Stop masturbating and make white babies

Stop masturbating and make white babies.

I would like to kiss a girl first

I-I promise I wasn't p-prepping the bull Varg... Please don't hurt me.

I made two already. What do I win?

I would like to talk to a girl first.

Sup Forums points

trust me, that's the bad part

Same. Two blue eyed babies. Both girls. I can't seem to make a boy.

first: being so obsessed with people masturbating is pretty gay

second: if i make babies you wouldnt consider them white. so i guess im going out now to prepare for cologne this new years eve and fullfill your wish of making babies

A white world

You have to go back Ahmed.

babies are fucking disgusting and i hate them

I'm not white though
>tfw impregnating white qts and ending the white race

make 3 more




male sperm are heavier and slower and die faster in an acidic cooch. get your girl to wash out that punaani before hand

Yes Dad.

>make 3 more
Can't. Wife got her tubes tied. Two was enough misery, apparently.

>tubes tied

Hope she enjoys her related cancer in the next 5 years. You should have got the snip, instead. Bonus of knowing if she cheats on you.

You get to pay child support until they're 18. Congrats Brett.

Your life.

Let's find out.

>sweden and germany fightin over who's the ahmed

We've been married for seven years and it wasn't a shotgun wedding, neither.

Fuck you I'm not letting the white race die. I'm having tons of white babies.

She's not going to cheat. She is WAAAY too lazy for that.

I'll have one kid max OP. One fucking kid. I had to live with 3 other siblings when i was younger and then was a fucking nightmare.

One is enough.

social security

i admited to being achmed. seems like sven is a closet achmed though

Either hook me up with an Aryan goddess for the good of our kind or kill me now knowing you're willing to murder an Aryan.

>(((white))) babies
>wife is lazy

Something is amiss here.

Who is this guy?

Find me one worth breeding with.

Off yourself

>making babies
>with modern women
>with modern divorce laws

Hell no. I will stick to porn.

Stop browsing Sup Forums
Stop watching porn
Stop watching cartoons
Stop caring about civilization

Like, favorite, and subscribe

I work 40 hours a week and have a girlfriend

what else do I have to do to please you fucking NEETS

Welfare niggers shitting out white kids and being leaches is no better than niggers or sand people.

well cuck'd my friend

burn that like button to the ground

how am I supposed to make babies if women aren't fucking loyal

Sup Forums points, and the self assurance that you're helping preserve the white race.

We all aspire to be as honorable as you user, I'm trying to extinguish my yellow fever and find a white wife before I reproduce, since I value the integrity of the white race.