That is 1.8 = 6x6x6
Why would Kushner do this? Was it a mere coincidence?
That is 1.8 = 6x6x6
Why would Kushner do this? Was it a mere coincidence?
>Was it a mere coincidence?
of course goyim.
Having known political jews, I can confirm that numerology is very important to them. No clue what this means, but I am certain it is meaningful.
It's meaningful to us too.
nice double-dubs
maybe he thought it was cool
18 is considered a good number by jews because it has the same value as the word for life in Hebrew.
Nice digits. I've heard about the Kabbalah and Gematria & Numerology, but what is most peculiar about this is the 666. I know that "Star of David", or "Seal of Saturn" has a 666 hidden in it.
American education, everyone.
Isnt that similar to the whole "666" thing anyway?
>1.8 = 6x6x6
I'm not sure what you mean. The way the Hebrew alphabet works is that every letter also has a specifically assigned numeric value. The letter/word for life just straight up has the value of 18.
Both of you are idiots.
Isn't that a strange "coincidence" considering that 18 is 6 + 6 + 6 though?
Also it's just one letter so there's no addition involved.
>implying 3 payments of 600,000 = 666
Thats really interesting!
Actually I looked up this Chai number and it is common for jews to give gifts in multiples of 18..So the purchasing of that building for 1.8 billion could be connected; however, why did he change the address to 666?
Also, 18 is just 6*6*6, similar to their star
That has more to do with who wrote the book of Revelation and how you interpret it than jews. They just consider 18 a lucky/auspicious number.
>1.8 billion / 3 = 600,000
And youre calling me dumb hahah
But yes..
Nice trips Kush!
He didn't imply that remotely are you an actual retard?
I would assume he did it as an edgy joke. Jews don't exactly respect Christianity.
How autistic is OP that he noticed that?
If I had massive cash I'd probably buy a 666 property for fun.
Right but why do they find 18 to be a "lucky number"? Gematria was created after the life of Christ and at that point the synogogue of Satan was well established, so Gematria was definitely created by Satanists. Why were they focusing on 18 as a "lucky number" which is coincidencentally just 6 * 6 * 6?
Do you suck at math that bad? Have you never heard of reading something before? Youre hopeless nigger
trump tower is 664 ft. that is if you believe wikipedia. in reality it is exactly 666 ft tall.
Doesn't the whole "Jews like giving gifts in multiples of 18" thing set off any alarms for you though? This seems a lot like that.
Exactly and his penthouse Is on the 66th floor
Holy shit lol!
Why is "elites" shit always so superstitious?
Us normal folk aren't.
The numerical values of the letters and the word both predate gematria.
Similar to our "meme magic", they have their own powers.
Got up in a mind to get up Fixed on the day Shook any fears I had Washed them awayAnd what better way to wakeThan hearing their voiceGet up in a mind to get upDaddy there’s moreYou gotta clear the decksIt's Saturn's peakThe pattern’s denseThe world’s obliqueChange it allIt's Saturn's turnCut it cleanThe pattern’s goodWhat better way to startThan hearing the callGet up in a mind to get upIt’s ours to exploreYou gotta clear the decksIt's Saturn's peakThe pattern’s denseThe world’s obsceneChange it allThe planet’s oldCut it rightThe cloth is boldClear the decks, let Saturn peak(Get up in a mind to get up)Cut it right, the world's obscene(Get up in a mind to get up)Change it all, it Saturn's turn(Get up in a mind to get up)
lmao yes he did. He connected a $1,800,000 to 666. It's absolute bullshit.
Looks like an owl.
That's pretty spooky.
No it doesn't and even if it did Satanism is really old.
i just shit myself
How the FUCK are people not pointing out this obvious fucking fallacy holy fuck you americans are retarded
You're too much of a blue pilled normie slave to see how the two are absolutely connected.
Haha youre kidding yourself others clearly see it kike 6*6*6 = 18.
The address was literally CHANGED to 666 5th Avenue
Dont be retarded
He speaks.
what the fuck is going on in that picture?
Because kikes give money in multiples of 18 you retard.
You sound triggered
its sad i know.
only Sup Forums is retarded enough to elect a satanist
Its not just owls
Yes it does. The alphabet was used as a numerical system before it had any mystical connotations. You're forgetting that Arabic and Roman numerals weren't always a worldwide standard.
He doesn't look Jewish at all and is very handsome. Let me guess he's like a 1/4.
Why do I get the feeling that you two are shills trying to spin a -pizzagate- onto Trump and divide Sup Forums?
Yes I see.
Because youre retarded. Pizzagate is legit, so is all this.
oops, forgot the link...this shit is REAL
He does look very Jewish. I believe he is full Jew. Besides Jews these days are like chameleons, they dont have as much of a distinct look anymore.
Link with some proof? I don't know that much about these ancient alphabets.
Because you're that badly brainwashed by the establishment.
Yeah no kidding haha. This is no different from all the other Elite "flaunting"
Synagogue of Satan.
He's full Ashkenazi and is full orthodox.
He runs a very big orthodox Kike school.
Very influential figure in religious kikery actually.
True that.