Aus/pol/ - Lazy Saturday Arvo Edition

Can Australia be saved mates? Or is it already too late?

Who is behind this Based Wi-Fi? Obviously not all of Melbourne is gone yet:

>But the Aborigines who meet here now are reminded daily that while they might stand on Wurundjeri land, they are not welcome. Every time one of them pulls out their mobile phone they are greeted with a racist slur. It's visible to anyone searching for a Wi-Fi connection in the area.


Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder there is literally nothing wrong with Shariah Law.

No pork? I cannot agree to that m8.

Hello? Is anybody out there?

Please respond.

Please don't make me beg.



I'm not Australian, but hi.

Hello mates thanks for dropping by.

jesus fucking christ can nobody take an insult anymore?

what is wrong with this country. people like to be dicks to each other for laughs (and to impress their mates), but the moment they get something in return they start whining and crying.

oh waaah a wifi network, god help us it's like another invasion. these people need to grow the fuck up and shut their eyes.

Bump for the laugh.

Might go past boong corner this arvo.

What I don't like is the bunch of boongs on that corner never for a moment consider how badly they effect people who live near there.

Who are people considering voting for, who is up to the job of saving AUS

Cause it's always one sided banter and never the other way around.

It's going to take a lot to save Australia, unless someone runs a broom through every capital city we are on track to become an arid Singapore

I have long believed we will not be able to vote ourselves out of the mess we re in.

The country is too far gone.

Do any of you cuckolds know of a way I can read herald sun articles online without paying?

The only way I know of is to google the article headline and then access it via the google link.

this only works so many times a day though.

noscript + clear cookies + privacy badger

Went to Bunnings this morning around nine to pick up a few things and the charity running the barbie were only just setting up. Bit disappointed lads, might go back and see if they're on for lunch. What have you cunts done with your day?

That has got to be the worst feeling ever, i really hope you won't increase the suicide average.

I don't think these work anymore. You're not allowed to view ANY articles for free now.

Why would they make you pay to read a shitty article?
Every single news site releases the same article anyway.

No I googled a few articles on The Australian yesterday and various of the other news limited sites last week.

That's what I don't understand either. It's just a small article about my friend who opened a shop in the city. Can't find it on any other website.


But any herald sun articles?

I do not want to be unkind to cunts posting in my Aus/pol/ thread, but I have to say this Bunnings snag meme is normie-tier and has outstayed its welcome.

Chilling with my boy excited for an apprenticeship interview Monday :)

>charity running the barbie were only just setting up

I'd be rekt

I just tested it then and successfully got to the following article via a google search of the headline:

io yeah nah cunt

But it's sacred heritage. Much like it's brother; the election snag.

Oh and of course the drunken burglar turned out to be a Sudanese nigger:

>He said Kouth was a Sudanese refugee who had endured a traumatic childhood and illicit drug addictions who volunteered for the Salvation Army before the terrifying incident.

dindu nuffin.

no m8 the way most websites handle article view redirects is they just store a cookie on your machine and have a bit of javascript running every time you visit their page to check the cookie and redirect you to a template page if you've visited too much

if you use noscript you can block the javascript activation, and if you clear your cookies the website is going to treat you like a new user and give you a "viewed once" marking.

if the website opens up one of those shitty overlay things just download a plugin to stop those or just use noscript.

the only way a website won't succumb to those efforts is by using an IP based blocking mechanism, and if it helps the only websites i've seen that do that shit are US military related ones (if you visit a website with a spooky name, a vague description of being a "US contractor" and it immediately serves you a blank HTTP page saying "Connection Rejected!" you know you've got it).

um...australia has been gone from the git go

Piss off cunt we had something special last century. A white man's paradise.

Do you guys think we could start our own political party? It's pretty easy to get recognized in Australia.

We still do. Just move a little bit outside of a city, any city, a tiny bit. Pick one and it's as white as you could wish for.

t. outer sydneyfag

nup shits fucked.

Do I have to leave my house?

And whose fault is that?


I eat 3 kilos of bacon a fortnight. It's my staple meat.

We just need a name, $500(I think) and 500 members.
Or one active politician to join and $500.
I'd be keen to join.

m8 the rural areas have been in decline for decades. All the young people leave.

No. Just become a member of the party.

Yeah, we just need a party leader. 500 members is easy to get if a membership fee isn't imposed.

The smarter thing to do would be to take over an established party.

One Nation is a good candidate.


The young people in particular end up on drugs and ruin their brains for life. If you have a tiny chance of bipolar or other mental shit I have seen meth, speed and cocaine wake that shit up then amplify it like 100 times. It's really sad to see healthy good looking people end up really ugly and crazy.

Why do Australians settle for such standard snags?

Cheap white bread, coles brand beef sausage, fountain sauce.

We're the land of goddamn BBQs why can't we have quality snags. Look at the German markets they know how to do it.

Good luck with Aus/pol/ threads, lad.

Hope they are a common occurrence like Brit/pol/, they, of course, will never be as good as Brit/pol/ though.

This actually isn't a bad idea.

quality costs money m8. People want a cheap feed.


The problem with Brit/pol/ is all the depressed and moaning Brits. They are cancer.

I get quality stuff, and I got wog mates and yugios that get quality stuff. We have mad BBQs.

Maybe show your mates a real BBQ?

Also if they are addicted to sugar it's probly why mate, that shit fucks you tastebuds til you get off it and start craving savoury foods again. And I mean savoury food without sugar in them.

Fucking everywhere.

Make sure you stomp the sand before entering a quiet beach.

Auz is a nation of cocksuckers

One Nation's already doing their job up in Queensland. What I want to do is run as a progressive party and slowly redpill the followers, especially down here in Vic.

A leftist party would easily vote you out and prevent you from doing God's work.

Greetings fellow Commonwealth lads.


>realize I probably have a gambling problem
>I'll just see how my bets panned out then quit until 2020
>new esports odds up
> $400 deposit



Fuck off, he was on work for the doll.

Yes, but we would never beat out the "dude weed" and "guns mate" fags for votes.
Muslims start a lot of "patriot" parties to draw votes away from one nation. Maybe we should do the same?
>yfw walleed shits the bed announcing that the "differently abled lgbt muslim feminists peoples party" gets pauline elected.

Why did you post a pic of your sister sucking a dick then?

>$400 deposit
Completely degenerate.

How much have you lost this year?

Do aussie women like nippon man?


>Can Australia be saved mates? Or is it already too late?
I want to move from faggot vancouver to basically melbourne or Adelaide.

how's it for construction down there I'm willing to do anything really.


>more like SHITpol amirite

Why did you post a blonde haired white girl?

Nah they prefer emus and kangaroos



What are you Aussies planning here?

Yes. In fact all white women do. It's probably, outside of Maltese/Azerbaijani, the most common pairing here.

I was thinking of disguising right wing ideas as left wing ones.

Maybe creating a prison island for the boat people where they get plenty of freedom. It'll be disguised as "we're gonna bring the refugees in and give them their own place to stay" but it'll be separated from the main population and could be used for labour by corporation. Kinda like a private prison.

Why aren't huffing paint abo?

de-tiser chrome extension.

Made for the Adelaide advertiser, but still newscorp

It's a hard situation in Australia because labor liberal not much different, liberal better albeit. But also we don't vote for a leader like in the US, we just vote for the party, leaders change without our say. So only a third party can do it. One Nation is a good start but needs to grow and get some intelligent, well spoken individuals. They still are too out there to mainstream Aussies.

I'm actually not down anything but I will probably be down $400 after that bet spam.

Also I misplaced a bet on american football for the rams/ saints to get over 45.5 points even though they have shit scoring defense lines.

If you come here expecting a job without one lined up before you arrive you will be fucked kek

Typically construction will tear your arse open if you are a foreigner.

No idea am spamming in hope someone knows. Godspeed

>t. Chinky


I wish those fucking robot fags would go back to the hell they came from

>I'm actually not down anything
Post a screenshot of your betting history then m8. We will see the truth.

Christian XXX

Fuck off to a country that has it then, Muhammad. We don't want or need it.

They have made a really elaborate OP image for their Brit/feel/ threads on r9k. It is quite a work of art.

Gamblers justification

Take up smoking or something it will be cheaper

google the headline then open the cached link

>tfw you're a phone poster

Might have to switch to vaping, sucking a robot cock will make it easier to feel ashamed.

is it one of those blockers that covers the page?

If you have Ublock you can block it.

Has the news expanded on Mr.Islam yet? That Burmese Muslim immigrant on the dole, living in tax payer funded public house, selling stolen phones, gambling, running out of money and asking the bank for a loan only to be turned down.

So he rages and fire bombs it.

The media reports him as a mentally ill man.

There are 1000s of mentally ill out of luck gamblers in Australia but you don't see them firebomb a fucking bank.

He should be deported/

>He should be deported/
Yes but the most important hing is we should realise that he should never have been allowed here in the first place.

So how often does everyone visit their local asian massage parlor?

Hmmm difficult to tell from that narrow selection you posted.


See a lot of thai massage parlors around my area, are they rub and tug joints on the low or what?

Still tastes good cunt.

Convenient and cheap too, feel free to go to your artisanal bakery, european deli, find some relish because you're too much of a poshie cunt and then set up your bbq just to have a better sosig than me.