Hi Sup Forums! I'm so glad to be here. I've never owned a piece of history before, will this be valuable one day? I got this from my old boss, DJT. Also, post your rare books

Other urls found in this thread:


you shouldn't have had it dedicated


Is it still more valuable than an unsigned copy? On the plus side william is a common name. Pic not related

Someone link me to this vid

you caught me Andrei......getting doxxd for MAGA

+ 0.2 Shekels from CTR.

Fuck that's pretty rare I'd say. I have two signed copies of Crippled America.

How's that read, user? I am interested in reading it, I'm trying to get through a Lovecraft collection atm tho. AotD is a top 10 all time


dam makes my signed copy of wold warz look like shit

anyone have anything from the berenstein collection?

It's really simple, but really good. For all those complaining about "Drumpf has no solid plans", it's all laid out in that book. I'm suprised he never quoted it more often.

Wew lad

are u surprised kek has followers in all walks of life?

No. I am fully aware that memes have crossed into reality

>bill cosby

the value has probably fallen now

Nah you fucked up you narcissistic fuckbag

>best seller

i hear this version is priceless

is it the cold weather that makes canadians so angry?

guess it will just become a family heirloom. Post your copy leaf

I guess it may not be worthless but it could be harder to sell of you wanted to hock it but what do I know I work in a warehouse.


too bad you didnt read it :^)

neither did you, but i did.

I've got a nice book. It's a family hand me down.


I have Think Like A Billionaire


Nice. If anyone wants to see one like this, some university libraries have 1930s copies of Mein Kampf in that series.

I know for a fact there is one like that in Pratt library at UofT.

wow user...that is Unglaublich und unbezahlbar. Is that a signed bookplate?

no reverse image search results but I'm gonna need a timestamp faggot

Worth a hellofalot more if it was dedicated to "A Big Guy"

I'm not physically with the book as it's at my grandma's house. I've posted it a few times here before though.


check'd and kek'd

also check'd

Holy fuck that's neat as shit

Is that you in the pic, OP?

Still got the video? I had to erase mine before I watched it fully

It's a painting you fucking dunce

Does the hand match the face Sherlock

no that is absolutely not. Andrei failed at dox

>sees hand
>sees face
>retarded enough to believe it's the same person