What is wrong with Nuclear Power?
What is "nuclear waste" and do we have a good way to get rid of it?
What is wrong with Nuclear Power?
What is "nuclear waste" and do we have a good way to get rid of it?
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just set up a solar dome lmao
Solar seems like the way to go if they could just make it more efficient at capturing solar energy, lower the cost of the panels and upkeep.
And Arizona/ Nevada/ NewMexico would be okay with us blanketing their deserts
There is a way to get rid of the waste and generator power at the same time but it doesnt make money so there really isnt a point in me talking about it...
>do we have a good way to get rid of it?
Yes. Dump it all on the Middle East and Israel.
Its a great thing, the nuclear waste isnt actually that big of a deal itself. Unfortunately the industry worldwide is run by some of the dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived.
We arent mature enough for nuclear power yet.
nothing is, we've had completely renewable nuclear power for decades but (((they))) were losing money so it got shut down.
>what is wrong
Uneducated hippies who don't realize that nuclear power is far more efficient and clean than alternatives. It's the perfect stepping stone until we have complete renewable energy.
A lot of old nuclear waste from the 70s has been recycled in newly discovered reactions
That said, stick the nuclear waste in the Australian outback where nobody cares
There are two main problems with nuclear power:
1) We currently have no way to dispose of nuclear waste besides just storing it underground.
2) The up-front cost of a nuclear plant is 4x-5x higher than an equivalent GW gas plant. Few utilities are willing to make the gamble on an investment of that scale except in areas where they are guaranteed rates of return through integrated utility structures.
Aside from these two issues, the break-even cost (LCOE, or levelized cost of electricity) is extremely low for nuclear, making it one of the most efficient and reliable sources of electricity we have.