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Even their emergency number is cuck'd


pick one

You're right user
Thank God they got all 5 terrorists in Paris.
Now Paris is safe.

oh are those isis guys still around?
they have been pretty low energy lately.


Low energy emergency number. Sad!

>While it was clear the cell had planned to attack a series of possible targets, Molins said authorities could not “determine the exact one” they had planned to strike. The cell had researched “a dozen sites” online, such as the Disneyland Paris theme park, the Christmas market on the famous Champs-Elysées and the Paris police headquarters.

I feel horrible but I almost want more horrible things to happen to Europe.

So many citizens of their countries seem so reluctant or incapable of opening their eyes to see what is right in front of them.

more mayhem is necessary indeed, people need to have their comfy bubbles broken.

>The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe

This will redpil some frenchs to vote Le Pen?


warn her

Tell her to reroute to Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary or the Baltics.

These countries are still a-ok.

Besides Prague has pretty good Christmas Markets and generally is a great city.
Thumbs up for Krtek.

I just sent her a text. As soon as I opened this thread the entire blocks power went out where I live. IT'S FUCKING HAPPENING.

If three of the nastiest attacks in decades will not sway voters, all hope is lost.

I feel the same unfortunately. I just hope it stays in the countries that are already lost like Sweden and France, the countries that will be almost entirely replaced by shitskins in the next two generations

I swear I heard some booms a couple of minutes ago.

What state are you?


112 is emergency code in every country in Europe, besides a few ex-soviet states

oh, im in MO

it's probably nothing

where in MO?

Springfield here

near STL

I'm aware of that number, because I have been living in Europe all my life?

I thought you freaked out over the chance of terror attacks.
In eastern europes chances of you being bombed out by a terrorists are lower than you having a stroke in your twenties from their deepfried kielbasa.

terrorists were apprehended in multiple cities. it is possible multiple nations will be targeted simultaneously, including some on the list you mentioned as "a-ok"

I think Europe won't be able to handle a 9/11 or larger terrorist attack. It will get ugly.

No that's not possible because the number of muzzis who are brown in these countries is literally close to zero.

So when you waltz in for an Akbar the domestic intelligence services are on overtime.

What are you even talking about, have you ever been on this continent?

Did you know that truck driver is the the number 1 job refugees apply for when they enter the west?


What did he mean by this?

The number one job for refugees and third worlders in Europe is welfare mooch, get your facts straight.

>the magazine
Are we really that cucked now? I haven't been paying attention to the magazine restrictions for years

Czech safe, worry not infidels

>No that's not possible because the number of muzzis who are brown in these countries is literally close to zero.

>Hungary also saw a rapid rise in the number of asylum seekers, more than quadrupling from 41,000 in 2014 to 174,000 in 2015.

>Poland - 10,000 (page 3)

>Hundreds of migrants have entered Slovenia from Croatia since Thursday, but the numbers are expected to rise after more than 17,000 people poured into neighboring Croatia in just three days.

Heard it from a trucking dispatcher, Plus An: asylum status under U.S.C., Title 8 §1158 and in possession of a valid, unrestricted employment authorization document. Allows them to transport cargo categorized as HAZMAT

>On Thursday the Slovenian authorities said more than 12,000 migrants had crossed into the country in the past 24 hours, with thousands more expected.


>Allows them to transport cargo categorized as HAZMAT


>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the EU

>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned

Lel, most of the hungarian refugees already have illegally crossed to our shelters.
The moment they are apprehended in Hungary they are sent to refugee camps.

In Lithuania, Poland and in the Czech Republic NGOs tried to bring in some fugees, but they all crossed the green border to Bavaria and hence are staying in my homecountry.,Majority-of-Christian-Syrian-refugees-left-Poland

The moment you're not providing enough gibs me dat, they are gone.

I personally met a guy who got served with a note to leave for Bulgaria and all of a sudden he withdrew his asylum case in the EU, because Bulgaria is not decent enough for him.

He got a ticket for a direct flight from Berlin to Erbil.

Fuck this country.

the ones after welfare are not the ones you need to be primarily worried about

>literally a European 9/11

Yeah and they all were put into direct trains from autumn 2015 to February 2016 from Athens to Passau, where they got of the trains and shouted 'Asylum, Asylum' and the FRG held itself 'responsible'.

So all these countries in line before are transit countries and nobody stays there. Those faggots call Asylum there but jump ship the moment they can, because according to the German Highcourt asylum conditions in Hungary are inhumane so even if you have an application in Hungary Germany will not sent you to Budapest, because muh feels.

Hence all of them who made it here, stay here.

End of story.

this user gets it

>they all

not all


Yes, yes they are!!!

The Würzburg axeman was housed in a facility for unaccompanied minors and basically had a nice welfare slots, who costs the taxpayer 8000€ or $8500 freedom monies a month because they have social workers for everyone.

The Ansbach bomber was living in a refugee shelter where he netted 400 Euros a month plus free healthcare and school vouchers.
He applied for Asylum in Bulgaria in 2013 and was granted his "right", still travelled to Austria and applied there. The same shit in Germany. Guess who kept him in the end?

The most ridiculous thing?
This fag had two deportation orders already on him, but a member of parliament appealed to German authorities to not deport him because the muzzie claimed mental health problems and suicidal tendencies.

He blew himself up with the bomb this year.

innocent life is more important than money


That must be it.
And after all these guys will all pay for our pensions.
And they will make Germany even more prosperous.
We are a humanitarian superpower.

What is a country that accomodates a lot of asylum cases?

An asylum.


you are planning for a future that will never come

I love how they've already started to pull retirees back into the workforce to cater for the "new europeans"

HAHAHHAAH that magazine looks like a microdick
i bet your rifle is so ashamed

Funnily enough here in Germany the CDU plans to head into the election with the controversial raise of retirement age. In order to sustain our growing refugee population and an aging workforce said workforce should have to work until the age of 70.

Oh there will be a future, just not what everyone is imaging right now.

that's what I'm saying

See everything is great here.
Every person is good for our tiny fertility rate.
Nowadays we will work it out.
Tomorrow our example will be a shiny beacon.

Hopefully other country will follow our way.
Everyone should open their hearts for this.
Literally being persecuted is against our ideas.
Please understand these poor souls and help.

The only way that will happen is if it starts significantly hitting students and the middle-upper classes.

I am in favor of helping legitimate refugees, not letting in ISIS

the challenge - the requirement - is knowing the difference

I see any innuendo is lost on you.
Good for you then.

>the muzzie claimed mental health problems and suicidal tendencies.
> suicidal tendencies.

As if that isn't the exact reason he needed to be removed.

These people will never redeem themselves.
They will seclude their kind and their relatives from the reality they helped to create.

We will see white flight in droves and some streets and cities will just be given up by the majority population.
But they will actively silence anyone who points out the obvious.

Malmö is the pristine example for that shit.


It's not
These people have been brainwashed, they can't comprehend the fact they were wrong and they will rather explain these acts by interpreting them through their embedded "software" (it's because they're poor, it's because they're discriminated against, it's because it's their culture so it's not their fault)
If a muslim uprising happens tomorrow with seizing of the head of state and bloodbath massacres of unarmed civilian european people in the streets of the cities, they will explain it saying "They were scared because FN could be elected in 2017, it's all the fault of the racist french people, it wouldn't have happened if we were more tolerant and open to diversity"
The only thing these attacks manage to do is to further demoralize the last people not brainwashed as they're forced to watch their own people wallowing in virtue-signaling as they yell everywhere on TV, radio stations and social medias muslims are the real victims of these attacks and that "hate should not win"
This kind if shit is pretty blatant in France, but I assume other western countries have more or less the same kind of people guilt-tripping the rest of their country

worry less about what others are doing wrong

worry more about what you can do right

there is still time to escape, French user

He didn't get it because it says SENT HELP instead of SEND HELP.

You goofed.

be nice

He said he was from California. Show some pity.