You guys are such fucking losers

You guys are such fucking losers.

OMG REPEATING NUMBERS THE WHITE RACE IS SAVED. No wonder the white race is dying, you are more worried about repeating numbers than you are fucking women!

Other urls found in this thread:

Women won't fuck me. I'm autistic.

You have to go back spaz


The white man will rise again and wipe out all races below him

Kill yourself
>May kek have mercy on your soul

Either fake shill or redditor. Either way leave now.

Has anyone seen this movie? I think it's a good watch if you ask me.

but muh nazi larp and asian gf

>meme magic doesn't work, goys!!!


lmao that pic
redditors really are pathetic.

it's like getting mad because some kids down the street didn't invite you into their clubhouse


Hes right you know.


>Numbered posts

Pick one


If meme magic works why are there still a bunch of shit skins coming into Europe?

fuck kek and fuck Sup Forums

>Said an Ausfailia user faggot
lol, how does it feel to share your shitshack island with Abo niggers?

If this gets dub s OP dies in his sleep

>Sup Forums is basically an alt-right echo chamber

Why do people who never come here force this meme so much? You can't be banned for having an opinion here, and there is no unifying ideology whatsoever.

Doubles = Trump dies tonight and Merkel takes over Europe

Gods aren't omnipotent, dumbass.

OP is telling you that you are too autistic to make babies.

you're just jealous of these digits kiddo

Did you reply to the wrong post?

yet another nu/pol/ cuck thinking his reddit-tier flag "zinger" is worth typing, actual discourse be damned.

kill yourself you fucking cancer.

If im such a loser how come my guy won, your cunt lost, and here you are whining in my posting sancuary? Will you be here posting in 4 years, like the cargo cultist you are?


Kek does not favour you.

I'm really starting to fucking hate the term "echo chamber". For fuck's sake, as long as you're not a retard, you WILL be exposed to different points of view throughout your life, and you'll have to confront them. There's also nothing wrong with having a place to discuss things with like minded people, not everything's an echo chamber you dumb faggots.

I only fuck women who's age is repeating numerals

kek brings us women. praise kek.

>muh white wymon
have become worthless. Artificial wombs will save the white race


im so not baited by your shitty thread i had to come and reply to it with this beautiful webm

You have to go back, reddit fag.

>double digits don't do shit
Oh yeah?!, watch THIS!


There is missing an i between 84 and q kek

>attempting to change the opinion of the site
>when this Albanian basket weaving imageboard is in a constant state of disruption
No one is this stupid, right

Well the term does have useful application for actual echo chambers like reddit

you couldn't wait to post that for at least a couple of (you)s man


>He doesn't believe in Kek
Day of the rope soon.

>share island with abo's
can go years without seeing one.

If you stay inside shitposting on Sup Forums all day you neet faggot

Yeah that's true, but it seems like people are too quick to call anything that has people gathering with similar views an echo chamber.

I'm convinced that like 40% of posters on nu-Sup Forums are either bots or shills.
The "meme magic" and "kek" shit is the most forced unfunny meme I've ever seen on this board.

It's annoying as fuck having an interesting thread derailed by two fucking numbers. It's not a communist plot to destroy our loving Sup Forums national socialist community.

PRAISE KEK!!! lol do I fit in now?

haha ebin meme bruh, +1 upboat karma for you good sir xD

every time I get repeating integers I fuck my gf

women are gross tbdesu fampai


Fuck these idiots are sad.

>getting this fucking mad about board/site culture then trying to project yourself onto it by saying it's from Reddit

You need to go back. Please lurk for 2 years before posting. Trump already won the election. Suck my dick.

you are shit is all retarded


This came about during the summer, and it's completely leddit tier.

Because it's a meme.