On behalf of America, I want to apologize for allowing our nigger "twerking" culture to infect you.
On behalf of America, I want to apologize for allowing our nigger "twerking" culture to infect you.
? Nothing wrong here
>Russian girls
top kek I've seen more meat on a carrot
I think it's hilarious that white girls are better at twerking even when they don't have the ass for it.
I am sorry you had to see this Sup Forums
am i supposed to be offended by bitches shaking their ass? this is quite possibly the negros best contribution to world culture.
Tfw when all is going according to plan
It's a talent of sexuality.
No it is disgusting
>do you need any more proof that women are stupid...i rest my case.
It's not though.
It's always the same videos being linked.
why do woman want to show me their buttholes on the internet. buy I cant even get one to talked to me without being offended irl?
kys jamal
Because they are trying to attract Chad, not you user.
Slowpoke had a son and you are him
low iq degenerate detected.
>African American Culture
>not just American Culture
Sorry famalam, but we've been losing the mainstream culture war for years. Blacks have successfully, with plenty of help from (((them)))), taken over what is mainstream "American".
My dreams of a qt Slav Wife, untouched and unaffected by the Jew, dashed in a 120 frame gif.
Forgive me, Slavic Ancestors
You can start by not grabbing their buttholes IRL before you've even said "hi" to them
i need money
that first one btfo's everyone else.
now, please excuse me gentlemen.
Wow, those are some terrible asses.
enjoy :^)
Seriously? A quick glance at these chicks and u can see it's only the one chick front and center that's seems to know what she's doing the rest r just following along so it appears they're all in sync.
>Russians proving to be white niggers after all
disgusting niggery.
Everything that comes from america is either disgusting like this nigger dance, or poorly assembled like their automobiles.
I don't see why twerking is supposed to be hot, the women are hot sure but twerking is just lame and nog tier.
i've never met a guy who likes twerking.
>>do you need any more proof that women are stupid...i rest my case.
Why don't I ever see vids/gifs of Brazilian women shaking their ass like that?
It is well known that any Slav that uses the Cyrillic Alphabet is literally a nigger, so there you go.
Latinate Slavs>All other Slavs
>I don't see why twerking is supposed to be hot
In Africa fat asses on women are a sign of fertility, it's part of their negro biology.
White people doing it though makes no sense.
you mean being artificially forced into culture? this is old news since the 1960s, really. if not before.
>tfw it's a degenerate 'dance' but it's also a workout of my favorite ladybits, thighs tummy and fit butt
I masturbated to this like 20 times
oops wrong link
Seems very much like a troglodytes thing.
fedora tier perma virgins upset by women shaking ass
what year is it
the real degenerates are the fags who don't like fit bitches shaking their lady parts.
you don't have to marry these girls to appreciate a moving ass.
it's only degenerate to you because you literally cannot get laid
future mail order brides and krokodil addicts of russia.
How did it get artificially forced into culture?
Are you suggesting (((certain people))) with an (((agenda))) did it for some reason?
t. Someone who gets laid by sharing their girlfriend.
Of course you want this stuff.
i totally agree. really it just makes me hate them. and i am being honest. i see it not as a mating ritual, but as a slap in the face.
if I made my qt gf twerk on my face would that be degenerate?
every single time and like clockwork there's some bumblefuck comment like this at anyone expressing discontent at worthless whores shitting their energy and youth into a fucking void
why don't you drink drain cleaner, you fucking cunt? there's more to life than your bottomless depravity
why does she think that it hot? to have "spoiled" written on her smelly rank shit smelly ass? it just makes me think she has a rank sodomized ass.
what a rank disgusting vile whore. no redemption for her.
>dat sweaet on he back
#6 has a man ass
Women belong barefoot in the kitchen with a baby in their bellies, not dancing like a nigger in their underwear.
What fucking culture tolerates this shit, total degenerate genocide when
It would be hawt
Fuck off leaflette with that excuse for being a slut. Do some squats and your ass and tummy will be fit enough for Chad not dumping you after the first fuck
>teleports behind you
Nothin' personal, kid.
For you
twerking is so aggressive and niggerish it's not attractive at all
i dont even feel tempted in a "guilty" way, its just vile seeing a woman act like that
>What fucking culture tolerates this shit,
What fucking (((culture))) indeed?
I wish my country was as cool as America.
Girls are so boring here, they don't do that cool sexy twerking.
and just like that I'm gay. Goodbye hetero life
white girls like these Russians have to accelerate the twerking maneuver by like 1000% just to get a noticeable jiggle from their small, lean asses. it's kind of sad.
>Implying you're replying to a gril
>russian ass
That girl looks like millhouse without glasses
Why are you complaining about this?
lol, fedora virgs mad.
bitches are worthless to begin with
this only adds value in my book.
you don't marry bitches.
take solace in the fact that 90% of these twerking bitches would still not let a nog near their twat.
such virgin stormweenie up in here.
you literally sound like islamic people
Virgin loser.
Degenerates detected.
What in the fuck? Who complains about this, this is good shit
she probably showers, so her ass is less rank than yours
Bright pink panty girl has a fat pussy.
People get turned on by this?
dude you are the epitome of degenerate
you're a slov
that's enough degenerate for 16 lifetimes
you're just mad that not everyone thinks women should be inside cooking.
that's what the fucking chef is for you poor cuck
i don't get turned on by it, but this beats them trying to talk or be smart
think of it like lawn decoration
>girls are more sluttier than ever before
>still can't get laid
just end my life already tbph fambino
yes and no, but I would most deff make my qt do it, just to annoy her.
am i the only one who just isn't attracted to it? also, if the girl can't dance then it's usually just embarrassing for everyone
>you're just mad that not everyone thinks women should be inside cooking.
Its only white western beta males that think this, and jews of course
So that young girl's a big pothead?
It's funny how these people don't understand where dabbing started.
Ass spasms are the most boner-ruining thing I've seen in popular culture.
Yes, tell me more about her smelly, rank shit smelling ass. That nasty slut!
More of this please.
> tfw no skinny slav gf to jump on your dick
99% of the people doing it think it just came from that quarterback for the Panthers
No, there are children there. It's a family event!
Brazilians be thick as fuck.
You're gross
What I would do to get ahold of an unjewed Slav girl that isn't half starved...Consider yourself lucky ,Vlad.
Oh... Boris... This is not good...
it's revolting and primitive
How many Jews are still in Russia?
only brown people.
ITT Neckbeards who don't have fun and have never touched a women
Right on the feels