Should we kill leftwingers

Should we dox and kill leftwingers along with their family members? The threat is clear. They will not listen to reason. The only solution I see, is total extermination.

Labor camp is always better. They will do dirty jobs and create a bit of wealth to our society working like the chinese but receiving less than 20 cents a day of work.

Depends on the family members.There is always a based dad that failed to create a functional human being,that's not always his fault.

Last time I checked there dingus there was still rules in this country where you just cant go around murdering people that don't agree with you. This sounds like some North Korea level shit.


They destroyed our society and are responsible for the death of millions of people killed by drugs, gang war, abortions, etc.


I hate them so much but NO. You look bad and they become martyrs.

Leftists are simply useless subhumans that need to be purged.

Abortion is legal in this country, I don't know about yours.

Yes, but be careful. That is the sort of thing you want to anchor on the spot before it can start charging.

I'm going .45-70 gov't & up on wild trigglys.

Why pay them at all? kek

no let's just convince them to work for free in a communal work structure and then install ourselves in positions of power and leech off them.

Raise their taxes. Make them pay their "fair share."

So why can't we abort leftists? they are just mass of cells

But I'm a generous person and i think labor camps are good enough and more productive.

so they can buy a bit of rice and soy and don't die. We need them for working.

Agreed. I'm not going to just start killing them but If they post here I will.

Yeah, we should listen to the guy whose entire country is like a labor camp, except more dangerous, he knows what's up

>implying I give a shit about rules
Its also illegal to kill yourself. That didn't stop me from trying.

How can you identify a "leftist" before they are born?

Good point

Donkey Kong is right. Labor camps is better suited to these pests. Either that or fight them in a civil war. More honorable to exterminate them in combat than by force.

there are zero industry here. A good industrial site with 100,000+ liberals working for 20 cents a day would give a good boost in our economy.

right wing death squads when?

I'm saying abort leftists after they grow up. Like a 14 year old leftist is just a mass of cells that can be aborted.

And it should be totally legal in the same way aborting a 3 month baby is in the United States.

>Its also illegal to kill yourself. That didn't stop me from trying.

Try harder.

I go by the three E's: education (show them the redpill), expulsion (kick them out of they continue to subvert), and execution (helicopters).

Leftist parents will go out of their way to raise the most faggy/trans/secular progressive they can. Identify the parents, identify their offspring.

What's it like being an edge lord? Do you find yourself often slicing people in half in a katana saying "Pssh, nothing personal kid"?

What if we just give the leftist California and cut off any trade with them. Build a wall to keep them from coming into the US and let them get a taste of their own medicine. We can then send Pastors over there to try to convince those who are willing to give up being leftist for good. They will be monitored and inspected for marxism before being transported to the US. Anyone caught promoting degenercy and Marxism will get deported to California.

Enough with leftists on this thread

We shall remove them.

In truth, I was thinking something similar, combating the extremists with extremism and leaving the moderates and the family members alone. They do seem to ignore all sense of reason in favor of protecting their feelings, and fear is a good motivator for compliance.

However, by issuing what amounts to a genocide on them, we will end up both cementing their idea of us in their minds, give them a boogeyman to fight against, and shade the public's image of us in a negative light. In short, we would only strengthen their resolve and vilify ourselves to the otherwise neutral masses.

If any murdering is to happen, it must be done by a few determined and resourceful individuals. People who could be written off as fringe radicals in the same way that the SJWs can be written off as the fringe left. Of course, the more killed by a single person, the better.

My labor camp theory is more effective, productive and costs a lot less.

In the meantime, I think some of us should group up and torment leftist until we get their personal info and start spreading rumors on their degenercy. Make them lose their jobs. Make them hate being called on for being a leftist.
True, but liberals will suffer more so if they get their own land and suffer from their own polcies and ideas. They will starve or be killed of by invaders. The US would only need to build the Wall around California. The leftist die through natural selection. And those who learn from their errors can seek redemption. Of course, you do lose productivity in the process, but on the other hand, we will need more white births to fill those labour positions.

That could be done as well.

I think that is defined as harassment? Why would you even bother with people below you? Are they objectively hurting you?

What if you just build a wall around california and forget about them? Send all leftists there and only re-visit there after 50 years.

Not "we," "you," and yes. If you work in a group, you will be figured out easily. Family members are best left out.

You take over the media, you put a strong man in charge and they fall in line fast.

Berlin was one big pedophile whorehouse when Hitler took power, he didn't need to kill them to stop. He just needed to teach them how to behave.

>Hey goyim...I mean, fellow Sup Forumsacks

They have objectively hurting this nation for years. They are the reason why western nations are so weak. For years, they pulled these harassment tactics on conservatives like me. If they want oppression, we'll show them opression like they never felt before to the point where they will outright quit their degenercy or leave.

Anyone else ever dream that they had all this badass weaponry and skills and money to like orchestrate an attack on strong lib advocates and just sneaking into their house and shooting them once in the face and thrn later in the morning cnn reporting of a bunch of dead libs and what not


we should just fat shame them

I think the labor camp idea is great. History tells us if we don't do it to them, they will do it to us.

Honestly, even those on the right should encourage leftist breeders to abort their children... for the good of the environment.

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I love you

I agree with the msm provocateur.

pretty much this. Eventually either we will end up in concentration/labor camps working for a cup of rice working 14h a day.

This motherfucker makes sense.

All universities are hives of leftism infection, they need to be cleared out one by one.

We have to stop this disease from spreading any further.

This. Emotionally brutalize them. Physical violence will only make them actual "victims" and it will alienate anyone from converting to our views.

I daydreamed of having power beyond most humans and destroying those who would stand in my way and in the way of others.

However, reality tends to set in soon and I realize if I did have these powers, it would be a slippery slope that would either result in my death, imprisonment, or the transformation of Earth into its primordial state.