Why did Clinton do better among more successful Whites?

The proof is in the numbers. Trump won among White Trash and failures, while Clinton did better among high income earners.

Why is this Sup Forums? Did poor Whites vote Trump because they blamed minorities for their failures when true blame lies with themselves?

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>did better among high income earners.
She still fucking everyone of those brackets retard

Social desirability plays a large role in an individual's voting pattern. Moreover, the highest bracket of earners on this chart covers many of the industries that are threatened by Trump's rhetoric regarding work visas.

Use your brain, moran.


These are the people who make up most of Trump's base

>muh deplorables

Call us racist and stupid a few thousand more times. It's bound to win us over eventually.

Clinton was going to have large tax cuts for rich.

Trump has larger tax cuts for poor (excluding single mothers and immigrant households)


Also these

>She did better
>literally worse than Trump in every bracket

Your own graph disproves it kek

Have you even looked at the unsourced chart you posted?

Is this a joke? Your image btfo you.

I don't understand? Trump has better numbers for all groups.

Your image contradicts your post retard. Only cucked white people voted clinton

High income earners prefer the status quo by definition

High income earners had more to lose in any kind of "chaos scenario" that was pitched by MSM

High income earners can afford to move somewhere that isn't BLACKED, regardless of how shitty border states and sanctuary cities become. Some Blue areas of the country are expensive for a reason, and it isn't because they are excited about immigrant neighbors

High income earners hobnob and can't be seen to be anti-PC or they will lose face, lose opportunities, lose deals, lose jobs. Virtue signalling is pretty much mandatory.

High income earners consume lots of media to be aware of the world, from twitter, MSM, HBO, etc and are most likely to crumble in the face of enough anti-trump propaganda

High income earners assumed the rational lesser-of-two-evils argument

High income earners have spouses, many of whom were """"WITH HER""""

Of course Clinton did better among the rich. They are turkeys voting for no Christmas this year. Should we base our politics on what the rich in society wants? Fuck no. We should base it around average joe, helping mom, dad and 2 kids in Kansas - what is good for them is good for almost every American as the poor can move up to a respected middle class and that middle class can send their kids to Ivy League schools one day and be the new rich if they try hard enough. Clintons america is to keep the poor poor, make the middleclass even poorer and to make the rich richer. And you defend her by saying that somehow because rich high earners support her, that is somehow a good thing? Daddy has the support of middle america and is going to deliver an America that is great again. Sorry you're butt hurt

this desu

So you're that famous Mexican intellectual I keep reading about.

What you say is true but also when the government people say they will take food stamps and help from people they think they mean only black people not them also. Poor white idiots always vote against there own needs. Like they want the coal minds opened back up in Kentucky because they think it will get jobs going again what they do not understand is they will just automate the mines and hire maybe a 10th what they used to.




Who'd think socialism-lite is more appealing to the privileged?

Really boggles the thought patterns.