What does she have to gain from a recount especially in those particular states...

What does she have to gain from a recount especially in those particular states? Why isn't Hillary calling for a recount herself?
Did stein make some backroom deals to get the green party future funding?

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If the Democrats stole votes from her this will potentially expose it.

I think that might be it, if any votes can help stein get over the 5% barrier or closer to it, she'll do the recount.

every jew is trying to find the holy grail, she should wash her pussy with it, but as a jew her fucktard genes would break it into pieces so we have to fucking fix it again

Aw thats sweet. She is skyping her father.

post yfw the recount comes in and jill actually won in a landslide

mfw I see that hot piece of ass parading around for the next 4 years.

Hillary isn't calling for a recount because it will show that she rigged the vote and still lost.

The green party has always made a big deal about recounting votes and got money from butthurt people on the losing side.


this. You have to get something like 5% to run again the next election I think.
She did this last time too.

There is so much meaning contained within your words, it's platinum.

main thread

Jill stein in the 60's

Jill stein in the 80's

>Living in a society where every bank transaction is recorded and backed up a thousand times and any infraction will result in a financial penalty
>Can fly to space and land things on asteroids
>Can't accurately run a vote


>DNC approaches Jill to start a fundraiser to initiate recounts in the 3 swing states Trump won because Hillary would look bad requesting them.
>Offer her a chance to be part of their new government and she begrudgingly accepts.
>The fundraiser is mostly DNC/Soros funded via a bot, but other people can donate normally as to not raise suspicion.
>WI petition gets accepted.
>Recounting gets underway and they "find" a shitload of Hillary votes somewhere.
>WI is flipped to blue.
>The other states get recounts approved soon after the petitions for them get sent, most likely due to either bribing or outright blackmail by DNC/Soros.
>They "find" missing votes for them too and those states flip.
>Trump is put on trial for fraud and imprisoned via kangaroo court.
>Hillary is made president and brings in harsher surveillance and censorship laws to counteract any resistance or critique.
>MSM play it all off as completely normal

wonder how many dudes shes fucked

probably in the 100s by now


she's like a good wine...

only gets better with age.

Can't even tell that she's Jewish.

She wants the swamp drained. Trump stepped back on it.

would love to see these lashings


As scary as this scenario sounds, its practically impossible.

They can't "find" votes in a recount. The votes that were cast have already been accumulated. Its not like someone will be able to walk in with a big box and say "look guys, I found a whole buncha vote! mysteriously 100% clinton!"

The recount will not turn up thousands of new votes. That would reek of fraud.

Look, the fact is if there was any way out of this, you wouldn't of gotten thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/one-week-election-loss-hillary-clinton-looks-like-death/
You wouldn't of gotten funded riots, you wouldn't of seen the transition of power taking place.

This isn't a happening, this is a distraction at best. Green wants its 5% so it can run next election.


She wants to attract as many Bernouts and other disillusioned Democrats to the Green Party before going back to obscurity.

Because the assholes that rely on massive voter fraud to get elected are the ones making the laws

>find voter fraud on EITHER side
>hey guys guess you should vote for a third party candidate next time *wink wink*

shes playing 420D chess

>Don't get 5% so no monies for party funding
>Get money from butthurt HillShills/Soros/etc.
>Recount may get her enough votes for the funding
>Keeps excess money

Is she the ultimate jew? She's literally jewing everyone


$7 million

Just like they "found" votes for Franken

She is literally so fucking hot

Well, WI is generally a hard blue state, so that could help.

MI too, but MI has confirmed its red, and the recount's been done

>Why isn't Hillary calling for a recount herself?

Al Gore has never lived down the 2000 election and he's had to endure countless jokes about it ever since then. Hillary doesn't want to be Al Gore all over again when a) the chances of the states actually being flipped are slim and b) she criticized Trump when he said he wouldn't accept the election results if he lost which is going to make the media reaction even worse that it was for Al Gore.

Plus, the circumstances between Clinton and Gore are ridiculously different.

Gore lost by 5 EC votes, which is almost any state.

Clinton would have to Swing all Three back to win, and that's basically impossible, especially when Michigan is basically finalized.

She'd be the biggest laughingstock of all time, even more than she already is.