maybe is Republicans didn't have such a long history of forcing religion on atheist parents' children in public school, or outlawing atheists from holding public office, then he could support them with a clear conscience


>he doesn't understand the shirt

1. It's scientifically accurate

2. It makes blacks look even worse


"Sucking baby's bleeding cock" Kek!!!

Yes, The_Donald, a scary Episcopalian Republican


These retards don't into politics prior to like 2008 lol
>teh boogeyjew!

This!!! /newfag/ here who visited pol occasionally for the past ~5 years. Checked everyday for the clock boy thread and ended up an early Trump supporter because of it

>naming the jew is somehow reddit tier

I want new Sup Forums to leave


How is he Jewish in any way besides his dad being ethically Jewish?

It's fags like you that discredit us when actual Jews are up to no good

Haha oh wow. Do you think atheists are taken seriously?

>How is he Jewish in any way
>His dad is Jewish
>He has Jewish blood
>How is he Jewish

he was a christian you dumbass

>the people they subjugated did great things in the middle ages though

Fuck off back to plebbit

>How is this Boer in any way white except for his great great grandfather coming from the Netherlands? He's African!

of course Dawkins is fucking red pilled

he vociferously rejects religion and is the man who posited the meme

Jews don't even consider you ethically Jewish unless your mother was Jewish

Still waiting to hear what he did wrong besides trigger your sjw sensibilities

He's hit or miss. I'm indifferent toward him.

The Ancestor's Tale is a good read for normies.

Holy shit

>evolutionary biologist

You do the math, OP. The guy invented the fucking meme.

Nope. He is a angry faggot. At his age he should be a lot more advanced in his personal ideology. Instead he still caters to edgy kiddies. I am at peace with being a atheist, I am also at peace with the mindless hordes following their religions. Can you imagine a world without consequences for you actions? Absolute lawlessness. Only living among the human trash do you come to the conclusion, they need to be controlled. They will never be able to handle the truth of our existence. Destroying their paradigm would bring on the end of all civilization.



This. Where would we be today had he not popularized the idea of memes.

Overall he is very intelligent and 'woke'. Politically I'm not sure. Most people who dislike him are bitter Christfags, and their opinions aren't valid anyway.



How can shitskins even compete?

Is this an actual quote?


I value him for his honesty. He was one of the many catalysts which sped up my redpilling process years ago.

The biggest red pill is realizing that personal religion is ridiculous bullshit, but also an absolute necessity to the success of a civilization. He's half-way there.

>absolute necessity to the success of a civilization

Poor China and Japan, you should tell them they aren't a civilization


I think there is room for spirituality in ones life but it should be a personal thing where you try to understand/connect with the divine if you believe in that. But it shouldn't be swallowing and regurgitating dogmatic catechisms and demanding others follow your morals and shit like that.


Are you implying that China and Japan have been non-religious for most of their history? Also Japan is in freefall and China has the fastest growing Christian population in the world.

Neither of these maps have any historical importance whatsoever. The decline of religion in the west has paved way for the rise of liberal insanity, which will eventually lead to our demise through demographic takeover.

>Japan is in freefall

Poor leaf, so jealous of their nationalism and superior tech.


Is the least religious country in the world.

70% of all new Christians will be born in Africa and South America

This, Japanese culture is very harmonious and the crime rate is very low.

>The decline of religion in the west has paved way for the rise of liberal insanity, which will eventually lead to our demise through demographic takeover.

The delusion is real. See

>Poor leaf, so jealous of their nationalism and superior tech.
Pic related?

>Is the least religious country in the world.
Only because of communism, same as the former USSR. And like I said, fastest growing Christian population in the world right now alongside Eastern Europe.

I have great respect for Japanese culture (sans the anime degeneracy). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it will make it to the 23rd century. Your society has become entirely focused on the superficialities like social/economic status, and forgotten about the importance of family and spirituality.

>the pope
Catholicism is cancer

He's the only "outspoken" atheist I know who actually speaks out against religions other than christianity.

I think he's an insanely reasonable person

Birthrate is increasing again.
And there is still some spirituality here.

>it's not REAL Christianity!

You're worse than the commies


>fastest growing Christian population in the world right now

Simply not true, the data isn't there

Explain how you go from Jesus preaching humility and forgiveness, to an obscenely wealthy continent-spanning hierarchical theocracy waging wars and hunting and torturing 'heretics'.

Oh I misinterpreted your post lol.

I thought you said this guy was smart

>successful country

Pick one

>insanely reasonable person
oxymoron. thinks as he's told. expects others to do the same. conformist, complaisant. good herd mentality

hate to burst you're bubble buddy but the catholic church has always been a pyramid scheme

it stole egyption lore and destroyed the evidence at the temples, the christ didn't even attempt to create an official church it was created after him death

the church has always used ignorance to excert control i.e. the inquisition


All the (((professors))) at my university have made various remarks about Dawkins from which it was clear that the scientific community is attempting to smear and sabotage his legacy.

It made me respect him.

I would love this to be true, is there broofs?

You don't know what an oxymoron is.

>thinks as he's told. expects others to do the same. conformist, complaisant. good herd mentality
If he was truly into the whole herd mentality thing, he wouldn't be shitting on feminism and islam constantly.
How can you say he's conformist if he's having arguments with SJWs on twitter all the time?

He has his set of principles and sticks to them, no matter where his retarded followers try to push him. I respect that, even if I don't agree with everything he says.