Brit/pol/ - Comfy NEET hours edition

>Why I trust Major and Blair - but not Sturgeon - over Brexit

>Lord Advocate to argue in Supreme Court for Scotland 'veto' over Brexit

>Man, 24, found guilty after calling Eddie Izzard 'a fucking poofter'

>Police probe hilarious 'Pakémon' stickers featuring Sadiq Khan found in Tube station

>Major accused over new Brexit vote bid

>Osborne defends £320,000 from speeches

>ACCEPT IT! Sir Ian Botham goes on FURIOUS rant at Remainers trying to stop Brexit

>Brexit will SAVE the NHS: Cancer specialist says leaving EU will rescue our health service

>Who is Francois Fillon’s wife Penelope? The Welsh woman who could become French first lady

>Britons could pay for EU citizenship, says top negotiator

>Theresa May faces Tory backlash over £240m boost for grammar places

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for legalise cannabis or pay the price

This is now a Fascist thread

Is there any thread more /comfy/ than Brit/pol/?

Yes pls


Nice Youtube borders

>tfw no BUF revival

nth for tomato

Our time will come once more

How can I make money from my paintings in the UK? They're all shit, but not shit enough to be considered modern art.

I want to make a few hundered quid from each one. Perhaps I should start doing modern art?

Post politics related self-autism

Once, a few years ago when I was first getting into politics, I repeated a Hitchens speech almost ad verbatim when talking about politics with my parents

It was this one, iirc:

Is there a single institution in this country that isn't infested with nonces?

>ywn have this life

Why no CSAInquiery?

we already have pizza gate

this would be perfect

It won't though, (((they))) made sure of that.


>It's another "Yank invades Brit/pol/ and equates American and British politics precisely because Farage is now Trump's little rentboy" episode

I think I probably said Hitler was alright a few times while drunk, but I passed it off as banter.

I`m just glad I`ll never be you.

Did the BUF ever gain any seats

disguise is key m80

everything is infested with nonces if you consider 1 in 100,000 as infested, the church , police, lawyers, teachers, social workers.

>I repeated a Hitchens speech almost ad verbatim when talking about politics.
Sounds familiar for some reason...

>Is there any thread more /comfy/ than Brit/pol/?
Not that I know of

Would you rather

(a) Replace all members of the House of Lords with SNP life peers


(b) Abolish the monarchy

I thought these sorts of questions were meant to be difficult.


Bane threads on Sup Forums

I want b anyway, so that one.

Doesn't really work when even civic cucks like ukip are labelled as fascists.


I wouldn`t vote in that case.

Is that really all you have?
It`s the only think you post in relation to him.

Anyone on the right-wing is labelled as a fascist by the far-left.

>check captcha
they're onto us

owen being jittery little faggot

To be fair on Dave I think he actually stood up for himself there, bit strange that he suddenly went wtf i love the eu now afterwards though.

>I am NOT paying for this. Hurrah for Britain!
>Pays it anyway

>If we don't lower immigration? Vote us out. Go on, do it. We're that certain we can lower it.
>Theresa May oversees RECORD numbers of immigrants coming to the country as Home Secretary, even outdoing Blair's time in power in which they sent out SEARCH PARTIES to look for them
>Win first election of the century anyway

And you people think this country has the balls to fight for Brexit instead of bending over backwards for the Tories' """soft deal"""... top kek

That's treason there, m8

I think I know May's line of thinking for the court ruling. Once the final decision is reached, May will call for a general election, either way I think we're getting one but it all depends on if the vote is overturned or not. If it is then I think this finishes off Labour and UKIP will disintegrate, with both Labour and UKIP done for this leaves for the Conservatives to basically win the next general election and possibly do away with Brexit all together. However if it isn't overturned and May does call a general election, she knows she is fucked because this gives UKIP more and more strength and chances are they could get in next election.


nice novel

But he ended up paying it.

I phoned up LBC and had a go at Majiid Nawaz, just listed facts and forgot to be passionate at all.
starts at 1minute

Stakes just got higher.

He only paid a small amount of it if I remember correctly, which just ended up pissing everyone off.


Making fun of a psycho terrorist executioner is now racial abuse

This is Sadiq's caliphate of London in 2016

You really need to lurk more before gobbling up every theory that gets thrown around by LARPing redditors that have no idea what they're talking about

>You: Woah! That's interesting as fuck. Does anyone have any stories about this? Does May want it? Will Farage be there? Based UK!!!

> Trust Blair more than Sturgeon
> Prefers a shit warmonger to a fishmonger
> Scot trusts a Scot over another Scot

Anyone else sick of the Scots and their full on faggotry?

May fears UKIP, you can tell, she's going to use the ruling to try and curb them while possibly finding a way around to overturn the Brexit vote.

If Susanne Evans wins is there any way to fasttrack leaving UKIP?


Food for thought: Irish are subhumans


May just doesn`t want to show her cards to the EU before negotiation starts, everyone is being silly.
I don`t think she wants to leave though, having a pro-remain pm in charge of leaving is retarded.


I wasn't implying it was 100% true.

I was saying that ***if*** it was even somewhat true, then it would make Brexit even more important because it would decide the political future of Britain.


Please don't reply to YKTD.

We're going to blow up Africa?

Forgot to add: I had an adrenaline before I went on air and my heart was probably beating faster, certainly not the most pleasant of experiences

Either way Brexit is a new chapter, how much it is like the last chapter is what we`ll have to wait and see, we should know next year.
It`s certain they`ll trigger article 50, but we don`t know what the deal will be, or how far removed from the EU we will be.

How popular is the station? Public speaking sucks.

I'm curious how Britain leaving will effect the European Army they're trying to raise. Especially if France follows.

LBC is fairly popular. A few million I think.

UKIP won't go anywhere and I say that as a member. It's too toxic a brand to stupid, miserable, socialist normies. Evans winning would castrate any novelty left in UKIP. Farage has gone and Faragists are jumping ship. Why could we just have had Woolfe to take the north ffs we had the future on a platter.



Nige is on LBC all the time, it`s fun to listen to.
The EU isn`t rational, it will have it`s army either way, but I doubt France will leave, chances are the French republican party will win.
Fun fact, Le Pen called Fillion, the leading republican candidate, an economic extremist.


Tbf after the euphoria of Brexit (the butthurt was delicious this side of the channel, believe me) I can't help but be disappointed. The 'conservative' party in Britain is unchallenged and given a mandate to leave the EU...instead cucks like Boris and Gove fuck things up and allow a Remainer to take charge. Such a missed opportunity.

Isn't Le Pen a borderline commie economically speaking?


Woolfie got Hook`d.

I think she is a socialist nationalist.


It would be real bad if Sarkozy won

>socialist nationalist

Sarkozy won`t win, nobody likes him.
Fillion is supposedly winning, he said multiculturalism was an awful failed project and admires Thatcher, lefties have a choice between a rock and a hard place.

>socialist nationalist

So is it Nat. Cap vs Nat. Soc?

Which language should I learn?

An actual applicable, non-meme language.

But he's already lost?

spanish if you want to know a useful language
french or german if you want to be patrician


Mandarin. The Chinkies will be our overlords within the next decade, might as well get ahead of the curb.

France could use a good Nazi party.

So the french man said in the Napoleon thread earlier.

You what?
They are still at the debate stage, Fillon is leading the polls.

I was talking about Sarkozy.


Tell him if he's really worried he'd help you kick out the muslims

Learn French, make French friends, stop browsing Sup Forums and live a happy life m9

I think they should tone down the socialism tbqh

Stop posting depressing facebook statuses, lad.
Jokes aside he probably just hasn`t heard from you in a while.

>Mr Fillon, an anglophile whose wife is Welsh
I keep on hearing good things about this guy.

Good one froglet.

But manlets rule the world?

>An end to the 35-hour working week in the private sector and a return to 39 hours for public sector workers
>Lower taxes and cuts of €100bn in public spending over five years. Half a million civil service jobs would go
>An independent fund would be set up to stimulate entrepreneurship and create 500,000 to one million jobs
>The retirement age would rise to 65
>Adoption by same-sex couples would be banned
>A referendum would be held on a quota for immigrants
wtf i love fillon now.




Chances of Hollande getting re-elected?

Never said French ruled the world, manlets do though.
What are you? A homophobic sexist mysogonist racist transophobic white cis male pig?

I hear Muslims aren't very popular in the U.K.

Absolute zero
tfw cucked by ID

Explain his situation pls