Looking for redpilled shows/movies

Looking for redpilled shows/movies
>pic related

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Anything with this guy in it

Looks gay as fuck user


Im done with black entertainment, its shit with a few exceptions.

Re watching this tonight. I recommend the wire.

Ive already seen the wire, shit was cash.

Have you watched band of brothers or the pacific?

>Mr. Reddit
>red pilled

Is Messer Robotic any good? I was into until they dropped a faggot sex scene on me. Great, they're faggots, why is me watching them butt fuck each other important to the story, exactly?


You can watch the whole series in about a week

This show is far from red pilled.
It should be considered a placebo red pill, as it lures in an audience to think they're on the edge of revolutionary then uses that false sense of trust to inundate them with propaganda and subliminal cuckoldry. Don't expect anything you see on TV to truly be a shining light in the storm. People complain about controlled opposition then go right back to watching their netflix.

It's not, it's just filler. Like a lot of shows it starts out great, then later on the episodes start to thin out until something else interesting happens. A little mundane, sure but that doesn't mean it's a bad show. Happens to a lot of good shows.

I'll fall for this bait just to tell you how much of a shithead you are. You're a HUGE shithead.

Angry birds.
Look who is back, stop after rooftop scene.
Generation war.
Saudi Arabia uncovered.
North Korea uncovered.
The Roosevelts.

Forgot about this show. Very cheesy but a good show. Family values, muh guns, nukes, survivalism.

This series isn't redpill. Its typical hactivism liberal BS lol

Don't forget that hot blonde

I liked this show. But its not redpilled.

>pic related
You dun goofed.

That's a weird way of saying Gail Green

this show is reddit

also, he's not a robot, he fucks the druggie chick in the first episode

> I hate le evil corporation
> proceed to steal, murder innocent people and ruin the lives of millions

Yeah its not really all that redpilled, but as far as entertainment goes, quite top notch.

It's a crap show for pseudo intellectual morons

Pretentious cliche vomit

I haven't been able to watch black shit for years, even before I admitted I hate niggers.

Its not redpilled because...why? The show presents to you many scenes that showcase how fucked up reality is. For example, Angela becoming an asshole and fucking her way to the top, she manipulates and throws away all her morals just to get ahead.

Only the truly redpilled believe in the holocaust and the plight of the jewish people

>That scene when 2nd platoon is ambushed after their pointman hits a landmine. The LT starts screaming for Army Dog as he holds his entrails in his hands and the camera cuts to Army Dog who is taking a shit and his leg is shaking.

I watched the trailer. I don't think I could stand watching the show. It looks as annoying as BBT, but suspense instead of comedy.

Very Redpilled. Gerard goes on an absolute Rampage killing mulsims.

Sucked Canada PM died first though.

it's actually entertainment and funny. Racial commentary with a focus on both sides

written by actual black writer not a (((writer)))

great show

>Trudeau first to die

I could think of worse things.

All TV shows and mainstream movies have to be approved by Hollywood, retard. None are redpilled. Even movies like Eyes Wide Shut and They Live are just spooky /x/ tier conspiracies pretending to be redpilled. What do you actually learn from them? Nothing.

And you better be trolling with Mr. Reddit.
>Woah im a bland hipster living in a big city that blends in with everyone else but I have super secret skills that you don't know about! Im dangerous you better watch out!

Looks like Trudeau won in the end though

this is a perfect picture user ;_;

If they killed the Canadian PM then obviously they lost. You know what happens when you kill your enemies?

>A multi culti hacker group lives out an occupy wall street power fantasy while wearing anonymous masks.

How is it redpilled?

and they did lose. They marked their fate as soon as they started

The Young Pope, Before the Rain

>they win

I live in Jericho


yeah, I live in Jericho, shits fine, just a bunch of domestic abuse.
Autism the show

I watched Ancient Aliens for the first time during Thanksgiving and I overdosed on redpills

I don't think you can overdose on Red Bull dude

AYY fellow Kansas bro.
Wichita here.

kek n check

>i can't like it because it's mainstream
The post

MR. ROBOT is a big bottle of shit that only retards think is kewl or muh redpilled.

Just to set the record str8t.

Great premise.

HORRIBLE execution. The production values were so shit tier it was unwatchable.

>Be Me
>Watching some shit called uncle grandpa with my daughter
>Main character encounters (((Leprechaun))) that only wants gold
>Spends the entire episode tricking all the characters into putting him in charge so he can take all the gold
>Characters realize this and are granted one wish
>"I wish for the extermination of all (((Leprechauns)))"
>Leprechaun explodes, gold goes back to everyone, everyone is happy, show abruptly ends

Holy shit that was based.

Faggots have taken over Hollywood; it's now a cabal of Jews and Faggots controlling ALL the entertainment we see.

So expect to see insane amounts of faggotry is EVERY show and movie from now on.

Somehow they even managed of inject massive amounts of faggotry into "Black Sails"--the pirate show.

Hollywood needs to be nuked before they completely brainwash our children into thinking their perversions are "normal."

cot damn, talk about a shit show

I feel like its what would have happened if Firefly hadn't been cancelled.

Everyone has these romantic notions of what it could have become based on the first season. If Mr. Robot had suffered the same fate, I think it would have engendered the same sort of cult reverence.

But it didn't, and season 2 was terribad.