Are you ready for Sup Forums 2.0?
Are you ready for Sup Forums 2.0?
Sup Forums 2.0 > Sup Forums 1.0
/lgbt/ is already a thing tho
Reminder Sup Forums is a Christian board, so you can fuck of you commie fedora tipper.
So basically off-topic Sup Forums threads?
This forced meme is not funny.
Communism is pure evil.
You're really bad at this.
>one single strayan cuck posting this shit
Fuck off Kike Worshipper.
Sup Forums is a truth board. Communism always fails and that is a fact.
This is actually disgusting and my hatred for redditors has been renewed
yeah what happened to bbc posting
that was great
>Slavoj avatar
Commies invade Sup Forums later that day Castro dies.
nuff said.
You already have /leftypol/ so why don't you go fuck off back to it.
wtf i love le sniffling man now
> kike worshiper
Meanwhile where are the Jews in communism?
Because their intent is not to have a place to post on this site, but rather take it over and form it into a leftist-meme factory.
There is literally nothing politically incorrectness in communism
Sup Forums will become a lefty board, invasion or not.
When Trump is president the instinct will be for everyone to be contrarian. Over time this will become bleeding heart liberal and people will hate Trump here since they think it will make them stick out as a rebel. As Trump continues to flounder with scandals, people here will go against the "system", people will want change, and then that will be the new Sup Forums.
But really it will be a change back to what Sup Forums was like before during George W. Bush, all this already happened when Obama became president and everyone turned right
delete this it wont happen
>the contrarian meme
those idiots will stay as nazi larpers since no one anywhere supports them.
the nazis would just point at all the jewish pandering trump made and blame them again.
wrong, leftists would still need a coherent argument otherwise Sup Forumss core wont parrot it
you can be a capitalist, a nazi, or ridiculed
t. swecuck
fuck off sad cunt
>muh gommunisms
>Muh kike god
Yeah, you both can fucking take a dive into a vat of acid
Wouldn't being a nazi still be the ultimate contrarian position.
dead before red. remember to sage and hide commie threads.
Go spend some time in the /NSG/ it'll do you some good.
all commies must hang desu senpai