Veronica Evalion

is she ok

how is she anti pornography when shes wearing a fucking choker and has her own porn video floating around on the internet

she has??

Her arguments are pretty shit. She has some intelligent ideas but most of them just sound like she's vaguely recalling posts on Sup Forums. It's pretty funny.

>has her own porn video floating around on the internet

She doesn't, actually. This was a pitiful character assassination attempt made by the Jews in an attempt to shut her down.

I thought she was both gone from youtube and underage

jenifer lawrence has a pron video floating around and shes anti pron

the words "down your throat" echo in her head as she realizes every one knows that was the directors son before the first movie was made

I don't have it. Someone will post it in this thread though, im sure.

someone will post it in here, just wait.

no way is she under 20

It was a powerful anal assassination made by the black man in an attempt to fuck her up

Nah, she is and always was a attentionwhoring retard

You can always tell a whore from their sub collars.

Who's the old lech she's chatting with?

I know of the video you're speaking of, it's not her.

Don't know. Anyone know what's wrong with him? Sounds like he keeps involuntarily exhaling

post it I wanna see how much it looks like her

>choker necklace

I was expecting a not-pretty but OK nazi and stupid young girl and found a weird pedo stalking that girl


It's because she's a leaf. They are weak and easily preyed upon.

Think about this though. The video is literally about degeneracy but she's wearing a choker


What the fuck dude

I didnt find her physically attractive

But I really like her now

She just has so many fairly interesting things to say AND SHES NOT A GUY

It's like i could actually enjoy hearing her opinion on things all the time

Fuck off with your American proxy Evalion, nice dubdubs

Is she Jewish?

She looks very Jewish.

Yes she's half jew

Im not kidding

Im falling in love with her every word she speaks

Does she answer to twitters?

Probably if you bother her enough

Tell her you'll pay for her to move to America and have white babies with your superior genetics. Also make sure to mention how you hate the Jews

How old is she?

She said "dindus".

I like her.

She called drake out for being half-jew.

I think I'm in love.

She said she wanted to record a mein kampf audiobook
Did she ever get around reading any chapter?
I could use it

Im not white

Id make non-white mongrels great again with a woman like that

No. She is a jewish attention whore leeches off of pathetic orbiters.


lol she also said about Rihanna and Drake "Isn't that the guy who beat the shit out of her a few years ago? Why are you still with him" haha she's retarded

You are a fucking cuck


They always beg for money from fucking beta orbiter faggots like you

I bet she will if you have an anime avatar

Anne Frank/10

This video is weird, it's like the grandfather role is in her body and the teen female role is in the old guys body.

>wtf I love her now
Fuck off to reddit, faggots. This wench is nothing but an attention whore.

Yeah I think that was chris brown, she is female, give her a break...

link pls

It's fine it's just newfags

She literally made me say
>wtf I hate porn now
Im literally in love


haha weird.... see what you mean

how is this not a troll post

I wasn't being serious when I said I loved her, she does come off as an attention whore, it's just funny when I hear what we spout on here on a 19 year old girls youtube video.

leaf female... ultimate sh*tposter i don't think i could actually handle being in the same room as her.