How do we fix the nigger problem?

How do we fix the nigger problem?

>How do we fix the nigger problem?
Have to kill em

How do we get normies on board with that?

more policing in their ghettos
more charter schools


You can't fix DNA. You can only eliminate it.

>poison KFC
>all nigr ded
was solution so hard?

also bimonthly drug testing for welfare recipients.

Give them more guns.

Fix povery

It's a concept called individual accountability.

It was banned last century.

Have to kill em

We kill them too

More jobs, less welfare

commit a crime? -> get deported to australia, regardless of race

I'm all for mass hangings

Equal opportunities.

>2010 census:
>11.5 million blacks living below the poverty line in the U.S.
>15.5 million whites living below the poverty line in the U.S.

Offer them money to get sterilized.

Give 72% of their homes the father figure they're missing.


Delete rap culture, educate them and deport them back to Africa.

Niggers can only fix the problems of Niggers.

White people need to stop white knighting and interjecting on others issues.

Let them work it out for themselves.

make crack cheaper until they all die

Stop feeding them.

We promote a kind of "African Spring" where they feel the spiritual urge to return to their homeland.

>what is proportion

We promote a kind of "African Spring" where they feel the spiritual urge to return to their homeland. Don't ask me how, but it's the only way.

Kill them is the most popular choice so far..

Could work, but we'd have to become drug dealers.

You can fantasize about unrealistic solutions, or you can start getting serious about practical solutions that can actual work.

well, since they're very easy to spot, i'd say put a bounty on their heads of say, $50 each... that would be pretty fucking cheap considering how much has already been spent on them and produced absolutely zero positive results

>Abolish welfare

>Kill those that don't get a job and integrate into the new American society

with a gun