What happens in 2017?

what happens in 2017?

I'm scared

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We are going to make the Western Reich great again

why be scared?

Sup Forums will inevitably turn against Trump, however, contrary to what lefties believe, we wont turn left, instead we will claim Trump is not right wing enough, that the Wall isnt large enough, that he didnt deport enough Mexicans, that he didnt nuke Mecca, etc

Everyone's getting laid



nazis actually look pretty clean and fashionable. only north korea comes close with that level of organized stuff all modern parties have no balls to do any of the glorious show off BS they got going

you don't want to know drumpftard.

We purge all the thumbnail posters

Because what if this ends?

What if after 2016, our meme magic is over, and there is no more control for us, and we all fade away into irrelevancy again.

We will all get qt gf's

it wont
its only getting bigger

Make Socialism National Again.

Pizzagate flips the entire fucking world on its head. Citizens get angry but don't know who to nuke, decide to behead 30%of politicians and all the countries shake hands and start over

only 30%?

can't we do all of them?

>what happens in 2017?

Mainstream goes Sup Forums

More famous people die and some leftists turn into centrists after realizing Trump isn't a bad guy.

This. Prepare to get tired of winning.

Wow literaly shaking

If only. USA needs Hitler now more than ever.




Texas secession


Please enlighten me on the control and power you enjoy, delusional faggot

You're still the most insignificant cog in the machine

We make America great again. Then we see what we can salvage of Europe.

The rest of the world will have to manage on their own I'm afraid.




More foreign leaders assassinated by our government, more exploitation of other countries, more federal defecit, more pissed off libs. It's gonna be the late 60s all over again.