Barron trump

Whats next for his career?

Something computer related

This young man is gonna be the first man on Mars niggers. Mark my words.

He is very good with the cyber. Probably something computer related.

the cyber

all of it


Say it with me...


Hack into the matrix.

Participation Award at School for Gifted Children

Dude is going to get a lot of high quality pussy. That much I know for sure.

hopefully gassing barronposters

Literally living up to his name
and becoming ultimate cell
Baron von trump duke of new york


He's playing 777777D chess.

Little known FACT: 7777777777 Trump will win was a Barron post

First to upload his consciousness into the virtual plain.

>D-d-do you want to see what I built with my blocks
>N-no I've never even seen a lady naked except for my mommy
>I-I-I can speak Slovenian i-if that will turn you on

Posting more fast food reviews.

What do you mean? He is going to take over the business?


>implying the virtual plain isn't his consciousness in itself

>Whats next for his career?

Holocaust 2

52nd president of the U.S.

He's got full ssh access to government supercomputers now, he's going to be waging full scale cyber war against Chyna


He has several years before he rises to power. For now he will be taught and protected


That kid is absurdly big for 10 years old. I mean really its almost unnatural

>Don instructed Don Jr. to keep watch
I expect big things from young Barron in the future

you're mean

that kid is a master at feigning
he looks disinterested to fool the normies as to what is coming once his dad is done leading for eight years, his sister ivanka will set the stage for a game of 999d chess that the world will utterly be in awe of

nigga's dad is a billionaire president

he should be raised into the ultimate human

>for you

Yup, I think people are severely underestimating "The Orange Man" at this point. Like fuck, he managed to become POTUS against all odds - At this point I am re-evaluating everything I thought possible

Manga protagonist

I'll be his friend there


King of the Cyber
