Post pics on what communist scum deserve

Post pics on what communist scum deserve.

Other urls found in this thread:

What communists? The north koreans?




you /threaded your own thread with that pic OP

Is he died?


No the worst of them all: armchair western commies.



Ye he ded

free helicopter rides

Is leftypol raiding us or something? These communists are absolutely embarrassing. Not a single one has ever lived under a communist regime otherwise they would abhor it completely.

You lost you fucks, all of you, and we won in the end, deal with it.

nobody here has lived under a fascist state either but you all admire Nazis, despite the fact you'd be on the front lines dying in the mud

based Russian

Firing Squad


that was a great documentary, especially the muslim genocide parts.

Fact: Norks are the most POWERFUL race in the world

I dont admire Nazis whatsoever. They lost the war. It was an interesting ideology but far from one I'd want to live in considering Im an American with Hungarian parents. I just like the photo.

That's not what happened.

/pol was solidly nat-soc during the elections. As a left leaning racial realist, I can get behind that.

Now that Trump won, we're getting flooded with disgusting (((True Conservatives))) who hate socialism and protectionism, and love jews .



What documentary?

Kys shills.


>it's only shilling when communists do it



A surprising number of former Eastern Bloc residents and Soviets are actually nostalgic for the old days.

Yes yes, good white tras- I mean warriors! Your efforts to protect my investment portfo- I mean our nation from those dirty commies is admirable! A minimum wage check has been added to your bank account.


There will be nothing on this earth that gives me such a visceral sense of contentedness than when these righties will be lined up and shot against the wall

Laugh now, I beg you. I want you to have fun before it ends.


is this image real?

A country of their own, living there would be a far worse punishment than anything we could inflict on them.

Eat shit red, your ideology will be dead and unwanted for a century at least, and you along with it, God willing


communism is a jewish meme to remove the property rights and the lively hoods of the goyim they rule over
look into it the soviet union it was almost exclusively jewish run
why do you think you never hear the truth about the bolshevik revolution?

now those same jews are using their infulence to convince impressionable youth that communism is the way to go
when they know full well it will lead to the death of millions and when they are done with the useful idiots that help them get there i.e. you
they will have them all lined up and shot

thats what leftist deserve.

all hillary supporters and bernouts

Africa Addio

Gas yourself swine.


Worse. Яeddit


this is a good place to start
a warning the host are totally 14/88
but that did not stop me from listening
and it should not stop you

ps look at the last 4 letters of that url :D

some good old fashion Brazen bull


>See pic

>le 66 gorillion trillion