Sup Forums jerks off over authoritarian anti-degenerates who love their country

>Sup Forums jerks off over authoritarian anti-degenerates who love their country
>hates Castro, an authoritarian anti-degenerate who loved his country

Yeah but it's not MY country so fuck him.

>But but, he has a different economic preference than the one I support

Because pic related. We only like national socialists, not leftist commies.

In what way shape and form was Cuba under Castro not NatSoc?

watch as the hyper-thyroided hormone injected burger attempts and fails to answer the question

Pick one.

And dont forget it, both of them likes to lick russian dick as well

nice meme

NatSoc is not Social Authoritarianism/Leninism.

>NatSoc is not Social Authoritarianism

>hates Castro, an authoritarian anti-degenerate
>filthy commie
Just no.

He had to be a commie if Cuba was to be free. That means no US intervention/pseudocolony regime, like the ones you have in Puerto Rico.So he had to go with the USSR, but it wasn't the initial objective of the revolution. After all, Cuba never adopted a flag with commie symbols; that's somewhat curious, isn't it? Heck, even Angola did it, and Ethiopia for a little while.

Not justifying that dipshit, but Sup Forums seems to fail mostly on the nuance-distincion area of history.

What the fugg

The real question may be, after all... has a Cuban flag ever been flown on Sup Forums?

>not leftists
fuck national socialists

>>hates Castro, an authoritarian anti-degenerate who loved his country
What do you base that on?

yea lol

You have that half right

Pictured: OP

>Castro loved his country so much he kept it under extreme poverty and slavework for 80 years

Such a patriot,
Holy shit kys anytime

haha fucking rareflag of the Caribbean

Fidel was a dirty commie
But he was a relic from an earlier era- when men were men, and they fought and died for ideas bigger themselves.
yeah communism a shit, but Fidel had physical courage.
Everyone these days, on all sides of the political spectrum, is a manchild.
I think it's sad.

kicked out the foreign parasites, made america shit their pants over a tiny island

I think we can all agree with that.

>nu-Sup Forums is real
Welcome to the obvious, you're a year and half late
>In what way shape and form was Cuba under Castro not NatSoc?
Castro called himself (and thus Cuba) Marxist-Leninist
Didn't sold his country to kikes and expelled them, protected it from becoming the puppet of other states
>spreading disinfo
God damn butthurt HUE's
Cuba is better off than Brazil
Hopefully Trump will bring a new era of those men

If his presidency catalyzes the revolution, then yeah, sure.

His daughter had to bitch at him to lessen up on his anti-LGBT laws.

>b but my retarded cognitive dissonant response to OP