I had an interesting night in ATX

I had an interesting night in ATX.

>be spic from south texas/ basically mexico
>downtown tonight having a few drinks and enjoying the chaos that is 6th street
>see group of about 10 - 15 "protesters" in masks going up to police officers and screaming stupid chants at them
>stand in front of the police and stare them down
>literally all people my age (millennial) except maybe one or two people
>they cannot maintain eye contact with me
>I'm fairly certain they understood how fucking dumb they looked
>start asking what the fuck they're doing
>white male cuck in hipster glasses every so slightly shorter than me and weighs easily 140lbs shoving a camera in my face
>mfw i think back to all the videos I've seen on the net with people talking about shoving cameras in their face
>this dude is putting his camera literally in my face getting close up shots of my lips/stache/mouth
>tell him to fuck off me and if he wants to talk we can fucking talk
>"no one wants to talk to you! you're annoying!"
>he continues to talk to me, so I continue to stroke the flame
>can see his hands trembling, he's obviously on a heightened state of awareness/scared because this is the most action he's ever gotten in his life
>more white male cucks move in and one token asian faggot with another video camera yelling at people calling them racists
>they tell me to back off because I'm touching one of them (I wasn't, at least not intentionally, people are right in front of me, I'm not fucking stupid)
>one shit skin fuck literally shoves his elbow into my rib and that asian faggot turns his back to me shoving his back pack into my chest
>but i'm the one "touching" them
>listen to them bitch and moan about how ignorant I am of minority issues (again, I'm a fucking mexican who grew up around mexicans and used to think just like them)
>get lectured by two or three white guys about how I'm ignorant and how i need to use my brain to see what's "Really" going on


>they cite stats without actually citing numbers
>tell them black people commit more crime statistically than everyone else in the country when you consider their overall population in the united states
>we go back and forth, I'm drunk, two white cucks and some asian fuck shoving cameras into my mug preaching to me telling me how I lack empathy and that I pass off as white
>mfw a white 28 year old political science major from st. louis who has lived in austin less than a year tells me I pass off as white and that I should check my "bias" (to which I asked him if he meant check my privilege)
>says he's an anarcho-primitivist
>the other white cuck says he's a communist
>they both walk away from me because "I don't get it" and "i'm wasting my time with you"

White people, what the fuck happened to you?

Jews, but the better question is what will u do when they completely take over in 20 years

>tfw when invading californians have utterly destroyed Austin

I miss the good old days.

it's unfortunate.

i didn't ask where the other cucks were from but god-damn I've been here for about 5 - 6 years for school and haven't really encountered anything like this until tonight.
they were the austin peaceful streets people shouting down police officers. one of them yelling "GET A REAL JOB" and i asked him what the fuck he does for a living and refused to respond. Holy shit what a cancer to the community these people are.

Bud you are an absolute pussy. You should've done what I did last month
>at liberal university
>at party
>high on wax so i decide to walk home
>realize its 1pm
>decide to go to class
>walk up to the bridge and a bunch of protestors are there
> I'm white and they tell me to fuck off
>I tell them they're being rude so I push the fat lady blocking my path
>I think it was a guy
>black guy walks up to me
>I didn't even realize he's talking to me
>he's fucking pissed
>I'm standing still and a crowd is forming around me
>ask if I can join their protest
>he says no
>I ask why
>he says "you don't even know what its about"
>I say "you're right, and I dont care either fag"
>point behind him with an astonished face
>he looks
>I slap him in the back of the head and begin sprinting
>I lose him due to my swimmer body
>arrive at classroom
>realise its Monday
>no class today
>take another hit from my cape
>walk back home
>go to cross bridge
>the dude was waiting for me
>I took his snap back off and threw it into the crowd
>it distracted him
I ran like a mother fucker and spent the entire day outside of a Wendy's because I couldn't remember which apartment complex I lived in.
You ought to have manned up and owned that shit mexibro
Just rub your nipples if they start that shit again and they'll leave you alone, numale masculinity is a fragile thing

I meant my vapor pen I don't have a cape haja

i stood my ground though, I didn't try to smack anyone up and run off, like I said I was standing right in front of a squad of officers. I wasn't going to start some shit unless some shit was started with me. Plus I could see that one kids hands trembling, I could hear it in his voice so i stood right in front of him and just talked a bunch of shit to him, called him a cuck and he just stood there and took it like the bitch he is. All i had to do was stare him in the face and that was too much for him, he couldn't look at me in the face, he had to look at me through his shitty android phone. they wanted to shove elbows into my body, sure, let them, they're half my height and i've got 20 pounds on them and I'm skinny as fuck, they weren't going to do anything to me and if they did I'd put them in a RNC and put them to sleep.

Austin is full of fags op, you should know this by now.

>tfw get called white by other minorities

>tfw get called white cis male by other white people when I'm clearly darker than them

>tfw black chick started hitting on me because she thought I was white

Feels good man although I will never be white and always a chicano, why even live brehs

for that chicano privilege, ese!


Did one of them have a scarf?
Please tell me they did I'm starting to hate guys with scarfs now

Nah nigga you need to make them even more uncomfortable next time, ask for their mother/girlfriends phone numbers and begin shouting who George soros is at the top of your lungs. I had an excuse, you didn't. Fucking red pill the masses rather than give them mean looks like a bully

I'm aware, like I said, just never really overtly experienced this shit till tonight.
Yeah what the fuck, two white dudes telling me I pass off as white when my first and last name are as mexican as you can get and I have a beaner stache and I'm from the fucking valle and lived there for two decades.
I'm happy being a spic because I can just throw this racist bullshit to these cucks tonight and watch them try to rationalize what it is they're saying when it's dissonant to their own beliefs. Fuck those putos

Tbqh you might actually be white, don't be shy of your Spanish genes.

Well at least I can down Mexican food without getting the shits I guess.

That too

As a Californianon I fucking hate my state and I apologize for all of our bullshit

I can't confirm the scarf (because I just started at their faces most of the time and I had 5 or 6 rounds of whiskey) but one of them had the little square glasses and a plaid shirt and had peach fuzz for facial hair. typical privileged nu-male cuckery dressing.

i had a conversation with one of them for a solid 30 minutes and it didn't lead anywhere. he was dead set in his view and he was desperately trying to convince me to accept his world view, he wasn't going to swallow any pills tonight. I tried to explain to him using what I thought were rational arguments, but it just went in one ear and out there other. I also had to routinely point out to them that I let them finish their sentence and they could not for the life of them shut the fuck up and let me finish mine. So it was pretty pointless in retrospect. But I did enjoy seeing them tremble and just staring them down when they were doing their stupid chants. You could see it in their eyes, they knew they were being perceived as idiots and they just had to keep chanting to take them away from feeling uncomfortable from people looking at them like they're retarded. I wasn't the only one staring them down.

People say I look like Pau Gasol a bit but I don't know how white he is.

>I don't have a cape haja
What you doing on Sup Forums then you fucking faggot

That's fair I guess, soros is right now funding all blm and anti trump protests. The numales probably think its just free money, either way make sure to share it with us if you get famous on the YouTube man. You are honorary white as of today if your heart desires the title bud

I spent all my inter nets on some high quality nigger bashers, I have to save up again

Tbh, being a tall mixed race man is great.
Whites call me white when it's convenient,
And I correct them when it's not.
Arguing with anti white bigots is comedy gold every time,
And identity my existence is a slap in the face to identidy politics.
"Jamal Guido Cortez"
Same senpai

I hoping they release the videos, they said they would. We'll see what comes of it and if I don't come off as a drunk rambling idiot. :^) still had afucking blast and the cops were total bros too.

Looks white to me.

And you didn't lay down an ass whoopin? Smh

>what the fuck happened to you?
life got too easy

no struggles = find something to rage against

You're asking what happened to whites but you're bragging to Sup Forums that you're a cuck for their acceptance?

Do you not see the irony?

I'd only lay the smack down on them if one of them tried to go toe to toe with me.
All they could do to me was yell in my face (while I laughed at them) and tell me I'm white (when the majority of them were white, I'm not) and tremble from the adrenaline rush they were having from not having an exciting life outside of video taping "protests". I made it a point to be very loud (standing next to police mind you) when they tried to shove their twig arms into my sides. There was only one shitskin there and he was one of the ones who tried shoving me, so I nudged him forward and told him not to touch me, the kid was way smaller than I was, he knew he what he was going wasn't smart.

Why the fuck are they protesting on 6th?

Moreover, what's y'all's favorite bar on 6th?

I'm partial to Jackalope.

Tell him to get the fuck off the street then or his tribe will execute him with a sharp rock for using technology

>white acceptance

You realize a lot of the Texas posters are mexican like me, right? What the fuck makes you think I'm pandering to white people? I just asked that because of the ridiculousness that was this circus of white people shouting down minorities and minority police officers and, if you're new to Sup Forums white people are the masterrace here, right? do you not see how that question fits? are you a numale liberal cuck too?

I don't know man, I walk down there a bit and haven't really found a place I can say I actually like. I always end up at the elephant room, but that mostly because I know that crowd and play with them.

As i started reading your post the first thought i had was "so then fucking go back to mexico"

But as i kept reading i enjoyed how you handled this. You seem based enuff. You can stay pablo -white male who is alpha


>You realize a lot of the Texas posters are mexican like me, right?

I'm not, reeeeee

And, desu, my family traces back to the Republic

Dominican Republic?

It's surreal how blatant the California influence is on Austin and how passive and cucked it's long term residence are. You guys fucked up pretty bad by not being assholes to everyone or so poor no one wants to move here.

I tried to sympathize with him by telling him about my experiences with magic mushrooms and my exploration of the unconscious primitive human and channeling that energy into my instrument but he just ignored that and said that I lack empathy and walked away. Fuck that dude with a club desu

that's cool man. my family (at least one half) didn't come over until the late 1800s, somewhere like 1880s. My aunt still has cattle contracts from the family from then and pictures of some of my great-great-great relatives.

>white people


>Trying to relates to normies
>talks about psychedelic hallucinations

You know they're not that open minded right? Its like that rule where the more stupid someone is, the more likely they ate gonna think theyre smart.
Same thing with empathy.

Nope you guys just moved into Texas due to its cheap housing and low cost of living, good economy as soon as the housing bubble collapsed back in 08

I was never an "austinite" but grew up close enough to see the worthless Californians for what they are.

>and that I pass off as white

That's a serious crime these days, I suggest you get your ass tanned if you don't want to end up fucking murdered by leftists and their pet niggers.

Considering you were drinking it sounds like you handled it well sempai

My beautiful state is being ruined by the blue shitstain of Austin, we need to rise up and put these faggots in the ground before it's too late desu

Get out of Austin. Get on I35 and go back to San Antonio.

the thing is, I am tanned. i'm a mexican lmao

> always a chicano

there's nothing wrong with chicanos bro.

it's BEANERS that piss white people off

you know them, you see them probably more than i do.

pissy little mestizos with a chip on their shoulders cuz they are 5 foot nothin, cant speak english and recognize deep down inside that speaking spanish in public is just as rude here as speaking english in mexico (for which i got hit on the head with a wooden spoon by somebody's abuela)

beaners KNOW that they are violating the courtesy that they would demand in mexico, just as niggers do

Protip: most black people despise niggers too, but they have been convinced by the lefties that hating niggers means hating all blacks, and yet i doubt theres a white person who hates ben carson, alan keyes or tony brown.

Bonus Protip:
we hate frogs, wops, paddies, scandis and canadians too, for the same reasons

this is AMERICA and if you come to america we expect you to act american, just like when you go to japan you take your fucking shoes off before you go into somebody's house, bow instead of shaking hands, and when you see a loli on the train, you rape her.

it's called courtesy.

I found some of the "protesters" facebooks.
No surprise, they're literally retarded people.