What would your country be like if Justin Trudeau was its prime minister?
What would your country be like if Justin Trudeau was its prime minister?
it would be a shithole
trudeau is sucking a lot of chinese dick
so it would be like pic related
The greatest in the world but going through a gay phase.
He IS our Prime Minister, silly.
It would look a lot like Canada, just with more spics and niggers, and less chinks and mudslimes
Day Of Rake Now
BASED as fuck!
I'd be filming my girlfriends getting fucked in the VAG by a grat Dane / Lab mix with a huge foot long splif sitting out the bastards ass hole
Full, fuck off.
the based god of youtube styx told me trudeau's national support is whithering and he's becoming unpopular fast, is this true or just wizard ramblings ?
More immigrants, lower wages, austerity... Is my country run by Justin Trudeau?
It would have a complex, like the cuck trudeau
Depends on the area. My city still sucks his dick like a hooker.
Not even close to true. Maybe you should stop listening to virgin randos on (((youtube))). Best part of it is, there's no term limit in Canada so I'll be riding the Trudeau train 'till the day I die!
Mostly wizard ramblings.
His party's support dropped 5% overall this year BUT he is still vastly more popular than the other two major parties because they can't seem to get their shit together.
god damn it i want him to be a one term failed prime minister like obama should have been
Women want him to fuck them so Canadians better get ready for round dos!
i feel like politics in general is too difficult for canadians to understand, kind of like america but in canada even the ruling class are idiots
With the way things are, we're looking at a Cuckdeau re-election in 2019, even if it's a minority gov.
To those who don't know Canada's pm is he basically the failed abortion of Hilary Clinton and Angela Merkel. With the feminism and the refugees. Basically making Canada the battleground of Europe 2.0
Just as shitty as it is now.
>To those who don't know Canada's pm is he basically the failed abortion of Hilary Clinton and Angela Merkel. With the feminism and the refugees. Basically making Canada the battleground of Europe 2.0
Can confirm this is true. If you doubt, see pic
Somebody post the picture of Trudeau posting on Sup Forums
10/10 would let trudeau tap me like a maple tree
A lot of west coasters are butthurt that his masters have green-lit the Kitimat bitumen pipeline, I can't imagine that hurts his gibs-centric toronto/quebec base tho
I was the campaign manager for my riding's now MP. I know for a fact my candidate is a moron and a sell out and when I come back home I think I'm going to hate fuck her just cuz I've been so disappointed with her performance
>implying you know ANYTHING about Canadian politics
Reminder that obvious bait posts like this are most likely not bait when coming from an amerifat
Trudeau will win a second term but after that (hopefully) the Conservatives will get their shit together and fucking bean the Liberals.
That's it
fucking garbage
I just want to stop paying out the ass for everything, particularly video games and and hardware.
you mean limp wristed college students and smelly natives?
The honeymoon phase is coming to an end. He still gets cut a lot of slack because Harper was so unlikable.
He's currently in the "we laugh about what a fucking joke he is" stage.
Glad you like it, gotta be one of my more well known doodles heh
kill me
ok buddy just make sure you post pics alright ?
not really a bait post because i've come across quite a few canadians, you are mostly ignorant of the outside world so i would assume you have no idea what your government is doing
Like a giant teen bop subscription
Also one more thing, Trudeau is really horny for Chinese Cock like damn. Fucking sucking off the gooks to have a better economic trade like nigga. These gooks buying up all of the property in Vancouver trying to rise up property purchase.
shit, obama was in that stage for like 6 years, hopefully trump will humiliate him somehow and drive him out of office back to quebec or wherever his daddy's house is
Does this mean more Canadians should move to America?
I'm gonna start photoshopping pictures of trudeau getting fucked by a chinese guy in the future.
good meme idea user
Nice sweeping generalization jackass. But what more would I expect from an alt right nazi like you pieces of shit?
Depends. Are you pro 1A & 2A?
That's a funny looking torso
Gonna be honest, dunno what you're talking about user.
This looks like Mark Corrigan's long lost illegitimate brother.
Not very different.
It's true, I don't know shit about internal Canadian Politics. However, as your neighbor, appearances are important. And Canada appears to be headed by a poofy fop of a Drama Teacher, not someone to be respected or feared.
That doesn't bode well.
I meant only move to USA if you support their rights to free speech & bear arms, otherwise don't move there and fuck their shit up with liberalism
he looks really ugly that close up
OH. Yeah, idgaf. When in Rome, etc.
Our former President shared (or was advised to) many views with him.
There wouldn't be many differences
we would have legalised weed
>dude weed lmao
>Nice sweeping generalization jackass
>But what more would I expect from an alt right nazi like you pieces of shit
We don't have prime ministers retard.
a bunch of dipshits whining about their 17th pipeline meanwhile their PM is leasing the land to Malaysians to stripmine and hiking their Crown Corp services like insurance and power up 50% in the next 5 years.
>be handsome tall Chad
>do whatever the fuck you want and have fun most of your adult life
>dad dies
>automatically become most powerful man in Canada thanks to the connections he built
>become globalist puppet and have all the hard politics stuff figured out for you
>just recite speeches and do international photo ops while banging hotties of all races and stuffing your coffer with the taxpayer's dime
There's life on ez mode, then there's life on Trudeau mode.
you forgot your proxy lad
>mfw I'm on Medical Marijuana in Canada and the prices keep going up, and up, and up, and this stupid fuck still hasn't legalized it so the prices would go down
>not even able to get it covered like a normal prescription
He didn't even do the one fucking meme thing he was elected for. For cripples.
I fucking loathe this piece of shit. That's before even getting into how we are "a post-national state" with "no core identity" BUT IF I GET INTO THAT I'LL NEED TO SMOKE SOME WEED TO CALM ME DOWN AND I CAN'T FUCKING AFFORD IT, IT WAS CHEAPER UNDER THE CONSERVATIVES
off to da camp 4 me :(
BC fucking sucks, god damn I want out.
Not sure, but I'd probably have to carry a leafblower on my hip katana style.
If you can't afford weed, you win.
>mfw the black market prices keep getting cheaper and with options available
Are you kidding me?
Fuck it i'm contacting my old gal, fuck these Tweed kikes.
MFW comfy Washington
i honestly didnt like any of the candidates we had to choose from. it was literally the lesser of two evils everytime :[
M8 there are so many online options now it's insane
The competition of the legal market is driving black market prices and options to be way more competitive
He'd probably be wearing a Hanbok in Seoul crying and personally apologizing to every elderly Korean woman
Very confused, because we don't know WTF a Prime Minister does. Also relieved because we hated the top two Presidential candidates.