What is wrong with marrying a Woman over the age of 30?

What is wrong with marrying a Woman over the age of 30?

Why the stigma?

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Autistic kids

defective babies

>can't have healthy kids
What's the point? Just stay single.

Sterile + used goods + something wrong with them if they are single at that age

Theres a reason she's not married at her prime which was around 24

they are damn near infertile

the best breeding years are like 16-24

after that not only do chances of birth defects increase chances of all other sort of ailments increase

>hey prime which was around 24

sinlge women above 30 are fucking selfish asswholes. if their looks cant get them a man by 30 they are the problem

Getting cucked by an objectively uglier female past her prime.

It's like buying used spoiled milk

Women are mentally children until they reach the age of about 26-28 years


men appreciate with age as women depreciate, the confidence pussy gives you in your 20s is amazing. they can go up to a millionaire with such confidence. meanwhile men have to earn it

What's wrong with buying a car that's had 100 previous owners?

In addition to the good points mentioned above, a woman's looks start fading by 26ish (some start earlier or later based on the genes).

That is a genetic indicator to men that their fertility value is on the decline.

Marrying a 30+ year old women is a million times better than being alone. Dudes that are single above the age of 30 are supreme losers. How do you not have a wife by then? Let me guess, it's society's fault. Pathetic.

the funny thing is that millenial women right know are whores, pretty and on top of the world. this will start to shift and we will the have the largest generation of single women

hello roastie

>In 2016

The best age in history to be a bachelor and you choose to marry the women from the worst age.


that's like 10 years off man

used goods

>best age to be a bachelor
Says the guy on Sup Forums on a saturday night.

I guess by not dating, you're able to save up all your money for Star Wars action figures, huh?

Some women are hotter in their 30s. Jennifer Aniston for instance.

Pol thinks they're going to get slave like 18 year old virgin prom queens?

Probably have to become Muslim for that. Lel.


describes my ex pretty good. also wouldn't apologize for shit she started until I had to fully call her out on it and say she's a shitty person for doing so.

>saturday night.

Most people, not just women, will be permanently set in their ways by the time they are 30.

Instead of spending your formative years together and growing together into a couple that can compromise and care for each other through all situations, a woman in her 30's already has her tastes, standards and will usually never change to suit you in any way. At that age it is 'take me as I am or leave me' essentially.

yes but have you ever talked to one, their fucking very selfish human beings

Because ovaries begin drying up around age 30.

You'll be lucky if she shits out 1-2 kids, tops.

Nah I'm investing in my future. I want to make money so I can enjoy my life as a bachelor with no roastie whore.

If I do decide to get married it sure as hell wont be with a degenerate white woman. I'll probably go to Eastern Europe and get a village girl deserving of myself.


what the fuck is that? an elongated labia?

Saggy minge and floppy boobs

The same reason why nobody buys used cars planning to use them daily and keep them exclusively forever.

Sure maybe you'll get one for weekend rides.

24 is definitely the upper-end of 'prime'. But your basic point is right. If she's 30, single, and attractive, something is seriously wrong. Even 25 is up there.

Western women are very selfish at all ages. It's either put up with it or get a gook.

Looks fishie to me

Yeah, girl is at her prime around 14

you know what lately i have been thinking of just being single most of my 20s and in my 30s go and get a slovanian or asian qt from a 3rd 2nd world nation

I suppose you like driving beat to shit cars too?

Single women over 30 are Chad-leavin's.

no, they never progress past the mind of a 16 year old.


men can blunt the effects of testosterone tapering effect past 30 via exercise but women... once their HGH and estrogen hormones stop pumping out like they use to... its all down hills.

Even asian women.

Saggy tits.

"Old enough to bleed=old enough to breed"

>Tfw no cougar waifu
All I ask for in life is to be a househusband to some workaholic, alpha business woman who desires nothing more than coming home to one of my meals or a back or foot rub as we settle down on the settee together unwinding when she arrives home.

Best place to find such a woman?

dude over 30 is when they rely less on looks and more on bj skills, i had the best bj from a cougar, the best, she was fat qt but it was the best

Do you not see how saggy those tits on the right are?? Fuck off OP no one wants nasty old woomynz


>tfw married by 23
>find out am infertile around 25
>afraid husband will leave because can't produce children

Fucking sucks, fellows. I'm terrified of being a 30 year old, childless, divorced single woman.

hahaahha disgusting roastie

enjoy giving up your pussy for free to Chads on Tinder the rest of your life

or that gross chest place full of liver spots and gross skin due to years of showing of bikini bod

I need to find another cougar my current one is pretty busy do to being a milf
>dont worry I'm the bull


Kinda lucked into this one. Not sure how to best go about getting another.

stop making kids, also you should be afraid mexican and asians are pooping them out like candy

>take me as I am

My buddy just married into this. She can do no wrong, leaves her shit everywhere, gets on his ass for not cleaning it or remedying whatever. I know he won't step up because they both settled for one another. Once I just got tired of it because I couldn't fit the beer I brought over into the fridge because it was full of half eaten old crap. She started bitching and I just lost it. Everything he's wanted to say but couldn't came out of me like I was back in the marines. Right then and there me and him emptied the fridge into the trash while she fumed and bitched, but things got done. And I put my beer in there to chill after

Now, after that, I'm rarely invited over or out with the group anymore but hey whatever

>this will start to shift and we will the have the largest generation of single women

It will be quite the sight to see.

like other anons have said, these girls are basically leftovers who rode the cock carousel for 20 years, partying and sleeping with any waggling dick that came by, only to now realize they are 30, all their friends are married, and then they start going out on the hunt to find beta cucks who will marry and support them because no one else will have anything to do with the bitches because they are already globally marked whores.

this is why you will see literally all of the 30+ women who are on dating sites claiming they are "looking for something real" and "want a good man". it's because they are selfish trash and their own poor life choices are biting them in the ass. they also refuse to consider themself any less valuable as they were when they were 21, and make incessant lists of demands for the person they expect to pay their way in perpetuity.

and this is why i go to escorts and give no shits about having relationships.

older fathers give risk for autism not moms

old moms give risk for Downs not fathers

A woman's prime is around 16.

>27 year old woman
>don't want kids

Feels pretty good, desu.

It'll work out well for those of use in out mid 20's, lots of milfs to suck us off while we look for possibly newly redpilled (thank you Trump) younger women to breed.


Abetting the death of the white race is horrible you guys. I wish I could have a white child with my white husband but the best I can hope for is adoption.

For some reason I don't feel comfortable with surrogacy, although I guess it will become an option if I end up with an ultimatum.

>posts over 60 year olds
Talks about 30 year olds. Just a question, why do you even want to get married? Is it because social stigma? Marriages don't work out well in west either way and are on decline all over the world. It's a lot of work and costs a lot of money. Better choose well, if you don't want to waste the best years of your life.

actaully it will be very sad. they will have to settle, many will remain alone for life. they will be the victims of their femenism

Marrying used trash

just accept it and get an animal sanctuary or adopt a white baby.

Based user. I did something similar. She was berating him constantly... one time when we were out on the town I told her what I thought about her... selfish, loudmouth, no manners, undeserving of my friend..

She still hates my guts and that was years ago. My buddy saw the light and eventually broke up with her. No regrets.

>found out I'm infertile by 25
Sure took you a long time to find out getting fucked in your ass won't get you pregnant you fag

Making it pretty obvious you have no idea what trying to a child is like famalamadingdong.

Yeah, but how do you expect to go on after your wife of 20 years something divorces you after 15 years?

women are used goods by 30

honestly guys, white women deserve to be suffer, they are single for being selfish pigs, the way of the future is other races from shitty countries, they will respect you no matter how you look. just on your career, they are fertile due to actual food.

not really, most white women are pretty hot until about 45, by that age most people start to look older

i don't know what you guys are smoking, it's not like once you turn thirty you go to shit

sure their hot but just talk to them youll want to kill yourself.

They've had 20 miles of dick in them, they're used

Marriages around the world rarely last longer than 15 years on average and it will even less with global connected world and business way of life.

I totally understand that angle. I'm worried about our race, too. Unfortunately I have personal issues I can't get around.

>Dated a woman with a newborn
>Relationship lasted a little over 1 year
>It was harder to leave "my son" than it was the bitch

Kinda broke me. Also, I learned how insanely difficult it is to be successful and work hard with a child. So some good, some bad from it.


do you think white marriage statics are better

well really, even young women talk about stupid shit

but there are plenty of bangable women from 30-45, really a lot of it comes down to how well she takes care of herself.

if they eat healthy and keeps in shape, women can stay hot for a lot longer. that's just a big "if" in america right now.

>they will be the victims of their femenism

I think women who buy into this ideology deserve whatever is coming to them. Let them eat cake.

well when women are older they become staunch proponents of their thoughts and stances. young women arent quite their yet

>Female prime at 24
You're not fucking serious

Help me make sense of this. Dated a mutual friend who was 30. Everything going awesome and didn't even have to sex her yet. She was holding out which I thought was good and made me want her more. Or maybe just holding out with me, who knows. I treated her good, no pushover or pedestal, just like good company. Suddenly her friend gets dumped and she must help her get over it. Eventually this friend leads to her not wanting a relationship right now, as in with me. Ok sure and I go on my way. Few months later she comes back wanting to start over. I agree because I still want to get in and nothing was going on at the time. Suddenly I'm the best guy she's ever dated and other affirmations. I'm like not three months ago I wasn't enough for you when this train wreck you have as a friend got dumped and now I'm supposed to trust and take you seriously.. I learned not to take hot single 30+ year olds seriously unless there's big effort on her part

False. The father's age has almost no influence.

We must take the hard path to secure the future of the white race. It isn't always fun, but it is necessary. The fact that it isn't all sunshine and buttercups is one reason why we are dying in the first place.

If my husband ends up being okay with it, we will adopt, but I feel like a personal failure despite all of my professional accolades and academic degrees because of a genetic failure with my body. I don't think I'm wrong for feeling that way either.

Can't even.

susan sarandon needs to be ploughed constantly.

That all depends what kind of woman you are marrying and where you live. More people, more business, less likely to stay together. One thing is for sure, long lasting marriage only happens if you spend time together all the time, but you know you aren't thinking about it the same after years of marriage, you might relax and not care about wife, then some day out of blue sky she just tells you she wants to split and besides you can get angry and it splits. Long-lasting marriage demands good management.

I agree with most of the points made EXCEPT woman's look depreciating after 30.

Woman in their 30's physically are stellar. They dont have that youthful appearance its a defined beauty. A bunch of 17yr old autists on a mongolian basket weaving board wouldn't understand though.

that's not really that bad

Good luck with the child services' special

Unless your specifically hunting out worse those are pretty fucking bad user.

>this will start to shift and we will the have the largest generation of single women

They will become lesbians or catladys and blame "the patriarchy."

Beauty is overrated.

Adoption is perfectly reasonable. And because it's so trendy among cuck and libshit marriages to adopt non-white children, I imagine it'd be easy to find the perfect child for you.

Don't be angry at yourself or your body. Everyone has their problems. You seem superior to many wastes of space that breeding right now. Even if you can't produce your own children, the fact that you care so much means you'll raise some excellent ones if you choose to adopt.

I agree but that wasn't the point I was making.

Men play the game of life differently, most men only start having regular sex at 21 years old, most men only become sexually attractive in their mid 20's thanks to them filling out, beard growth and money. Women walk out of highschool not as virgins, with the intention of marriage with a wealthy man early on and the need to have children before 25.
A man can get rich, marry at 21 year old woman at 35 and start a family with her. Theres no timer on male breeding age.


The prime age for marriage is about ~16.