Really makes you think...
>Against murdering babies
>Responsibly decide not to have babies you can't take care of
>Liberals want you to take care of the babies they had but can't take care of
>hurr why aren't conservatives willing cucks
>these are the only options
Shitty people should stop having children.
or how about don't get pregnant in the first place? you can't just kill a kid because it's inconvenient to you
Reminder that whites would already be a minority if not for Roe v. Wade. You'd keep abortion legal if you were smart.
Great argument m8.
>people shouldn't be responsible for their actions
Jesus Christ is this really how libfucks think? Can we just kill them all yet?
The good news is they don't have kids themselves (and if they get pregnant they can partake in their favorite pastime of killing babies) but the bad news is for decades they have indoctrinated everyone else's kids.
why do you want to force stupid women to keep and raise their 'mistakes'?
You'll only get more shitty poor people that way
>calling fetuses 'babies'
there is a reason why foreign adoption is huge.
the obvious reasons are the mom won't ever be able to legally reverse the adoption when the child is 6. the second is its cheaper to buy a yellow/brown/slav baby then even a nigger baby in the US.
The jews run the education system. They aren't being bred out, only indoctrinated whites.
The liberals are right about this one issue, blacks need dem abortions
adoption is a scam to make you go thousands of dollars in debt
Oh well that settles it. Let's allow the rampant infanticide to continue unopposed.
So long as it keeps crime rates down.
Little miss slut blacky getting a coat hanger up there so her little shit doesn't grow up to rob me of my TV because daddy was never there.
The line to adobt white babies is a thousand miles long. This post is a lie, as all leftists are liars.
Not a surprise since their father is the father of all lies.
If you don't want to take care of my children you shouldn't protest me murdering them.
>abortions become illegal or at least very fucking hard to legally do unless some sort of approval
>women are still going to have as many babies
Hmmm, somebody doesn't know that people will take responsibility after they see the dangers
>cells not capable of conscious thought
>conservatives actually want to stop dumbfuck niggers, spics and white trash from having more dumbfuck retarded babies
Making abortions illegal just creates more and more welfare recipients.
so a living things right to live is entirely derived from conscious thought?
too many people. abortion is a good thing.
Or you know... Take China's lead on this and put lead in everything.
save all the flies! they are life, anyone who kills a fly shall get the death sentence!
Yes, hence why you can turn off life support for people in vegetative states. A tree's alive but chopping it down for wood isn't murder.
We tried that once, leaded gas noogie noog. Made a lot of baby boomin cucks
Hence why everyone is pro abortion now.
Only thing better would be aborting the mother while we are at it
So why is the murder of a pregnant women often ruled as a double homicide? It is here often times, state side.
Implying that the unborn child does indeed have the right to life.
You kill flies, spiders, creepy crawlies and all sorts of little animals like rats almost every day.
Some of these creatures are even intelligent.
What makes a human whose intelligence is not even provable any more worthy to be alive than a rat, whose intelligence and consciousness is provable?
so then a human gains conscious when it is born? or is it alright to murder infants out of the whom?
Because they wanted to punish the motherfucker who killed someone who consciencely wanted her child. Those fucks are on par with pedophiles. A woman who does not want the child should not be obligated to have it, especially with a population of 7.1 billion
Dead babies are a source of stem cells, Therefore i'm very pro-abortion.
Keep pushing for that murder leftists, It will make me live longer
"Thus, if a defendant kills a pregnant woman and the woman is far enough along in her pregnancy so that the fetus could have lived outside of her at the moment the mother was killed, the defendant will be charged with two counts of murder, one for the mother and one for the fetus. If, however, the fetus could not have survived outside of the mother at the time the mother was killed, the defendant can be charged with one count of murder for the mother but cannot be charged at all for the death of the fetus."
Nobody's arguing for third trimester abortions
No, it's roughly 24 weeks or so into the pregnancy from memory.
You can not possibly punish someone for infringing on the rights of some one when that someone has no rights to begin with.
The only injured party in such a scenario would be the expecting mother. Not the unborn child. Therefore, should not be punished for the demise of the unborn child.
so now it's memory? I thought we were talking about conscious.
The Catholic Church operates some of the oldest and largest orphanages in the world. Nearly ever orphanage in the U.S. is administrated by a religious organization of some kind.
Now guess who is a major opponent to abortion.
Cuckservatives want eugenics but don't want abortions...
Given current science and technology, test tube babies are a reality.
From my memory, as in i cbf googling the exact numbers.
It's a shame you can never tell if yanks are baiting or legitimately retarded
>who is against stealing
>who wants to give me whatever i want for free
Did you smash that hard drive? it's capable of memory you fucking monster!!!!
ITT virgins who want everyone else to stop having sex because they don't get any
Who is against race mixing?
Who want's to look after a black persons baby?
>Who wants to adopt?
>Groups of gays and lesbians raise their hands
>Conservatives: NO! you're going to have this child and it WILL NOT LET IT HAVE PARENTS! fuck you!
makes me think
>would adopt an Aryan
>would adopt a pure Nippon
>deep down would be a cuck
damnit, Sup Forums
The main point is the conservatives want to do everything possible to limit abortions, but absolutely nothing for the children born into shit situations as a result. It's contradictory.
If you weren't american I'd just assume this was bait but in case it isn't:
From my memory, conscious thought develops 24 weeks into the pregnancy.
i took the effort to google it. ". Its physical substrate, the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation."
Since your reading comprehension is clearly nonexistent, this means that between 24 weeks and 28 weeks pregnant, the baby can start to think.
>He wants the next generation of children raised by parents that didn't want them
Im sure that won't irreparably fuck them up.
I always thought there were huge wait times for adoption, I swear that is how the media used to portray it anyway
yep, you nailed it buddy
Whether or not they're adopted is irreverent. Abortion is fucking murder, and if your counterargument to that is "well then nobody will adopt them and they will end up in orphanages, then unless the suicide rate for orphans suddenly becomes 100% you have no reason not to be against abortion.
Take care of your fucking offspring you degenerates, or at the very least, stop having unprotected sex if you can't deal with the consequences.
There are wait-times for white, healthy, newborn children. No one else really.
It's not contradictory to say people should take responsibility for their own actions.
>no you can't kill it
>no we aren't going to pay for its upbringing
Nice strawman bait
can we kill people that are Unconscious?
Typical abortionfag attitude. "Well I'm not taking responsibility no matter what, so if you're going to try and take me take responsibility rather than KILLING A BABY TO MAKE MY LIFE EASIER, you should have to take on the burden for me!"
Leftists are the most fucking dead-weight leeches on society.
I'm actually fine with abortion though because blacks use it more than whites.
If conservatives truly thought abortion was murder they would be doing everything possible to push for birth control and sex education as possible in order to limit the greatest number of abortions. Instead, they do the opposite. Conservatives are contradictory with this issue because it is based in christcuckery no, killing a zygote is not the same thing as killing a human. obviously. (unless you are a christcuck who thinks the zygote = a human because it has a "soul")
don't try to save him from an overdose, he is unconscious, he's no longer human.
Getting an abortion is taking responsibility for it. You're limiting their ability to take responsibility based on flawed reasoning.
>It's not contradictory to say people should take responsibility for their own actions.
Even if it's at the cost of society as a whole? When you force a person to raise a child they don't want, you aren't gonna raise a positive productive member of society.
>Who is against murder?
>Cool, now who wants to clothe, house and feed the person who wasn't murdered for the next 18 years with zero expectation of repayment?
>haha checkmate conservatards >:^)))
considering they're indefinite overgrown children, it might teach them a sense of responsibility
just dont fuck without condoms?
so difficult?
It's too hard to adopt a white baby.
How about not fucking?
Is that so hard?
Here OP I fixed this for you.
>murdering babies
clumps of cells /= babies
removing said clumbs of cells /= murder
Considering personal responsibility is a myth in this day and age, fucking put abortion centers on every corner. Idiots do idiotic things and I don't want a bunch of idiotic crotch goblins floating around. To stop abortions in order to instill some sort of responsibility in idiots is like hurting yourself expecting your enemy to feel the pain.
>I'm actually fine with abortion though because blacks use it more than whites.
Only in America.
In Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, whites are the biggest abortion recipients.
One post by this ID
Come on guys I thought we were better than this
t. sheklelib
how was your last abortion fatty?
Technically we're all clumps of cells.
previous life maybe, considering I'm a man. When was yours, you poutine guzzling sack of canadian lard?
Yeah, pretty much yea
Sleeping and capable of conscious thought are different things. Let's put it this way.
Fetus develops conscious thought in a state similar to people who are unconscious 6 months into pregnancy. From then on, as long as it will continue to have conscious thought later, it is alive.
It continues to be alive until either it dies, or suffers severe brain damage to the point that it becomes a vegetable. If someone is in a coma and won't wake up, turning off life support is not murder. If something has not yet had conscious thought, it isn't alive yet.
Jacking off is not murdering sperm. Periods aren't murdering eggs. When the two join it's not magically a fucking baby at that instant.
Being asleep is not incapable of thought, and this reading comprehension is why everyone makes fun of Americans.
never im also a dude
>inb4 poutine is bad
>Abortion isnt murder, its just a clump of cells
>nobody wants to adopt it? we should just have killed the fucker
If you ban abortion women will be forced to chose their partners carefully...but wait, women and chad don't want that.
Why do so many conservatives and fundamentalists enjoy taking away opportunities for women to get birth control or make it incredibly difficult to do so?
>kill a pregnant woman
>get charged with two murders
>murder a baby
>the state pays for it
Because Jeebus.
why cant women keep it in their pants
what about the opportunities for the baby?
because morality
Not really
Why should I be forced to raise a gutter baby by either proxy or by hand?
We should be re-implementing the stigma of the single mother and bringing in heavy fines for divorce (for both parties).
The need to create a better society for the future hinges on the nuclear family and the push to keep a two-parent household to raise a child.
Kill urself retard, you're the only abortion that should have happened.
A fetus in its mother womb will eventually and always become a child without anyone fucking intervenening, it is practically one already, sperm will stay sperm forever without being injected into an uterus via fucking, you fucking dumb shit mongoloid.
The white race is losing to niggers and muslims because of the jewish kikes like you are promoting abortion and all white women who say retarded shit like muh body who are not having kids. While white women keep aborting their kids muslims are fucking outbreeding you, you dumb retard.
Notice they don't make "diverse" crowds when the aim of the propaganda is to demonize the subjects in the comic. I wonder who could be behind this...
No, its because religion. There is nothing economically or socially beneficial from banning abortions. It's funny, Conservatives want less taxes and welfare. But promote ending abortion which would swell taxes and welfare recipients. I'm conservative and pro-choice. This "holier than thou" I have better morals than you pissing match is what fucks us over instead of moving forward. Congrats, you don't like abortions, how about let's look at the numbers and see where banning them will put us in a decade.
Economics collapses when you stop weighing in the value of human life. It just becomes numerology.
what about the athiests that are prolife
maybe the threat of child support should be extended to a wider target than just deadbeat dads