Just imagine

Just imagine

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We don't want Canada, they're a containment country

Canada has safeguarded itself from American annexation by turning everything to shit.

why has this been pushed lately????

Is canada gonig to collapse and then join with the USA.

Is that why Turdeu sold all the gold???

We'll be better off just taking all of Mexico.

Or we just kick out the Mexicans and take their land too

Why though? It's full of ice and Indians.

you're going to annex canada?? hahaha, enjoy 35 million more SJWs, unless you exterminate us all with smallpox-laced toques

We're going to kill you all, then you'll win


So that the democrats will rule over the United States for the next 40 years?

What part of "...from the halls of Montezuma" do you not understand?


only niggers and liberals make these threads. I don't want leaves in my country

We'll use the proven 40oz and some weed and you guys will do what the fuck you're told.

I don't just want Canada. I want West Mexico, taking out Los Zetas and building walls along Mexico as we go, since Mexicans refuse to settle their cartel control and Trudeau is confounding to deals with their only border nation and sending in terrorists
>we take their Yucutan, their Merida and their ancestral empires, as shame and penance for their fat corruption, leaving the Mexican people broken in spirit forever and exiled from their identity, decaying to drugs and dissolution as we slowly move westward to take their land in time
>the drug fields of Mexico and oil fields of Canada open golden oppurtunities for American capitalists for new markets and new chances
>we are independent in energy and manufacturing, our lands are profitable and our national standards on drugs lax the international crackdown and enter in a new era of international compliance
>China's rising dragon is struck down as once again their century of shame return as the Anglos are pushing Opium again, their people stunted in the dens again, China's reach cucked
>our visage is literally a screaming skull, spitting ominous reach upon the world
>we are the world's hated and feared
>as we should be, in Pax Americana

Are you fucking kidding me right now I went to America and there were TONS of trees there full of lush,beautiful leaves.

I couldn't believe it, I thought America was one giant nuclear power plant with no nature because corporations cut down all the trees for profit.

Yes plz

>mfw a fucking leaf replies to me

Democrats would never stop getting elected

canada can stay right where it is

Only if Trump revises democracy

You're a fucking idiot you literally have to go through us to drive to another part of you.

Also Canada and America are virtually culturally identical.

I dare you to go up to one of these people and say ''hurr durr you fucking leaves haha lol'':




Oh yay...33 million more faggots.

If we get Mexico too then USA will be a dragon.

>Singapore flag

Explain yourself.

Fuck no, too many asians in canada.

we dont want them


shit meant to reply to this but, mexico also has oil


You planning on detonating a neutron bomb over the Great Lakes to create the eye-socket or something, user?

And those teeth don't exist.

You're gay.

Many Americans do business in Singapore, leaf.
They speak English there unlike yellow niggers.

>what is American on holiday

t. brit on holiday

fuck off weeb

That pic is cute and saved.


It would be worst than usa it's today.


>mfw he just keeps doing it

So would Canada be one whole state or would each province become its own state?

Draconic USA empire when

Ugh can't we just drone Canada?

But not worse than Brazil.

>Also Canada and America are virtually culturally identical.

This is absolutely true. Having an independent Canada is redundant and Canada should be incorporated into USA post haste.

Do it !


Poutine in America
Nice one leaf.

This desu

>do business

You giving 'em the business gov'nah?

Haitians are disgusting. God bless hurricanes.

No thanks. Keep the liberal shit out of here, we have enough of those in jew york & commiefornia.

Build wall

Maybe Alberta

Hey man if they actually forge a North American Union into being then the Draco can come topside out of Dulce and rule over it overtly and your dreams will have come true.

I'm actually a slavboo but ok

This could've happened if Madison and Jefferson weren't petty faggots and let Andrew Jackson lead the army from the beginning of the War of 1812.


don't. the USA doesn't need anymore problems.


>adding gorrillionz of Dem voters


Instead of the way ww2 happened if we would have executed war plan red this would be the map


>war plan red
Well that's new to me

>wanting to be cucked by Mexicans

I fucking hope so.

What's the true reason why millenials are out of touch ideologues?

Think about it boys...

>We start a new meme reinvigorating manifest destiny.
>Inspire generation Z to take to arms against Los Zetas waging a righteous war to free the Mexican land for Americans.
>Generation of kids are eternally redpilled through good old fashioned American conquest.
>Week spend the next 5 decades reinvigorating the American economy through bringing Mexico into the modern age.
>Canada comes into the fold later for economic reasons like the bitch they are.

Yee haw (((REE HAW)))

that would be a very quick way to cuck yourself, US.

Australia is always open to being your 51st state though...

ok, but any annexed citizens dont get to vote
and all SJWs get sent to mexico

Imagine if the great lakes weren't there? That would suck


>wants to be allowed to leave the west coast
Nope. You get to go live with your favorite people now.

>Annex Canada
>Add another turbo blue state the size of California to the electoral college
>Hillary/Michelle 2020
Sounds good to me

You can join us, we'll take care of you shitposters.

it's true. had a buddy who's Father worked in Singapore.

>Hillary alive in 2020

KEK wills it

Shit. I don't want Canada in the US but I will check those.

We need to deport all Canadian liberals prior to annexing them.

>wants his country to lose territory
>thinks anyone who wants a stronger nation likes other countries
Don't know if actually retarded or a Mexican with a VPN

Either way, this disgusts me. Stat the fuck away from America.

That can be arranged.

Yeah but it isn't worth the money it takes to even get it out in the first place.

You can only take Canada if you get rid of California.

Please annex us.

I'm planning on moving to the US once I finish my degree, I love my city but not my country, I want off this sinking ship.

Had to check this twice thanks to those dubdubs

Hahaha go ahead and try it, burgers. With our revolutionary cucked earth tactics we are unconquerable.


I also didn't notice

Please no. Canada is full of chinks and poo in loos now. We'll take Alberta, though.

Why so suicidal leaf?

Are you just accepting inevitability?

What do canadian women look like partner?

But Vancouver is prime real estate.

This. On holiday in Singapore rn. Forgot about the flags for a sec

>complaining about how white canada is
>when you're 60% white due to being filled with slave descendants and random mexican criminals that just walked over the border

>What do canadian women look like
Fat, blue hair, and piercings all over

Like american women but whiter and thinner.

>60% white
>still 6 canadas worth of white people
ok f.am

US looks stupid on a map with Canada a part of it.

>american education
what is an VPN

