Still think its reddit?
Well that means you fell for the smokescreen. 8ch's /leftypol/ thinks they can colonize Sup Forums through means of spamming. Now I'm no advocating spamming back but...
Still think its reddit?
Well that means you fell for the smokescreen. 8ch's /leftypol/ thinks they can colonize Sup Forums through means of spamming. Now I'm no advocating spamming back but...
pol doesn't give a shit, they just reply to themselves.
They're pathetic and even more autistic than the people here. Their board is dead and even less popular than the furry board on cripplechan.
Why don't they harass 8ch Sup Forums?
8chode is reddit though
I don't care what those dogfuckers think is an effective way to piss in a ocean of shit
8cuckpol has actual mods
Good question.
Not even wheelchan's Sup Forums takes these faggots seriously. Not even wheelchan's new pozzed four-times-cucked Sup Forums takes them seriously. Not even fucking /midpol/ takes them seriously.
There's no reason to spam them back, they get less than like 200 unique visitors every day. It's impossible for them to do anything long term to this board other than MAYBE force a shitty meme that lasts a couple months.
>Commies try to invade Sup Forums
>Castro dies
Where is my flag????????
They always become "why we hate communists" threads. I quite enjoy our 2 minute hate.
Good for a laugh after all the election craziness.
At least they're focused on economic inequality while Reddit is focused on racism or some other gay shit.
Meme warfighter reporting in
Its a nazi safespace and they all are banned.
Top kek!
Didn't even think about that. They shouldn't have messed with the frog god.
>colonise a board
>with ideology 9/10th Jewish
just let them post and they will get btfo a few times and go back
Why are you making a thread about an irrelevant board?
>Now I'm no advocating spamming back but...
But what? Who gives a shit.
>Commies eternally irrevocably fucking stumped and blown the fuck out
>nazi safespace
Those guys are paranoid as fuck. But it is nice going on there from time to time because it isn't filled with a bunch of spam, also threads dont get slid as hard so it easy to tell when something is being covered up.
>nice dub btw
who cares anyway? their board is a shithole and everyone that goes there is an edgy faggot
Nobody is forcing you to care. Im just making it known where the source of spam is from.
>that pathetic post count
Lmao get fucked forumlet
holy shit kek.
That is funny as fuck. They are playing with fire.