Have you ordered your Red Cap Collectible Ornament yet, Sup Forums?

Have you ordered your Red Cap Collectible Ornament yet, Sup Forums?


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Why would I buy a 1 star item?

Why is it so expensive?

>24 carat gold

Shit, make a cheap aluminum one and I'll buy it, Trump hasn't made me rich yet

It's truly a thing of beauty.

you mean karat
carat is for diamonds

This thing will be worthless once Clinton steals the election with her recount.

If you see this image while scrolling, you have been visited by the cozy red cap of freedom

Great walls and prosperity will come to you but only if you type "sleep tight, maga hat" in this thread

>Buying white privileged hats

Huh, learn something new every day

He's really extracting the NEETshekels out of these autists now isnt he

Sleep tight, maga hat

>Shaun "I'm black guys I swear" King

sleep tight, maga hatter

If something is made to be collectable, it's not collectable!

Why is this guy advertising for Trump?

Thake this to /po/, they'll make you one you can print out for nothing.

Hell, maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

but will it be finished with 24 karat gold?

>That tweet
How is this even a fucking issue?

sleep tight, maga hat

made of brass and finished with gold? That's actually really cool. The hat itself looks great as well.
People are acting as if they are being forced to buy this thing.

sleep tight maga hat

eat my entire ass and go back to twitter

Sweep tite, manga hap.

they wrote some really mean things in the amazon reviews

Sleep tight, maga hat

>believing that a three state recount will change shit
>believing that a recount in general will change shit

Eat right, mango cat

Sleep tight, maga hat !

sleep tight, maga hat

but seriously what are these fucking reviews.
How mad can liberals get.

Where does the money go?

post screenshots

see for yourself

sleep tight, maga hat

"Sleep tight, maga hat"

>Trump makes a ridiculous ornament and sells it for a ridiculous price
>Media advertises his expensive ornament for free
>Sales go trough the roof

>post yfw 4d chess

how many of those 1 to 3 star reviews were written by people who actually bought the ornament do you think?

sleep tight, maga hat

We are gonna git one this week actually.

sleep tight, maga hat

judging from the literal brass and 24k gold I'd say it's just slightly more than it's worth

Those are just ironic Amazon shitraters, very exotic and strange species.

fucking 0

I bet they all live in either WA, CA, or NY

sleep tight, maga hat

>"Being the patriotic fellow that I am and also a lover of caps I bought this ornament for my tree. The following is my review:

>I put this ornament on my tree and by the next morning when I came down the beautiful green pine needles were fluorescent orange and the star atop was replaced by some sort of pelt from a guinea pig or something.

>By the second day pine needles and Christmas ornaments were fallen off the tree equidistant from the outer branches piled high like some odd barrier of broken Christmas cheer was being erected around it.

>By the third day, the tree now bald, had become possessed, and was yelling racial epithets at the new neighbors it assumed to be Mexican but I believe are just Italian while spouting out nonsequiter statements about emails, Benghazi, China (lots and lots of stuff about China...) and "THE Jews."

>UPDATE: Christmas morning, the tree has now taken possession of an iPhone that was placed underneath it the night before as a gift for my son and has set up several twitter accounts to complain about the unfair treatment of the tree while reaching for my wife's genitals... "

Wow hilarious 10/10 great job

why not just use your MAGA hat in place of the star on top of the christmas tree?

Because that's where a keep my Kek statue, heretic.


How about put the MAGA hat on top and tape the kek statue on top of the hat?

sleep tight, maga hat

sleep tight, maga hat

Oh my god it just gets cringier

>"Not my Ornament"

>We had numerous discussions. I was very fond of a beautiful blue ornament conceived in Brooklyn and lovingly crafted in Vermont. When that got nixed, I favored the green. A few of my friends even agreed, but most just defaulted to what you might call the "classic" blue.

>There was just something about that blue ornament. I didn't hate it, but--okay, well I did kinda hate it (probably because I was so in love with the Vermont blue), but I also kinda liked it . . . it's just . . . so many unseemly accessories . . . I just couldn't jump on the bandwagon. "Green," I said, and went to sleep, believing I would awake to a tasteless but tolerable blue tree.

>Good God. Imagine my revulsion when I saw this loud, gaudy, worthless piece of s*** on top. And the swastikas and pointy white hoods that seem to have materialized out of nowhere. So much white, so much ugly, loud whiteness. And male. I've never seen a Christmas tree so burdened with unfocused testosterone. The ornaments are so tiny really, the tiniest. You'd think that'd be their saving grace, but they're determined to compensate for their freakish deficiencies with noise and self-assertion.

>I just wanna be clear about one thing. This is not my ornament. And I will do everything I can to take it down. Probably short of violence. We'll see how bad things get. And I can't help wondering which of my idiot friends and family actually thought this tacky s*** was a good idea.

Jesus, somebody get the cream, there's some serious butthurt here.

My favorite part is the review going "omg rayciss conservatives never gave Obama a chance ;((((" followed almost immediately by the review stating "I WILL DO ANYTHING IN MY POWER TO TAKE HIM DOWN #NOTMYPRESIDENT"

>sleep tight, maga hat

sleep tight, maga hat

>mfw people will pay $150 for this

What exactly is he raising money for lol


>The guaca bowle was cheap plastic with an Jeb! stamp on it

This is 24 karat gold my man. 24 karat gold.

yeah but they were each 75 buxs. For $150 you could buy two and put each ball in there.

Okay I looked it up and he's apparently trying to raise 65 million dollars for his inauguration, the most expensive inauguration ever.

Kek I love capitalism

I like the ornament, but the campaign should include options for poorfags because $150 is quite ridiculous

sleep tight, maga hat

Sleep tight, MAGA hat

> $149
> made in china

Trump is the world's best con artist.

>made in China


sleep tight, maga hat

Made in Mexico then, doesn't matter.

>doesn't provide proof
>doubles down instead


>mfw I reported every single account that voted 1 star

Sleep tight, MAGA hat



>these people voted for a businessman

>oh my god, he is doing business to make money instead of fleecing money out of the government by way of lobbying!!!

I got this link earlier in a text message from the Trump campaign to buy the ornament for $99 instead of $149. If any of you richfags are actually considering buying it then here you go



>Made of brass and finished in 24 karat gold
>finished in 24 karat gold

that $0.0001 worth of gold plating is not a suitable excuse for the pricetag

god dammit

sleep tight, maga hat

sleep tight, maga hat

$5 in labor and materials, charges $150 for it.

sleep tight, maga hat


the fact that it's hand made is tho, go fuck yourself poorfag

you should have bet on trump and you"d have won big shekels

sleep tight, maga hat

sleep tight, maga hat

Art of the deal, baby!

lel, this looks like it's straight out of Mao's China

sleep tight, maga hat

I work in a factory. The each item my line makes costs the company where between $10 and $15. The starting price to buy the item is $300 and can reach about $2000.

Of course, there are other lines that are much higher labor cost, so our line subsidizes those.

$99 a month subscription donation

Why does Trump only make quality products, he needs to make some knock off tier goods that we peasants can buy

You have to click the box to make it recurring.

only if you check the box, user

Sup Forums's autism makes the JIDF look like a bunch of amateurs

I got text saying 99 donate for black friday and I got it for that price. Pretty good considering gold is avg 38 dollars per gram for 24k now.

sleep tight, maga hat

There's a reason we won the election and they didn't.