Election Recount in Wisconsin CONFIRMED

Well, boys, it's happening. You said it wouldn't, but it is.

>An election recount will take place soon in Wisconsin, after former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein filed a petition Friday with the state’s Election Commission, the first of three states where she has promised to contest the election result.

>The move from Stein, who raised millions since her Wednesday announcement that she would seek recounts of Donald Trump’s apparent election victories in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, came just 90 minutes before Wisconsin’s 5 p.m. Friday deadline to file a petition. Now it will keep some hope alive for many Hillary Clinton supporters for another few weeks while Wisconsin recounts ballots before a Dec. 13 deadline.


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All brought to you by, American taxpayers!
Keeping elections pricey, since god knows when.

why is she recounting if she had no chance of winning...hmmm

Some of that sweet Clinton money would be my guess.

Is she jewing the jews or trying to fuck over trump? what is she planning?

oh cool, so donald gets to win twice in one election.

Unless she somehow wins Wisconsin PA and Michigan it doesn't matter

Expose hillary corruption


Energize her potential base within dnc and make them looks complicit/corrupt

Probably paid by the Clintons or Soros.
If Clinton demanded a recount after conceding it would look petty.

She's out there looking beaten up and sad.

Along comes (((Stein))) to get a recount for you.
Magical ballots will be found, mark my words.

This could be the great happening the globalist have been foaming at the mouth for.
A corrupt American election where the elected president gets bumped just before the change of power.

No, actually (((Stein))) solicited and spent donor money to make it happen. These recounts aren't free.

now you know to whom the 3rd party works for

Michigan had paper ballots and already did a recount. Trump will still be the winner no matter how this plays out.

Surprised she got as far as even getting the recount official, but I'm not worried whatsoever. The only "evidence" of any voter fraud was extremely vague and contrived and is easily explainable by demographics.

I'm from Madison with connections in the State Government and the Republicans are going to use the recount to Prove the massive extent of voter fraud. When the recount is done there will be a DEMAND for some kind of national ID and once the fraud is removed Trump margin of victory will actually be greater.

I hope some Sup Forums person saves my message because on Dec 13th it will prove i'm telling the truth.

I'm happy to hear that.

But (((Stein))) will have millions more at her disposal.

I hope you not LARPing

I gotta say this is a great move by Jill Stein though, it gets the party much more exposure and they have a ton of extra cash on hand now.

>all these people thinking Stein is trying to fuck Donny but in reality she's going after Hillary, who most likely used voter fraud to steal votes away from third party candidates

Their just going to find more trump votes.

And in PA they have until Monday to go to court and provide proofs of voter fraud.

jew of the year over bernie

This going to reveal ballot stuffing.

Fuck that scrawny old nasty ass hippy/granny slut.

Absolute state of this world.

Or the dead casting their votes.
Maybe Popeye and Olive Oil voted too!
Only time will tell.

fuck off larper.


Fuggin hippie, (((green party)))
What a fucking meme, the ((((greeeeen party)))) in Sweden is a bunch of selfloving cucks, they drive hybrid cars and inhale their own farts
>south park reference

Hillary is in for a big FUCKING surprise. #TrumpWonThePopularVote

Thanks Jill.

I doubt it's either. There's evidence that the "donations" are mostly an automatic trickle of money from a central fund, which probably means Soros, the CF, the DNC, etc.

publicity for muh minority party and she gets to keep the extra money to try to further her minority party. it's win/win for jill.

>Now it will keep some hope alive for many Hillary Clinton supporters for another few weeks while Wisconsin recounts ballots before a Dec. 13 deadline.

Let the salt flow.

Can Wisconsin tell the petitioner to fuck off? Does the petition filing autotrigger a recount?

To those saying voter fraud, that is not in the scope of a recount. Remove that variable of your bantz


>You said it wouldn't, but it is.
We said we didn't care, get your facts straight shill.
Good luck raising another 10 million to convince 2 more states and then finding out Hillary still lost.

Nice pasta. What exactally is your point?

If Soros was paying for it then he would be hiding any evidence of their fraud along the way.

If it's legit and people actually paid for this shit then Stein might have just rekt the democrats and wasted their money

It's really funny cause Stein is the reason Trump won many states, especially Florida.

>If Soros was paying for it then he would be hiding any evidence of their fraud along the way.

They will find missing Hillary ballots.

I'm also from Madison with ties to state government and everything this user just said is bullshit.

I'm telling the truth. I have connections in the Capitol, people in State Government. When the recount is over, Trumps margin of victory will be greater. Also, we know of massive voter fraud. We can confirm people from out of state voting, non citizens voting, people voting multiple times, DNC going to Nursing Homes and manipulating patients to vote democrat. The list of fraud is MASSIVE and with our Republican Governor, Republican State Senate and Assembly and Republican Atty General it will all be exposed!

Not Larp...TRUTH!

I think this is the more likely scenario. If Stein is a plant, she's a Trump plant, not a Hillary plant. Prepare for even more liberal salt when the recount reveals that Trump won by more than previously thought.

>tfw your vote gets thrown away because you didn't vote for a stronk womyn

I hope.
But I just have had a gut feeling since the election results came in that (((they))) won't let him take control.

>electronic voter machines found switching votes from Jill to Hill
>Clinton concedes before all States called
>Obama tells America Trump is next Prez
>literally zero DNCe asking for a recount
>Jill said Trump better than Hillary
>"suddenly" wants a recount
>crowdfunds the petition costs
>donations explode to $5m overnight
>donations appear to be autogenerated
>Trump still fundraising despite zero campaign debt


Stein is an opportunistic jew. She is the plant of whoever advances her personally the most.

Didn't the Green party do this before?
Isn't this just their way of trying to stay relevant?

That would be Trump.

>Trump still fundraising despite zero campaign debt

This is done as a courtesy to the RNC. He's still on good terms with Priebus.

This will be like trump winning the election twice and should be treated as such.

I hope you are right. I know that this is most likely the reality of the situation but how do we keep (((Soros))) and friends from meddling with the recount?

Possibly. It's interesting nonetheless. I don't recall any other candidate still shilling for small donor donations after the elections.

The recount is funded by Soros. They are going to steal it by destroying absentee ballots. twitter.com/jonswaine/status/802325617500979200?s=09

So just to clarify, you think Trump is indirectly funding the recount?

I think she is paid by Hillary. They were confident because the democrats did voting frauds.

LMAO, still sore and upset over spill milk.

I didn't know Americans can be this salty. And allow this salty behavior to stand. Pathetic.

>but how do we keep (((Soros))) and friends from meddling with the recount?

We can't. No one is taking this serious. Trump and the RNC are ignoring it. So the recount will go ahead without any republican oversight.

Did this stupid bitch make an official statement on what exactly it is she is trying to accomplish with this?

Anyone saying its a scam get gtfo right now because she already cut the check for Wisconsin.

Something is gonna happen.

And then what?
>recount results come in with Clinton ahead
>Trump and team just roll over and die?

By exposing (((Soros))).

>polls SUCK at determining outcomes of elections
>'secret' trump supporter LANDSLIDE

>wait a minute... something's weird

It's just so fucking odd and suspicious. Stein herself said she'd rather Trump than Clinton so I just don't understand what her play is here.

Then again, (((Stein))) so... I guess we shouldn't be so surprised.

Jill just wants her 5%

>Get get the fuck out

Anyway it will accomplish nothing because the idea that Trump had the means to rig anything this election is laughable

She didn't get enough votes to matter in 2020 so she probably thinks a recount will change that. She's wasting her time and should go back to posing for qt gilf protestor photos for me to fap to


Let her recount.

We get a reason to celebrate Trump winning again or happenings gallore.

Mad dog mattis is on our side so i like our odds

I thought she was "our gal"?

Something that bothers me is that she waited until two days before the Wisconsin deadline to suddenly declare the election rigged, and sent in the recount demand half an hour before it was too late. I don't understand what her end game is here.

Which means they probably have an al franken like trunk of ballots ready to go




My dad works at Nintendo and my Uncle is a Wisconsin Congressmen who may or may not be the speaker of the house.

HL3 confirmed.

>muh russian hacker rigged cause Putin is his best friend

She's the GREEN party and Trump's autism about climate change recently has been making news.

She us a fucking jew

Olive Oyl. Philistine.

All you people crying w-w-w-hy did she pick wisconsin and not minnesota.

Please: she is going to after liberal cash. The easiest cash to get. After this election i am thinking about becoming a democrat just to fleece idiots

> $1.1 million for recount
We are happy to take it and declare trump the winner all over again.

Is there was an inkling of a suspicion that it was rigged, Shillary would have been screaming at the top of her lungs from the very start.

The fact that they waited this long just makes it so much more suspicious. A couple of weeks would of given them ample time to "find" more Shillary votes that mysteriously weren't counted the first time.

Are these people really moronic enough to think in this day and age our vote tallies were so far off as to deserve a recount? How the fuck do they even miscount in the first place?

And she pockets 5 million. Its potery.

Everyone wins and Jill get her story arc. Tbh honest the Jill arc is the best. Like the guy escaping with all the loot while the heros move on.

so much winning you will get tired of winning

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA drumpfcucks are scared as fuck!!!!

Hillary is our real president


They have to flip Michigan, Wisconsin AND Pennsylvania for it to have any effect on the outcome of the election. And if they do manage to flip even one of those, the Republicans may start paying attention and demanding recounts of New Hampshire, Nevada and other places Clinton won by a thin margin.


Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Hillary's votes were actually for Jill Stein.

And when it's over she will keep some of that money as a little 'thank you gift' from the Trump. It's genius.

I have to believe that someone on the right is working behind the scenes compiling hard evidence of fraud in blue states to prepare for this very scenario. Why else would no one from the DNC be asking for a recount?

Remember how about a month before the election they wanted Trump to accept the results no matter what? They were certain they were gonna win and didn't wanna deal with a recount. They would look like hypocrites to demand a recounts themselves after all that noise, so they pay Jill to do it for them.


What's the damn point, even IF she flips Wisconsin (which I doubt is going to happen) she still needs to flip Pennsylvania and Michigan, and the chances of those three all getting flipped is borderline impossible. Also, why no recounts in Minnesota, New Hampshire and Nevada?

Democrats money is easier to get then republican.

You think she would raise 10k if she did a recount in Nevada?

trump is Sup Forums and jilf is some random Sup Forumstard

the shitpostest timeline


Exactly. It's not about the integrity of the election, if it was she would be demanding recounts in Nevada etc, but no, it's simply the Dems trying to hide the fact that they're a bunch of sore losers, so they paid Stein to do it. Also she gets more publicity, so a win for her.

Exactly. Everyone from the Greens to the #NeverTrump Republicans has been interested in a recount in those flipped states. The only places you find a deafening silence is the Clinton campaign and the DNC. It's also the reason I find it hard to believe Soros would be directly involved in a recount. He'd be exposed if it didn't go the way he thought it would (much like the actual election itself) and one of Trump's first acts in office would be to mend relations with Russia (where there's allegedly an arrest warrant out for him) by serving him to Putin on a silver platter.


How about a recount in New York too while we're at it? I mean Trump won some previously Obama counties. SEEMS SUSPICIOUS TO ME.

B-but guys, what if there are recounts in favor of the witch ? What will that change ? Can Donald BTFO because of it ?