Why do millennials earn less than their parents?

Why do millennials earn less than their parents?

Inexperience, lack of negotiating skills, and declining western industry.

My Dad's welfare checks were worth more than mine.

Because their parents fell for the globalisation meme.

jesus christ i'm tired of that chicks face Sup Forums posts her too much it's pissing me off she looks like a schizophrenic hobbit

>interns deserve the same pay as ppl with 30+ years experience

>Why do millennials X

Jesus, I hate these fucking threads

jobs available:
factor job entry level position : 10 years experience required no beginers

>Why do millennials earn less than their parents?
Oy Vey goy! If the multinational corporations are given preferential treatment and allowed to avoid taxation while simultaneously sucking your country dry - the wealth transfer to their owners, CEOs and executive boards will totaly flow down right back to you!

Can't you see how importing migrants taking away your job creates more job opportunities for you?

Soros is a good guy also remember 6 gorillion you nazi!


Social politics instead of free market.
Speculations with landownership to keep the prices artificially high.
Crafts/trades being devaluated by illegal immigration.
Entitled kids who were raised under the propaganda that everyone is equal and deserves to get everything for free.

itt. communism

back than the men where working and the wifes were at home so the salary went all to the men

now men and women work so the salary is split in two

simple economics

Millions of domestic jobs have been exported, while huge numbers of low-wage non-white helots have been imported.

Also, the population growth caused by massive immigration has substantially increased property prices, making it hard for millennials to enter the property market while allowing their parents to charge exorbitant rents to squatemalan helots who live ten to a room.

At least we aren't getting anymore blacks


>Social politics instead of free market.
>Speculations with landownership to keep the prices artificially high.

Allowing the latter is a free market policy.

We are getting plenty of fresh African niggers, especially in Minnesota and Maine.

Because they are all lazy and genuinely believe they will eventually be rich and famous. However they all lack talent/the ability to achieve said wealth and fame

Test djdnxicnxn


If the millennial on the left were to oblige, she would be making more than her parents if you know what I'm saying ;)

My grandma has been freaking out about this and I guess trees some legitimacy to her claims

Those middle 2 are free market tho OH I SEE YOU AND YOUR IDEAS :3

>tfw work at Wal-Mart

Because they are lazy entitled children who expect to get everything handed to them for free, unlike their parents who had nothing and busted their asses to earn a decent living.

Millenials truly are the cancer of our society.

Way more competition worldwide. You have to consider how after WWII the US was the country that produced almost everything for the rest of the world. Not so much anymore. We are increasingly competing with developing countries. Our parents just lived during a very fortunate time as far as geopolitics and economics go for the US. My dad was making $10/hour right out of high school working in Inland Steel. He was able to drive a new car, a full cart of groceries was like $20, rent was cheap, had tons of money left over.. enough to open his own business. We live in a different time. It's not because they were "better" than us. They were lucky.

t. lazy millenial trying to find excuses

Stop bringing facts into the equation; you'll encourage the boomers to start WW3 thinking that we can return to that golden era as long as we destroy enough international infrastructure.

Fuck off Nazi bank. Obama passed laws to force you to report US tax evaders those lazy leeches.

Liberal arts degree, no real world skills, care about wasting money to look rich.

>implying we care
Stay mad and poor, millenial.

And who raised the millenials?
If a generation is shit, it's the fault of the parents who raised them.

The boomers ruined the West for fucking everyone
>outsource the well paid jobs
>import millions of brown people to undercut white workers in the remaining jobs
>vote yourself nice low tax rates
>when you get older, vote yourself ridiculously luxurious pensions
>stay in work well past your expiry date, stopping younger people from moving up and filling your role
>coddle your children until they reach their 20s so they never learn independence
>finally retire, sit around complaining about the lazy kids not moving out after your generation outsourced the jobs, drove down wages, were overbearing helicopter parents, and now drain away the wages of the underpaid remaining jobs because someone's gonna have to pay for that retirement plan

Because their parents both worked, spending no time with them to teach them how to earn more than them.

Boomers did something with their lives, millenial sit all day long in front of their computer wasting time playing video games or complaining how life is unfair because nothing is handed to them. That's the difference.

>not realizing that hippies were boomers as well
>wat is inflation lmao

Drink bleach please

>believing boomers were all hippies
>not knowing inflation is mainly caused by millenials who keep buying useless shit every year like iPhones and other retarded shit
At least I can afford bleach. :^)

Our parents turned us into faggots. Literal butt fucking ass pozzed faggots
With blue hair

Because they're moaning little bitches who think everything should be handed to them.
Where I work we have a high turnover of staff at entry level jobs. And I've seen that anyone over the age of 25 will almost always work their arse off, put in extra hours and take pride in their work. These people soon get promoted and get pay rises regularly. The attitude they have is "if I work hard now my employer will realise my worth and increase my wage".
Most employees under 25 spend all day bitching and moaning about the work. Which is easy work. Complaining that other people get paid more than them, that they have been given more tasks than someone else or just generally whining about how hard it is. Their attitude is "I don't get paid enough to work hard, pay me more money and I'll work harder".
That's the difference, there is a backwards way of thinking drilled into them. Thinking they were born special when they are just another cog in the machine. If you want something you need to fucking earn it.

worked there too, its hell.

LOL boomers are the laziest fucking humans on the earth. Dunno what crack ur smoking, clearly haven't been in corporate america long, or probably thought organizing ur desk was a fucking accomplishment.

Bill I need you to sign off on my reports.
>YEAAA....... it's 2pm and my sales didn't go through and they wont call me back till next week, and I have been fiddling with my computer for the last 2 hours to figure out how to edit this PDF file but gave up (was using the wrong fucking software), so I'm gonna go home.

Will you sing my reports tmrw?
>Yea yea, after I finish the next call with my client, which I could do now but I think I'll call him in the morning.

Spend the rest of the day finishing up the next project. In the morning boss flips shit on me for not finalizing anything because sales wouldn't fucking sign off on the analytics. Get yelled at for not telling any one and jerking off for the rest of the day, even though I started working on the next thing in the que. Next thing in que sales wise falls through because lard ass couldn't call the client in the morning because he didn't have his coffee yet. He then sings off on my project and the client is soo impressed with the report every one gives him a pat on the back, while i'm called the lazy one.

Fuck baby boomers. Me listening to pandora doesn't equal playing Windows solitaire for 5 hours because the internet was too slow for your taste.

Apparently the Swiss education system is churning out fucking autists who can't even into reading comprehension these days

My point was that just like every other generation, boomers had their share of useless fucks

>boomers had their share of useless fucks
I never denied that fact, but you can't deny that most millenials are entitled lazy fucks.

Is it the stench of mass sharting that bad?

>Invasion of the job snatchers

While there are about 185 different types of visas, there are two main categories of U.S. visas:

Nonimmigrant visa - for temporary visits such as for tourism, business, work or studying.

Immigrant visa - for people to immigrate to the United States.

No, its just not satisfying. You slave away all day/night and finish a job only to come back in the next night and see it all destroyed.
it literally never ends.

about 1/10 customers reeks of weed.. its horrible. The act stupid as fuck.

Are you an over nighter ?

I'm cap 2, It's pretty fun desu.

Are you an overnighter ?

I'm cap 2, It's pretty fun desu.

Never did, but to pin the problem on that factor alone is fucking autistic

I was overnight, but because of getting my life fucked over I could no longer work nights, not that they paid me enough to even live off of.

How long have you been there? I liked it at first but it slowly gets the fun killed out of it.

wtf is cap 2?

So what are you doing now ?

Unloader, 2 to 11PM. I've only been here for two months and it's changed my life a lot, I used to be a friendless NEET virgin and now I'm getting laid, have tons of friends, one of whom I've gotten really close to.

Going to school,
The people I worked with were a bunch of bluepilled normies.
Congratulations. I had hoped that would be my outcome, but there wasn't really an opportunity for that there for me.