Socialism is socialism. Whether "national socialism" or otherwise, you've earned a trip to the helicopter

Socialism is socialism. Whether "national socialism" or otherwise, you've earned a trip to the helicopter.

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Fuck off, Kike.

Great, another fag that knows nothing about facism is regurgitating abandoned TRS memes.

Dream on, pinocciofag.
If only he lived a little bit longer, he would have earned a trip to the jail.

>inb4 GULAG express

Fuck off, commies. Go feel the Bern elsewhere.

No, National Socialism is not the same as Marxist Socialism. Having the same word in its name does not mean it is the same. You know not what you speak of.

>he worships a dictator named Penischet
Mussolini didn't even make the trains run on time. Liberals have you participate. You throw them out of helicopters. Allende was better than you. At least the people could afford shoes. And stayed on the ground.

amen brother

Just admit that while you may admire Hitler, his implementation of socialism was garbage. Nobody's perfect, goys.

go suck a big fat dick you dirty leaf cuck worshiping piece of human garbage, nothing can come out of your cucked land better then pinochet

chupa el pico facho alucinao


National socialism means men helping each other to elevate the mind and body. Socialism means degrading man by reducing him to economic jealousy and greed.


So, what's the difference Stormfag?

Socialize healthcare. Nationalize the health industry. Same fucking thing.
They're sure as shit not advocates of free markets and expression.

anda chuparle la zorra a la bashele

come mierda comunista culiado

shadilay to that, brother

Except that they had what they called a social market. The social meant it benefits not only the wealthy, but the workers too and had regulations that did things like prevent monopolies. And the market was for an open market with an economy free of government intervention.

Which is the same as America and most first world countries, a mixed economy, but it was implemented a lot. You're delusional if you think full capitalism or full controlled market work, both have big flaws. We need to take the very best of both, a mixed economy system is the best.