Trump is NOT my FUCKING president

Trump is NOT my FUCKING president.

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then why'd you hop the border, pablo?

So the swing states that actually got trump elected aren't dumb? That picture is hilarious

weak effort nigger lover

>this will go on for the next 8 years

>states that voted Trump are included in America, too

kinda cool lad.

We keep saying it and we make no secret of it: this is exactly why Trump won.

>swing states lie Florida on the America side

How much of a dumb fuck are you?


Red is the colour that already happened. Once you see it, it's too late. The beast has already eaten you.
Blue is just a clock. Day. Night. Day. Night. Follow. Rules. 8hourwork. 8hourplay. 8hourleep.

Maybe you could be more forward-thinking. Maybe you could escape the endless loop and make something of yourself. But you won't, because it's already too late.

Alternatively you can shut your eyes to the nasty world and keep everything green, if u no wat i meen.

>liberals actually want the nigger states.

take them.

then get the fuck out

Hillary is literally no one's president
In fact, she's currently unemployed.

Michigan is red, you fucking Clown; we're not going with you




Your map is a little off Fucktard

based arkansas finally becoming its own country

once based jill gets the real results from those swing states it will all be right again


She's going to lose so much she's going to get want to lose more. Mean while Trump is going to win and keep winning bigly. He'll win so much him and his supporters are going to get sick of winning.

South Carolina is in neither. Did they suseceed again?

2/10 post


>Trump has 276 without WI and PA

Is this a subliminial message there hidden in your sentence?

you have to go back pedro.

Those random cap locks. I thought you echo chamber cunts said you where all well educated and shit?

What about Michigan, Goy?

>Arkansas doesn't exist
>South Carolina doesn't exist
>NC, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida all blue
>fucking solid red Indiana is blue




you left out south carolina genius

also new jersey is an absolute shithole

SC is MIA from that map

please apply to a citizenship here
i want to make you feel rejected

not yet

You're correct. His name is Enrique Peña Nieto

Weak af b8

trusting liberals was a mistake


Why is Arkansas missing?

Fixed that for you

where is arkansas


>recount already happened in mich

you're free to leave.

So stop paying taxes

FUCK drumf and FUCK white people

>already happened in mich
MI makes its list and checks it twice.

Also, we use Paper Ballots

MI is the Godliest State

Didn't most of those states on the left side of your picture vote for Trump?

The entire Midwest minus Minnesota and Illinois

Actually, you literally aren't. You have to pay to leave America.

True. For now he is only President-elect, and won't be inaugurated for a few more weeks.

>I'll have a steady supply of liberal tears for eight long years

Feels fucking great.

Why do retards think Free means it doesn't cost anything?

Free means you're able to do so. Free doesn't mean costless


If you live in America and are a legal citizen, trump is your president.


Except if you don't have the money, you aren't able to. That's how money works.

Show counties, not states.

wth is arkansas


We need to save these tears

They won't last forever.

It's so easy to make money in America that this really isn't an issue.


Yes, take the butt hurt liberal.

I've not logged on in a while so, who's Trump?

This is from Romney's failure in 2012

not all of us can ask our parents for an advance on our allowance

I live in dumbfuckistan and my vote didn't matter :(

45th president

Except you are, just walk across the border or swim across the ocean

shut up pedro

I WISH Democrats were communists.

Can't even bother to use a map of this election? Lame bait, user.

Is this an app/program?

I taught at an elementary school in a relatively wealthy suburb of a major city for a while. I could count the white children I saw on the fingers of one hand. I felt extremely uncomfortable and out of place. As if I were somehow transported to another country.

t. big city liberal

Unless you're a proxy fag, your flag says otherwise. Buuut... you are right. Until inauguration at least :-,)

8 and a quarter of "America"s states went to Trump though

I absolutely love how you faggots resort to this kind of unintelligible drivel.

Then you claim to be tolerant?
And not a bigot?
And without prejudices?
And without judgment?

Only when you lose do the tell colors fly. And they are faggy.

At least, literally anyone else, would tell it to you straight.

But you fucking shit heads love to be able to feign your "egalitarianism" and your so called "universal love" under the thin veneer of elitism.

Truth is you fucking ingrates are so fucking FULL of your selves, so bloated with your own sense of self worth, and "do-goodery" you can't see how badly this arrogance stinks.

You are egoists, you are conniving, and most of all you're fucking two faced, ass sniffing, brown nosing people pleasers.

There is nothing worse than someone who works so hard to make sure you are not unliked, with your revisionist "wrong side of history" memes.

You are cowards who could never really stand behind the things you believe in, and I really think that is because the things you believe in are hollow - especially when they are coming from a place of conciet.

It's always leftists that are always so fucking concerned with identity politics, self image (decoration I should say, most of you look like utter shit), and whatever flavor of the month narcissistic endeavor you embark on.


You are right though. Trump is not your President because you have to be a citizen first.


this is 4 years old user...

Count Oregon out it was just a few little specks of blue. They will mostly all be killed within the first few weeks. RURAL areas are not going to be accepting refugees from the city

>attaCk tHE StyLe when You cAN'T AtTaCK The CoNTeNT.
atTACk tHe STylE wHeN YOu Can'T ATtAck The CONtEnt.
ATTACK THE stylE WHen YOu cAN'T atTAcK the cONTEnt.
>atTaCk ThE StYLE whEn you caN't attAck The cONtent.
>aTTack ThE STylE whEn YoU CAN't AtTAcK the cOnTEnt.

>Trump is NOT my FUCKING president.

but he will be in 2 months
and there is nothing you can do to stop it

Your 'America' includes Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa


This is a fucking masterpiece.

>PA,FL,MH, OH, IW are still on the blue side

that is a QUALITY fucking webm

topkek, 11/10


pic is of typical liberal


RIP Arkansas & South Carolina

OP: Keep crying, you little cunt, your tears of pain are our nourishment.



I was just watching this, I think it's relevant.


I'm in one of those blue states. Change that map to include the urban shitholes in blue and everything else in red.