This /our guy/ meme NEEDS to end

this /our guy/ meme NEEDS to end
everyone knows that pic related is the most based person in the world and also the king of Sup Forums
>try to prove me wrong
>protip dont even try

pol hates milo even though he's one of the best things that has ever happened to them.

please stop promoting yourself in lgbt and pol Milo.

Solo veo un nazi maricón

nah he's an attention whoring fag

Sure, but he's a fun and funny attention whoring fag.

The best kind of fag.

>attention whore
literally public figure is an "attention whore"

If he just weren't a fucking catholic I'd actually respect him.

>coalburning jewish cocksucker

fuck off faggot

He's not "the most based", he's simply immune to leftist identity politics, since he's a gay jew.

That's why they're pushing the "Spencer" meme, because he's a straight white male, which makes him an acceptable target.

Milos a fag, and so is op, and I dont support faggots, like the rest of Sup Forums

>he doesn't know half of Sup Forums is composed of faggots and trannies

m-muh Christian board...

That's bullshit and you know it

>coalburning kike
>doesn't give a shit about race or people
>cares about """""western culture""""" while being a flamboyant turbofaggot

He is an attention whore who cashed in on the alt-right and gamergate when they were media trends.

Leader of the alt-right.
Charming, eloquent, wicked smart.
Sup Forums tards can't even. Run off to r9k to sulk.

I don't mind faggots shouting down and discrediting my enemies.

Fuck off Jew newfag plebbitor we only have one guy and his name is Ben Garrison

i fucking love milo, but he ain't alt-right. he's just a "fellow traveller on some issues"

I hear the same criticism of him as of Lauren southern, Gavin, etc. 'they don't really give a shit they just want attention"

That's fine with me, better than the cuck and jiving for ZOG every other celeb does.

he's well educated in his opinions and is one of the most articulate speakers on the Islam problem that we have. he destroys the opposition in every interview or debate that he's in. him being a gay jew only helps our cause.

What a beautiful faggot
>Those genes
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnn g

Too bad he's a fag, what a waste

Also inb4 Skype

>Falling for a half asssed LARP of a Catholic Greek
>Trust me I'm JEW hurr durr now I'm untouchable

perma-banned for calling Leslie Jones Harambe on Twitter or some shit.

Gay Jew internet troll, Ben Shapiro's archrival or something.

He's funny sometimes but usually he's just annoying tbqdesu

Not like Milo is, he says stupid shit purely to get attention and then eats his foot the day after

lol no seriously Sup Forums is full of queers sorry to burst your bubble m8

I just like to watch Sup Forums flap their fatty arms like triggered femtards when I call him alt-right leader.

>lol no seriously Sup Forums is full of queers sorry to burst your bubble m8

You have literally zero proof of this, being that you're one of those stupid faggots from /lgbt/ that idolizes us for some stupid fucking reason. Go back there and ring up some nigger to fuck your little leafhole.

>thinks all of Sup Forums is faggots
Checks out alright