How white is your neighborhood?

Mine is almost all white with like one Asian family way across a few houses.

Actually heard a police siren a second ago and it blew my mind because that never happens around my neighborhood.

Feels good man.

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My squad roll deep cuh.. We got black,white,browns and yellows on the block.

deep south. all white. my wife and kids are the only non whites. our subdivision has less than 1℅ blacks, so it's safe

50% white
39% asian
9% hispanic
7% 2 or more races/random shit
1% african american

irvine, ca.

multiple time winner of FBI's safest city in the nation with a medium income of $92,663

perfect place for a yellow fever guy like myself

My street is all white.

95% white 5% asians with like 20 people in one house.

I am the only white person in my neighborhood.

Norfolk, VA.

See a lot of police or trash in the yard?

Haha, you're the asshole dragging down property values with your ricewife and gooklets. Way to go, champ.

My wife and her kids*

Mostly black, it's the ghetto.

I have a friend who works for blizzard. He lives in Irvine. Was staying at his place for blizzcon. It was absolutely beautiful.

I live in the NY suburbs, and it blew us away. Even in the burbs, just too many spics.

asians and curries all around me and a few whites

two neighbouring suburbs are infested with niggers and musrats but things are surprisingly quiet here

fuck melbourne, we're saving money to buy a place in a white suburb next year

could be whiter

Binghamton, New York college student. My neighborhood is evenly distributed between students, niggers, and friendly rednecks who watch over and protect us

They're all white. I appreciate it a lot more after living with friends in Paris

I live on a very short road in the middle of nowhere, and my neighbor owns all 3 of the other houses on my road

so 100% white

>my wife and kids are the only non whites
you forgot you're non white too nigger

not white enough

Mostly white. I live in an apartment building with mainly old people and asians. There are some white trash couples in the building next to us. One couple doesn't work and has three kids all under three. They get to draw a check.

Mexican here we replaced the whole neighborhood
We are the Americans now

> living in a neighborhood
> paying a HOA shekels on a property on you bought

Why don't you own land?

The average income in my town is more than $100,000 a year. The only black that lives here is Kobe Bryant

It was once 100% white. In fact, the Polish family next to me knew it was a good neighborhood when they were looking for a new house and a black man walked down the street and the whole neighborhood came out to stare at him. 20 years later, the niggers are moving in and it's now no longer a place where you can leave a door unlocked without having to worry.

45% Caucasian nigger
30% Taco nigger
15% Curry nigger
10% Nigger nigger

They're all suburban as shit and generally pretty good people so I'm not complaining

I grew up in the town that I live in today

If we have a family who isnt white here then I have yet to meet them. My high school had a single black kid, he an heroed and I think the family moved to Toronto.

All white with some Asian/curry students, average area income is like $25,000. Bretty gud, and cheap.

My gated community has about 70 houses and 1 black family. The city I live in is 70% black.

Do you live in Baltimore?

Mostly white, a few asians, some blacks that have been here forever and some spics moved in, but they're alright.

There may have been a shooting last night, mabye fireworks, but there were five cop cars out here for an hour or two looking around. Shows you how abnormal it is.

Growing up, around 99.5%. Today, maybe 85% and falling. Ever since they built that fucking Wal Mart, the niggers and mexicans are flooding in here like a virus.

my neighborhood is primarily Jews and Armenians, then some beans. depends on what you consider white, i guess. personally, i view only the Jews as white here desu, and in that case, my immediate area is pretty white.

The neighborhood I live is mixed. It was mostly quite.

There's one black guy, he was adopted by a white family. Other non whites include 2 Vietnamese families, the rest are white.
That being said, everyone on my street is a shut in. They go to work, then come home and watch TV. No one is ever outside, the local playground is deserted.

>Ever since they built that fucking Wal Mart
Holy shit south park was right

Minnesota reporting in

56% white
36% asian
2% black

99% White
1% Hispanic

renting in affluent part of sydney, few wealthy asians here and there but thankfully no mudshits and bean skinned turds, mostly whites

90% white. 10% asian. Feels strange when seeing a black in local stores.

Town in upstate New York.
95.93% White,
1.32% African American,
1.28% Asian,
1.47% Whatever

Goddamn it feels good.

The whole small city of 150k is 98% white, go figure.

I've only seen one nigger around here but we all started yelling get lost nigger and pegged fruit at him.

Pics or it never happened

100% White as far as I know.

looks comfy

surely you mean abo?

One black guy in his 60s. Nice guy, better to chat with than most of my neighbors.

there used to be some tame nigs down the street, not sure if they still live there

other than that there's a few pajeet families

My (parents) house. I'm black.
There are two other black families I think. There are about 6 asian families. The rest are whiteys

Grew up on a farm in Ontario. Wasn't a black man in any direction for 20 kilometres.

Live on major highway. Middle of nowhere. Only whites and nothing ever happens, except when druggie with meth at their disposal came and robbed every house along the goddamn road.

It's no place to brag about, but it's also not worth complaining about. Pretty comfy indeed

Goddamn that looks nice.

i have college students, white people, black people and the shitty house on the block is hasidic jew house. tents in the yard, never mow the grass, plywood over the garage. they out niggered everyone. I thought it was just a meme but i think they are actually trying to ruin the neighborhood.

yeah, i dont know else how to tell pol these "all white" neighborhoods usually have several blacks in them who are better than them

80% White

20% Asian

Where my country gone?

I live in Westmount, which is a fairly white & wealthy neighborhood of Montreal; my neighborhood is awesome but the rest of the city is shit-tier.

Mostly white but with a disgusting degenerate family of drug-abusing guineas across the street. Every day they come to our house and ask to borrow something (which they never give back, of course)

Mississippi. Everything down here is segregated. The one black family in my neighborhood is the district attorney and his family. Dude has put more jigs in jail than anyone on this board could dream. Probably didn't want to be anywhere near them.

Lincolnshire is white enough for my tastes.

heron Bay parkland Florida... Just a bunch of divorced jewess behind our guard gate and A-plus schools...

My town of 4300 people has not a single shitskin not will it ever

50% hispanic
50% black

There might be a difference of 5% going either way but yeah.. that's pretty much it

Mostly white. When I hear sirens, it's the fire brigade because we are always on fire. Only minorities that live around here are Asians, the beaners just do landscaping.


My side of town is at least 80% Mexican.

Ironically enough, the worst neighbor I have is some White trash redneck. Jose next door will throw a big loud party once or twice a year, but otherwise minds his own business. The white trash family across the street are always arguing in the middle of the night, trashing up the street, parking their shitty car in front of my house leaking oil all over the place, and overall, just being the biggest niggers in the block. I have no doubt that white trash are the niggers of the white race.

My neighborhood is pretty ethnic. Quite a few whites, but also alot of blacks, Asians, and Indians
>neighbors on either side of my house are white
>one side has degenerate children with mental problems
>other side has kids that are 12 and act like they're 5 plus their dad is a creep
>across the street is bro-tier black guy
>one side is asian family who own a nearby fast food chinese place
>other side is an indian surgeon who i suspect is gay

100% white

I live on an island of less than 3000 that's 98%. Feels good.

Honestly I have no idea since I don't interract with my neighbors, but probably no more than half.

This is my first place and I'm 23, cut me some slack, I'll be moving to a more respectable place in 2 months.

Used to live in Nottingham, that had so many blacks. Surprise surprise, St Anne's had the highest black population and the highest crime rate.
Moved across the country, area I live in now is 96% white. I see less black people in a week here than I saw in a day in Nottingham.

Thought about moving to Brighton with a friend, was concerned when I heard its celebrated as one of the most diverse places in Britain, looked into it, still 90% white. 1.5% black, less than 1% Arab, the rest is all chinks and poo in loos.

>60% white
Beyond repair. Feels good to know there's hope for Britain at least. All it would take is a purge in London.

Immediate neighborhood only has a couple rich chinks.

I live in a predominately white, affluent, school district. We're loaded with kikes though.

Irvine is nice, but the drivers there are fucking horrible.

Wonder why lol

yea I live in a gated community fuckers
and half of my neighbours are either cops or firefighters

Suck my ass im the whitest of them all

lots of pajeets

could be worse

No niggers or gooks within 40 miles.
No spics that I know of within 30.
Everyone has guns. My neighbor occasionally takes potshots at the Jehovas if they don't leave when he sends the dogs out.

Feels comfy.

My neighbourhood isn't white. It's 100% estonian.

>could be worse

i just had to say that

I'm tan due to Indo grandfather, but besides me it's a white little village. Yes feels goog

Since we're looking at maps, here's a map of chemical spill sites in the US that require clean-up, but we don't have funding for.

>Hometown neighbourhood

100% white but there is an Asian family 2 blocks away. Town population is 98%~ white. Usually there are no black people but the local health region brought in a black doctor from South Africa. This is the 4th time they've tried this; every time they move away ASAP. The last one broke the contract to move away faster. lel

>College neighbourhood

No idea what the percentage is but there are brown people and it's terrible.

83% white
13% google
3% illegal
2% mixed
1% injun

100% actually.

95℅ white
0.4 black
0.3 Indian
And the rest are Hispanic, most likely white Hispanic mostly.

Upper middle class life is good. Very safe neighborhood of course.

Oh yeah and some Asian of course.

70% asian, 30% white, more or less.
Live in the middle of silicon valley, so it makes sense. One of the richest and safest areas in the nation.

Town is 96.1% white despite being less than 4 miles from nigtown Cincinnati. Local PUBLIC high school top 3 in state academics. Top 3 in state football (with graduating class ~100).

Former and current pro NFL live here, raise their kids. Cops don't fucking play but respect true residents. Clearly this is a ploy to keep out undesirables.

1.3% google
1.4% taco

I'm in a cul-de-sac of 6 houses here in Texas. We're of Brazilian origin so we're the latino's of the group. 1 of my neighbor's is a poo-in-loo while 2 are white baby boomers, 1 is a white family, traditional but the mom loves calling the cops if someone knocks on their home so fuck her. The last one is also white, a solider family.

I don't like any of my neighbors.

~95% white
feels good man

100% White in neighborhood
Even the city I live in is 95+% white.
All middle class too not even a wealthy neighborhood.

Been living here 5 years, never once heard a police siren.
Fuck locking doors, one night I forgot to shut my front door, stayed open all night, didn't notice till the morning. Would do it again. More shocked that one of my neighbors didn't shut it for me than shocked nobody tried to rob me.

Being white is great.

My parent's house has been vandalized by whites 3 times and robbed once by a white couple.
Whites are the niggers of my area. Pretty sad, but it makes sense because they're poorer than the Asians here

>How white is your neighborhood?

When I was a kid (49 year old here) my home town of Warren Michigan was 99%+ White and in fact the city was the The Whitest City of Over 100,000 People in America.

Nowadays, we're something like 75% White.

According to city-data, 95% white, 2.1% Hispanic, 1% multiracial. I don't know any non-white people in town who aren't Asian kids adopted by white people.

I have only ever seen one black person, and I think he was visiting someone. Basically on the rare occasion that there is a minority, everyone is quick to lock their doors.

a small town in northern Indiana

>The racial makeup of the CDP was 83.37%White(15.3% were Non-Hispanic White,) 4.23%African American, 0.19%Native American, 1.48%Asian, 0.03%Pacific Islander, 6.44% fromother races, and 4.25% from two or more races.HispanicorLatinoof any race were 79.03% of the population.
At least niggers are pretty much non existent, I can live with this.

Mostly white, some Indians and Asians. Central NJ is like that

Only black guy in my neighborhood drives an Acura and a Mercedes

The Mercedes has AMG badges all over it and an AMG license plate, so it spells 4MATIC AMGC300

that's a very nigger thing to do

65% White
30% Asian
5% Other

i live in rural south texas and have nigger and spic neighbors