Sup Forums is a literal reddit colony

Sup Forums is a literal reddit colony

how did this happen

Because people like Varg.


There's nothing to talk about anymore


le ebin trump pepe memes flooded reddit and twitter here

people like you poured in at some point

It's a colony of Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Reddit


we are a stormfront colony. the far right rules this board and desperate NEETs eat up the propaganda. they like how they can make blacks and jews at fault of their poor life choices.

(and im just here for (you) posting).

New wikileak
Jews, tribes of Israel being royalty

Not enough traps and gore to keep the normies away.

There is pol just doesnt want to hop of the kieks dick

this is why immigration is bad folks

the migrants spit on your culture and replace it with their own

that would be a condominium.


the election, should die down soon.
...s soon

The age of anti-reddit is over. The majority of the kids on Sup Forums right now use reddit.

Sup Forums is not the website it was 10 years ago. It's not even the shitty website it was 5 years ago.

There was a thread yesterday created by a trap. You might just know him.

>The age of anti-reddit is over. The majority of the kids on Sup Forums right now use reddit.
only on Sup Forumsddit and Sup Forumseddit

Compare it to other chans and this board is complete dumbed down shit

Reminds me of old Sup Forums during its decline. Everything devolved into click bait and porn and shilling.

No, I hardly ever go through trap threads. All shit loving fags trying to get attention. The only good ones are 2-d. Even then it's still fairly garbage. I do however recognize how effective they are at keeping normies away. Totsuka a cute though desu.

No, even the strongest boards like /jp/, /tg/, or /m/ are long gone.

You keep saying "normie". Are you aware this is a word crated by SRS invaders making fun of Sup Forums's long term use of the word "normalfag"?

So what do we do

Sup Forums is the absolute worst board on Sup Forums.

The mods ban you for opinions and still ban any mentioning of Trump even if you're discussing video games and aren't violating any rules.

Don't even get me started on the worthless scum that is Sup Forumsirgins either.

Nice numerals friend, thanks for checking mine.

>Sup Forums is the absolute worst board on Sup Forums.
Please see:


Thank you friend, at least some manners are not lost in the wasteland.

>Unironically browsing reddit

Stop projecting faggot, you have to go back now

Who are you quoting? When did I say I browse reddit?

Learn from me, my friend
World peace has been achieved

We didnt clean our rooms.

This numeral shit needs to stop to.

Back to and

>"normie" comes from reddit

Apply for janitor positions

Out shill the shills with your own right wing propaganda

Apply for mod spot

Not much else you can do. Too many niggers have discovered this board.

The term "normalfag" has been used for years, but the term "normie" popped up when SRS invaded in 2014. Anyone who has been here more than a couple years knows this.

>Hurrdurr serious board
This website used to raid Habbo, shut the fuck up already you edgy twat

i doh neven no how to redd

>Discussing "chan culture"

Holy shit, this whole thread is filled with literal fetusfags

Reddit is for Gayfers...

Who are you quoting?


Make Sup Forums great again.

An implication =/= a quote
Talking about the origin of "normie" and "normalfag" is some serious cringe-tier shit user.
Nice numerals friend.

>Nice numerals friend.

>lure reddit in
>feed them redpills
>some change, some leave

All according to plan
Who's plan? God only knows.

How is telling newfags that they are spouting a reddit meme while they decry reddit a bad thing?

hello r*ddit
>Nice numerals friend.
why are you still checking the post number in the year of our lord

what about jews. i don't like em.

>Taking a habbo raiding website this seriously
>Taking a gushing granny poll rigging board seriously
>Taking a middle name changing board seriously
>Taking a cucked board this seriously

Because shit smells like shit, so I called it shit

Nice numerals friend

Do you get paid to shitpost or do you do it for free?

For free everyday.

Because you're a faggot.

I hope you find something better to do with your time when you get out of school. God bless.

God bless user.

Currently trying to get into school. Too much of a lazy sack of shit though.

>how did this happen?
Is it not obvious?

Entire post in meme arrows

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