Be black

>be black
>learned about Sup Forums from breitbart
>alt-right to the bone
>browse Sup Forums
>see all these n-word hate threads
>find out I may not be wanted or included

s-should I go back to being democrat?


fucking god damn it Sup Forums we're reeling in Normies and we don't take it slow

No. If you voted for trump, you're not a nigger but a black man.

you can fuck off right back to wherever you came from nigger.

Most intelligent people on Sup Forums will tell you that they don't care if you're black, as long as you are a good hardworking person who doesn't ask for GIBS or commit nigger crimes. I know alot of cool black people and I don't judge people i meet on their skin color but how they behave.

Sure, but be aware Sup Forums hates liberal niggers even more.

Don't play their identity politics, pol is a board of peace and phat memes.

so long as you don't race mix, you can be integrated just fine whatever.

We are egalitarian at the core my friend, but we have no filter and cherish freedom of speech.

Don't take anything you read here personally.

>it's a nigger


You should stop wasting your time on retarded Internet sites and get a fucking job.

Alt right doesnt fucking exist god damnit

There's a difference between faggots and gays just like niggers and blacks or crackers and whites. Just be a good person and you'll mostly just get made fun of for the flag next to your post number.

This. Just like you can be a whitey or a goddamn cracker.

Come on dude, stop being a pussy. You're gonna get called nigger on an anonymous image board. There should never be any verbal boundaries between men



Only retards hate people purely because of their race. I have no problem with you. I hate niggers with all my heart and soul but normal black people are fine.


>Black man

Huge difference. You're loved and appreciated darkie-newfag

I think you have to get used to not being coddled like a little bitch.


If you're sensitive enough to still fall for the identity politics and get offended by getting called a nigger, then yeah you probably don't belong here.

You should be fine here.
Even the dumbest Sup Forumslack knows the difference between a black man and a nigger.
The only thing that matters is what you think about yourself




Fuck off back to Africa. You only live here because your ancestors were losers.

Fuck off storm faggot


>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Reddit detected

american hours Sup Forums is like bizarro Sup Forums. you guys actually say this shit unironically. hilarious

this thread made me sad
join the Catholic church son

>1 post by this ID
We've been rused

They are not going to stop. It only gets worse. enjoy the threads where people are still reasonable, specially the ones about the arrogance of liberals

If you are going to get triggered by anonymous online trolls then yes, and fuck off back to the democrats and bury your head in the sand.


so much this!

You need to build Africa. It can't remain the way it is forever.


my gut reaction is to tell you to fuck off back to wherever CTR headquarters is, but on the offchance that i'm wrong:

the board is called politically incorrect. you shouldn't expect anyone here to use politically correct terms when referring to chinks, mudslimes, turkroaches, etc.

>s-should I go back to being democrat?
you're nothing but a potential vote to them

so take your pick

Fuck off you fucking ape.


You can be my friend, OP

fucking uncle tom

look at the "people" who share your views. this is your home. stay alt right and always remember you are a cuck to white supremacists

>already playing victim
yup, you're a nigger

i'm a jew and love Sup Forums

don't be a pussy


Race baiting will never go away and will always weaken the country and used to divide us. Better to just have separate nations.

Alt-Right means White Nationalist.
You are not Alt-Right.

You are a faggot following a group of attention whore social media celebrities that coopted a term they knew nothing about.

You're 10x worse than he is

Get as many of your black friends and family and move back to Africa. Anywhere will do.




No. Diversity is our strength

I can't tell you how to think. Use your brain.


There will be an exponential shift in densities very soon, all with hate and not love in thier heart will be moved accordingly and not experience a true golden age. I emplore you all to please look in your hearts and find that we are all one being manipulated by a hidden hand. Love and light be with you all.

>"boo boo i don't feel liked"- every nigger ever.


>1 post by this id

Did I hurt the niggerlover's feelings?

we'll keep some of you but most of you have to G O B A C K



Yes, you dumb nigger uncle Tom faggot.

Disregard the idiots on this board, and with the level of hivemind, its fuckin crawling. If you are intelligent and tolerant, youre welcome to any discussion. Theres a select group of racists here otherwise, its just banter and memes. if you look at all the different flags, were a pretty diverse group. Intelligence is the prime unifier for the human race in the future and its not racially exclusive. Cultural marxism needs to die and we need to set an evolutionary agenda. Drawing divisions based on identity is counterproductive to our planet and the future of the human race and anyone whos truely redpilled knows this.

most people on Sup Forums would treat you as an individual if they were to ever interact with you.
But in general blacks are an extremely dangerous minority to hang around with. It's just a fact.

Lurk more

>s-should I go back to being democrat?
no you need to go to Africa nigger

Absolutely fuck off, Jesus Christ

It's so fucky over here man. Racemixing fucks everything.

Forgive me if you are telling the truth but I just don't believe you.

It's pretty common on this board to see outright troll thread/shill thread/garbage tier shitpost thread.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt though. You see, this is Sup Forums. Most people here take advantage of the fact that they can post something and nobody later on can say well wait "you posted so and so." In that sense we are a completely anonymous board.

When you see the n-word hate threads, do you see a collective of indivduals responding saying "oh hell yeah" or what do you see exactly? When I see those threads, I always see a return of non-compliance. I always see this is not us, gtfo you don't represent us.

So how can you generalize this board to be something that YOU see, when it's something that I don't see.


hello CNN!

if not, fuck off you fucking disgusting nigger

It just pains me to think about how much money is spent on these fuckers, foreign and domestic

Meanwhile our infrastructure is crumbling


You should fuck off back to your nigger country of origin, shitskin. You are not welcome here. You contribute nothing of value. You will not be missed.

As if there is a difference.


I just think your people have low IQ and are ugly as fuck. Just that.

This sums it up perfectly

no, this is not /thedonald

>hi im new heres my shitty opinion

Don't mind, just keep your house in check and whitey will do the same.

In the end most people here would say that separate but equal to be a good compromise.

Go back to The_Donald, you alt light cuck.

so true, no wonder the us will become 40% in less than 10 years

Chimp iq doesnt exceed 50 u fucking idiot

No that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying OP is full of shit and this is supposed to have some type of psychological impact but the simple fact is, when you make shit up to prove a point, you just look like a fool.

Usually these threads are 50/50 hurr durr ur a "good" black guy/stupid nigger gb2africa

this one is like 20/80 go away nigger

>being alt-right
just kys

90% of things on Sup Forums are for the keks and not meant to be taken seriously.

1 post by this i.d.
Never change Sup Forums

you are not black, alt-right or "wanted" on Sup Forums, you are anonymous

>s-should I go back to being democrat?
No, you should go back to Africa!

It's the same rules with gays for most normal people
If being gay is one part of you it won't make a difference in mutual interests. If your black but think like us you will get along with us. But some faggit is gonna always say all blacks are niggers. These are the kids that think we need a race war and not a war to cleanse (((them))) from elite positions of power.

For I presume?

At least you don't still go @100269308

Nah, these faggots are actually stormfags

No, return to Zimbabwe, be a KANG there.