There are 37,685,848 blacks in the USA, according to a 2010 census.
Airfare to Johannesburg is roughly $800 one way.
It would cost about $3,014,874,800 to send them all on commercial airliners to Africa.
If every white American were to divide that cost evenly among themselves, it would only cost them $153.19 a person to lower the country's crime rate by 60%.
This fee could just be "reparations" in the eyes of liberals.
I think everybody would benefit greatly and the Africans can be kangs once more.
>pic unrelated
Would pay to be honest.
you could do it cheaper with cargo ships
Id suck dick to get every last nigger back to Africa
Could we convince them to get into cargo ships without revolt?
Gay, but I understand the sentiment.
Send the top 10% to Liberia so they can bolster the Americo-Liberians there and take back the country. I'm curious to see what they could accomplish. People like Ben Carson and David Clarke are good men who could take real leadership roles for their people.
God damn would this be great.
This country would be vastly improved instantly.
MAGA by subtraction.
I, too, am curious to see what exactly they would be able to do for themselves. I think that stopping brain drain could seriously help them out.
Bullets are cheaper.
africa wont take them
Sending niggers back is a bargain at any price. I'd gladly give them up to a hundred grand apiece if they would go be kangs again someplace else.
how expensive is 37 million bullets?
Try this out for size:
Now we're talking amigo.
Mexican here I'll put in for that.
ill pay
Why would South Africa want our nogs?
$10,928,895.92 for .29 cent .45 rounds
or .05 cents a white American.
I'll pay for 3
What about disposing the bodies? That would bump up costs tremendously
I'll pay for 1000
Dump in a volcano
Just imagine! You could have foster nogs that you sponsor like the 3rd world kids. You'd get a pamphlet with their name and age as well as a picture and bi-yearly letters.
That would be loaded onto cargo ships and dropped off in Africa where they could freely be grazed upon.
Guys cost saving was solved years ago. we can do this but on planes.
Picture all of those but with the wojak face.
>inb4 niggers are so dumb, amirite guys
The higher standard of education that blacks get in america might actually help africa, or in about twenty years time after the migration everything goes to shit again
>Airfare to Johannesburg is roughly $800 one way.
Legal fees would be infinitely more expensive than airfare.
...Why am I even replying? Reported for underage.
I could see that happening, too. They had a long stretch of time to progress without outside influence and they didn't, so it would make sense that they couldn't given more time.
The fuck? Just ship off the ones causing trouble the moment they act up, don't group us all up. I like this country you faggots. Fuck Africa.
>What is Liberia
>forced to come to the US in the first place
>"go back to Africa where you came from"
I wonder if you could set up a distributed bounty system for niggers.
Let's call it the Dead Black Market. Somebody sets up a Patreon or Bitcoin address and starts collecting donations. You get money by making a claim in advance. Something specific, that's not going to happen by random chance, like pinpointing a building and saying that a bunch of niggers are going to die in a fire in that building. Every week, DBM verifies the claims and pays all the money they took in the previous week on a per-nigger basis.
"Everywhere I go, I must also shitpost."
- A Fucking Leaf
It's not like we're making them pay!
Instead of all black people, I want to institute a you bitch you leave policy. we look up their ancestry and ship them to where they specifically would have originated from.
This would get every problem "We don't even know our heritage" people the hell out, possibly increase the need to hire people for jobs so a good chunk of gang members, or reasons gang members come to be is gone and we get the most vocal cunts out of the country.
Blacks sold out their own brothers for that cabbage, they have no one to blame but themselves, we didnt just round up a bunch of blacks we bought them off black slave drivers.
Hometeam dindus will target american ones. Everything will go to shit. This entire "go back to africa" is a huge NIGGA moment that will only end in cataclysmic disaster
I'm sorry that you suffer because of the acts of the... are they the many or is it just a few that are highly visible?
Just ship off all the ones in a gang, a violent crime record, and so on. If you threaten to ship off black people who engage in violent behavior you'll not only drop crime massively, the blacks still here will contribute to the country. Don't just throw us all out, weed out the cancer man.
Come on.
very much related
nah, why would I want to make africa shittier, put violent criminals in prison, or ship the prisons to africa to house there, and anyone who wants to go that god damn bad can go along with them.
There's some work america can do to help black people in this country, but fuck me just saying all white people are racist and blacks had is so good in africa grates on my nerves every time one praises that hell hole.
No black person who's sincere actually thinks much about Africa, it's a fucking shithole. The sons and daughters of the African tribes who sold off our ancestors were the ones who've lost out in the long run. My ancestors went through hell, but thanks to them I get to relax and shitpost on an online image board, where my distant relative in Africa is probably a hungry skeleton.
Trust me, there's plenty of us who realize how shit Africa is.
Round it off to 500 per American. Give them some starting cash to sweeten the deal.
I fully support this initiative and I would gladly donate the money.
I would do it not just for crime, but for IQ stats and smell too
I don't think black people are retarded, at least not the majority, but you see them all the goddamn time, and if I could get rid of those ones, I would gladly pay my fair share, they are part of the reason black youth culture is so fucked, well that and gangs shit opportunities, and a culture that seems to hate people who are smart all contribute, but getting the people who keep demanding that everyone owes you something because of where you could have came from, sincerely fuck them.
on a side note, I know most black people we brought over were already slaves or fucked up in some way that made them sold into slavery, so this is specifically about gen 1, would they have been better off in africa or were they better off slaves in america?
It runs deeper than that though, black culture is purposefully being kept in the dark by (((them))), I'm sure of it. Even if you believe as a people we're predisposed to negative traits, (((they))) exploit it wherever they can. Just look at the rappers who blow up for example? It's always the most retarded motherfucker that makes the most money, never the intellectual who's got something to rap about. Hip-hop is a blood vein into black culture, and (((they))) only want the most retarded motherfuckers to be the fact of it.
I think that's done on purpose by (((them))) to further their own agenda against America, and probably plays into globalism somehow.
Interesting; go on.
If I had only enough money to send half the niggers back to Africa, I'd send them all back half way.
If you start getting red-pilled rappers who don't focus on race, but instead focus on (((them))) and their efforts to divide us using race as a weapon against us, black people as a whole would get woke the fuck up and stop being useful puppets for (((them))) and their agents, namely Soros and his Establishment Democrats for example. Black culture isn't that way just because we're a bunch of apes, because even apes will stop being as retarded if in the right environment for long enough and whatnot, I think.
Black culture is being poisoned and black people are being kept as slaves in a sense. At least that's what I've begun to think Maybe one of the reason's 2pac got killed as that he was starting to expose (((them))) as well, and look at the shit happening with Kanye? It's all related.
Cause our prison system is so effective in reducing recidivism. Get outta here
not about recidivism, though the prison system needs systemic reform, Its that when you commit a violent crime your ass goes to jail, but we put black people in jail for bullshit all the time, so what happens when they realize anything they do could land them in jail? why not do something bit that may benefit them long term opposed to small short term.
Its a bug scam thats why it isnt beinf reformed. Law enforcement, DEA, FBI and so on make millions in funding to create a self perpetuating system of incarceration. Lets not even get into private prisons. There is ripe potentially for prisons to be centers of reform but free labor is more lucrative than creating productive citizens out of criminals. They get and get out and do the same shit
I play WoW, so I'll use that as an example for any fellow Warcraft anons here. Basically:
(((They))) = Sargeras
Soros = Kiljaden
Black Culture = Horde (1st War)
Horde vs Alliance can be seen as Black vs White, and is being used to weaken Azeroth/American in order to make it easier for Sargeras/(Them))) to bring it to ruin.
Hillary herself could even be considered as the original Lich King as intended, a puppet used to enslave the minds of the masses and turn them into braindead servants, The Scourge.
We did it once, we can do it again.