We now know meme magic is real

We now know meme magic is real.

Trump got elected.

Mere weeks after weaponized autism was directed towards #pizzagate, a Norwegian international pedo ring got arrested. Coincidence?

We must appreciate the gravity of what is going on here. Gets are rituals. We focus so much collective willpower into memes that some of them manifest in reality.

This is true power, anons.

We must use it wisely.

Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is fake and gay.

You know how much energy and collective thoughts went into pizza gate? We are still nowhere to cracking it.

>>use meme magica wisely
Do you think we could meme Santa out of christmas?

I'm sure pizza gate is real, but I realized from the start that there is literally nothing the average citizen can do beyond simply spreading the meme. Somethings are just so bizarre that they will never gain traction in the mainstream or be taken seriously. It's basic human psychology, some things are so terrible that humans sub consciously choose to block them out or disregard them to avoid the trauma. Pizza gate is one of those things, along with accusations of Jewish ritual sacrifice which are real and documented. Dumping that meme because that's all I can do. youtube.com/watch?v=XRWUu6FLFgU

Goddamn, guys do you fully appreciate the gravity of what has just happened...

We memed for years about Pinochet giving commies helicopter rides, and now not 24 hours after the legendary get that heavily implied killing commies, motherfucking Fidel Castro who was arguably the last big name old school commie dies on fucking Augusto Pinochet's birthday. The coincidences here are insane...

l mean holy fuck. I am unironically convinced meme magic is real.


You do know what a meme is right? You're not using the word in the right context.

The get was about liberals. You are just looking for validation of your retarded fantasy.

Praise Kek, Fuck the nonbelievers!

Well it's not a humorous meme, but it's an idea that is supplemented with a video. Here's a picture. You want a caption too?

You think you can out-loosh the collective belief and love millions of small children hold for the jolly red fat man?

The picture was about killing commies you dense Fuck

Whatever, 90 year old man dies--it's fucking magic.

Here, you think this shit is real? Here's my meme. See if it does anything.



>Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme.

>I'm going to ignore every statistically impossible event that has happened on this board because I'm dense motherfucker
I'll bet you're a pinko piece of shit too

gif related

>90 year old man dies
>statistically impossible

Choose one phaggot.

fuck leftist

Gets are a chicken or the egg sort of thing. There is numerology involved, but I also believe it is our focused will and attention we pay to the gets that power them.

>If a get happens, and nobody gives it (you)s does it still please kek?

Will the plane crash that left no survivors in les bains Switzerland be known as the rift that opened up meme magic for the first time?

I'm serious here. Sup Forums shitposted for so fucking long and what happened was way too coincidental.

For you.

You're dumber than every leaf on here combined.

>implying Kek didn't predict trump victory
>implying baneposting didn't break the fabric of reality and kill hundreds of innocent people
>implying Castro dying on le free helicopter rides man's birthday isn't a bizarre coincidence
I could go on and on, but I won't. You've proven yourself to be uranium tier dense fuck

>A guy was elected president
>Some people died
>An old man died


I bet you fags listened/listen to insane clown possie.

Hindsight bias faggots. Go to community college and learn about it.

You seem frightened

Sorry to rain on your parade, but you sitting in your room typing on the computer trying to will shit into existance is a fucking delusion.

Get a job you retarded NEETS. Goodnight, I'm going to bed. I will be applying for 3 more jobs tomorrow because unlike you fags I'm actually trying to pull myself out of this shit hole of a mess I created by being a larping retard for the past year.

Leaf, If you're interested in this stuff, look up studies on mediation and its effect irl. Personally I think I has to do with focusing many wills on something that needs to be accomplished. Prayer and meme magic would be very similar phenomena.

Many gets don't do shit. That's irrelevant.

It's the fact that even a small amount manifest. It's real power.

Yeah you're definitely at least a little frightened. Don't worry user. The world was chaos before we harnessed meme magic and it will continue to be chaos despite our harnessing it. We just learned to ride.

Honestly, the more I think about it, maybe Hillary Clinton was right about Russians and their weaponized propaganda. I have no other reasonable explanation as to why I decided to literally throw my life away over fucking retarded conspiracy theories this past year. I fucking called my boss a Jew, got fired, fucking living with my parents again, all for what? To feel like I have some fucking power, when in reality I'm just an embarrassment to my parents and to myself. Goodnight you oblivious faggots, I hope you see the light of day and decided to fucking copy paste this shit so others retards can see it.

>Prayer and meme magic would be very similar phenomena.

Correct, but memes with their infinite capacity to reach millions at an electron's speed, make them magnitudes more powerful.

I have a full-time job, go to school, and still have time to LARP. you must be in a retarded shit mess for some other reason......

Have you tried praising kek?

Kek is a false idol. I am a Catholic and as fucked up as I am, I am not about to fuck my life up even more over some retarded number shit.

Even if it worked and I got to see all the political happenings I dreamed of, it still wouldn't change myself which is ultimately the one thing that needs to change if I want happiness. So Castro dies, o.k. you may get a little jolt of excitement or feel bewildered, but it does nothing to change you as a person except that it moves you further away from a meaningful relationship with God. I don't even know why I'm typing this shit anymore. I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

My pet theory is the globalists harness the power of the masses by focusing our energy on things of their choosing. Eg., Kardashians, Kaitlyn Jenner, etc.


After 1/20/17 Pizzagate Ops begin...everything so far has been Intel aggregation...
The next phase involves actionable Intel.
Pizzagate will be the mainline narrative in 2017.

This fbiAnon said meme magic is real...

Trump isn't elected yet, enough faithless electors could still let hillary in (and what would be more chaotic than that? When you deal with a chaos god, do not expect all the laughs to come at your enemies' expense)