bye bye drumpfkins
Wisconsin Official: "There's Enough Evidence to Merit a Recount."
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kek this will be extra hilarious when millions of Shillary votes are removed. No wonder she has been so silent on the issue.
The truth doesn't fear investigation(tm)
>"We are not doing this to the benefit of one candidate over the other," said national party official and Milwaukee activist George Martin. "We're doing this for the benefit of the American public. So that we can trust our votes are counted."
lol, yeah sure then why not do a democratic state to make it fair?
Thats the fucking green party official saying that, not a wisconsin official you imbecile
>10 electoral votes
It is nothing.
Shouldn't you be packing your bags right now paco?
You only have like a month left.
>before recount
>trump leads by 10,000
>after recount
>trump leads by 12,000
>2,000 more libtards kill themselves
My face when Hillary wins Wisconsin.
This. No matter how it turns out trump still fucking won. Wisconsin only has 10 fucking votes. Good job scamming retarded liberals of their money though (((stein)))
When these 3 states went red, you know people have fucking had it. If they over turn them, things will get much worse. Leave it to a Jew to stir up this much trouble.
if Wisconsin shows that Trump paid Russia or Syria to hack into the elections to flip the state, then the whole election would be compromised.
Supreme Court will side against Cheater Trump and elect #Her
Next there will be recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Hillary will win.
Are you prepared to be crushed twice in as many weeks? please keep your counselor's number on speed dial and stay close to your safe space. good lord I feel bad for were so close to winning the whole thing, and then trump...
>shows that Trump paid Russia or Syria to hack into the elections to flip the state
That is an outlandish notion.
Trump already won.
Shillary lost.
PA requires proof of fraud in each county, and past monday they cannot file there.
MI requires a vote difference of 2000, and after wednesday it cannot be asked of them.
she lost cuck, now put your head between your knees and wait for achmed to invade your land.
The soros & co machines will be found to be hacked, casting votes for trump.
1. Hillary will be lucky to flip 1 state, let alone 3
2. If she somehow did that, most of the Red States would literally secede from the US
3. If there was another Civil War, it would end with the annihilation of the entire US, not a surrender
Didn't Hillary already concede?
The voting machines aren't even connected to the internet. They'd have to had physically hacked each machine in question, on location.
Exactly! They were supposed to be calibrated for shillary!
>these sHill niggers think a recount is an audit
Fucking kek. You do realize every precinct recounts its votes before certifying them, right? A third counting isn't going to magically uncover thousands of errors in her favor.
fucking do it, pussies
Why don't most media outlets say this?
Even Fox is calling it retarded and not saying why.
> putting the state at risk of having its 10 electoral votes go uncounted if it's missed.
This is exactly why Jill and others waited till the last minute.
They will do the same with PA and MI.
They want these states to not be eligible to vote in the EC forcing the House to make the decision for president.
You're out of your mind if you think 23k votes in WI will magically flip to clinton.
Likewise in PA where it's like 60-70k.
Can we see this evidence?
The only state that matters is PA.
If Hillary doesn't win PA+another state, she loses.
If Hillary only wins MI+WI, she loses.
I can't fucking wait for there to be a one of two things, evidence of massive democratic voting fraud or absolutely nothing. I'm betting on the latter given Wisconsin voter ID this year.
That has no legal standing. It's just a courtesy unfortunately.
So Trump ends up president anyway? What's the next step in their master plan?
There are recounts in virtually every election, usually with actual contestable margins, and it has never changed the outcome.
This seems like babby's first election for all these dems. I can't wait to laugh at you all again.
Let's be serious. If Hillary did manage to flip those states, most Republicans would just say "Whatever." and give up. Maybe 4 people will take up arms. Any others will just be common murderers.
They make it out like there won't be a firestorm if they rig the recount and have Hillary win.
Especially since Hillary voters were rioting In the streets
They're desperate to throw whatever at the wall to see what sticks. They realize they didn't stop Trump and now have to suffer his wrath.
>Syria the literal rubble heap being capable of hacking a gas station, let alone an entire state's election system.
Why did they need $10million to come to this conclusion?
Those dirty Drumpfkins are about to become sad!
>The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the recount will have to be completed by a Dec. 13 federal deadline, putting the state at risk of having its 10 electoral votes go uncounted if it's missed.
Just when you thought it over. You thought it was over. Battle won. No more global elites running a united platform, undermining the world's freedom.
Not so fast. It is time you experienced the full might of those who control your lives and sought to destroy every last drop of hope you had.
After the coup is over. Once and for all you will know your place. You WILL live in a politically correct world. You WILL pay welfare for the poor and the lazy. You WILL submit to tolerant ideals and you WILL like it.
Won't matter. If it's somehow cheated into overturning, congrats at sparking the second American Civil War. Good luck to the side that's afraid of guns.
Isn't WI paper only? Lmao.
Trump won get over it.
Rural areas have the voting machines. Rural areas also tend to vote republican, but democrats never think of logical explanations like that when they raise these stinks.
oh please mighty KEK
>"political scientists say they doubt a recount will change the result in Wisconsin."
But the victors should fear tampering from the losers.
Oh no, trump only wins by 296 instead of 306, the world ends.
>it has never changed the outcome.
Al Franken swindled his way into the senate in 2008 after a recount. Though he had to overcome a measly 215 votes, not over 10,000 like killary does.
Why do I care what my pizza delivery guy thinks about a recount?
>Donald says the election is rigged
>trump wins
>Fucking russian hackers I demand a recount it was supposed to be her turn what the fuck
How does it feel to be Oh so wrong?
Plus PA (20) and the 6 electors that vows to vote for Hillary instead. That puts Hillary at 268.
they're recounting 46 votes
It's over drumpfkins. Thanks for playing!
That girl is 18, right?
michigan is not getting recounted
he still wins without wisconsin though
Because Florida's recount changed everything.
wisconsin has Trump up by 23,000
>PA requires proof of fraud in each county, and past monday they cannot file there.
You think they'll have some county-by-county report, even a bullshit one, ready by then? I wouldn't put anything past these butthurt dems.
what makes you think he will lose it ?
She's one of the smart ones. How many others are asking for refunds?
The systems they use in WI and PA have been hackable since 2006. If you want to know how this will go:
Bonifaz is the attorney who is pushing for the recount. He founded his group with George Soros.
The money was already secured for this before Jill put the donation page up, and the voting meter has been running from a script (not actual public donations).
This is going to get much worse.
You know what the worst thing to come out of that was? the whole red state/blue state became permanently engrained because it's all anyone talked about for two damn months. Democrats should be the red states, damnit.
NEGATIVE. The victors should be wary of tampering from the losers.
yes they hack every single machine user
>or Syria
the 6 electors are not from states that voted Trump you goddamn shill
Voting machines aren't connected to the internet, nor are they connected to one another, retard.
>inb4 posting results were hacked
If that happened, officials would have called it out, not sit on their asses. Go back to the abyss from whence you came, shill.
>shill says the same thing before the election
>hurr durr i was just acting retarded
(((Stein))) begins shopping for a million-dollar beach-home like (((Sanders))) just got.
>But what appeared to start as a mere protest movement has now grown, and one major newspaper is claiming that six members of the Electoral College will vote against Donald Trump even though they’ve been assigned to vote for him, even though another major political site is contradicting that story.
So this is fake news then?
>political scientists say the recount won't change the election
>you get butt hurt about it
Wow, talk about sore losers
yes because those electors were confirmed to be from Washington and Colorado, states that voted for Clinton
they're fucking retarded
>even though another major political site is contradicting that story
Yes, it's fake news. "" is not a valid source.
>Recount reveals Jeb was the winner
She's going to take power by a coup obviously. You think you can just defeat the globalists this easily? Just look at how they are circumventing article 50 in the UK. Oh what, not laughing now are you?
And by "she takes power by a coup" you mean "she passes out and her militia uses her body as a battering ram against the white house doors."
A jew scammed a bunch of retarded, butthurt lefties, paid Wisconsin to recount the votes and will use the rest to buy her house next to (((Bernie Sanders)))
Now go back to the shithole whence you belong
I keep hearing this "6 or 7 electors in states Trump won will vote for Hillary instead meme" where are the proofs????
I assume you would need to embed something in their software patch or whatever instructions were feed into it.
Obviously, you have to upload something that was at one time connected to the internet.
I'd only be concerned if Hillary called for the recount. She has not.
>There will be constant ironic shitposting until Dec 19th
I heard that electors from both sides are planning to be faithless. No sources though, sorry.
So it's fucking nothing
And who does she have on her side willing to die so that she can be President? You have to have soldiers to stage a coup.
This isn't really a big deal.
It looks like he will win Michigan, and he dominated fairly well in Pennsylvania. Worst case, there was a problem with several Wisconsin systems. Not a big deal at all.
>WI flips
>Trump wins anyway
>We get the election night tears all over again
Yes please.
>he thinks it will end on the 19th
prepare for 8 years of angry tears, user
So are we up to the Bargaining stage?