Reminder that even Nate Silver thinks the Stein recount thing is a scam.
Reminder that even Nate Silver thinks the Stein recount thing is a scam
>Nate Silver thinks it's a scam.
Not a scam confirmed.
This genuinely worries me.. we should all fear the chaos god.
No one cares
Nate Sliver eternally impresses me in the way he continues to exist and seems to believe people take him seriously, rather than committing Hari-Kari to restore his honour.
They will overturn the results and Hillary will win. Mark my words. It's happening.
no its not you guys
How will Shlomo shake even more shekels out of the Bernfags next?
This is a very bad sign for us. When was the last time he got something right?
KEK has spoken.
Do you think Nate has realized everything he says is wrong? Do you think he's intentionally using his super power against Trump?
Hillary BTFO! liberals on suicide watch
So what? It's likely that it's a conspiracy against the results. She's really into it.
Nate Boron is trying to win back some credibility
>too late, nate
even slate is calling it a scam
>mfw nate wants to hide shillary vote rigging
No, he is just desperately trying to remain relevant like a gambler who has been at the table for too long but just wants to keep playing.
of course it is a scam why would stein want a recount? it's not like she is gonna win anything
she is literally just scamming retard liberals
>when was the last time he got something right
This guy is a total faggot. He can't be right about something to save his life.
Kobach as DHS Secretary can invoke the following provision of law: (8 USC 1227(a))
(6) Unlawful voters
(A) In general
Any alien who has voted in violation of any Federal, State, or local constitutional provision, statute, ordinance, or regulation is deportable.
Anyone who is here and not a citizen- even if they are here legally- and voted in the election is gone, even if they aren't "criminal". They are Fucked with a capital F.
>mfw recount gives Trump the popular vote
Jill Stein is trying to overturn the electoral college in favour of popular vote backed by Soros
Be worried of the Jews guys
kek, I worried about this too earlier today.
Decided to take a little break from memeing to regain perspective.
>to be fair to Nate Tellurium he possibly does know at least a tiny little bit about how elections work
>he knows that 80,000 votes suddenly appearing in PA would be suspicious as fuck and even the Clintons aren't going to retroactively rig an election they lost by that much
>so the whole enterprise is quixotic
>and therefore Stein's motives are clearly attention seeking, self-promotion and attempting to become a focal point of dissent as we Make America Great Again
>oh and conning idiots. She's also doing that.